President — Keith Madaras, P.O. Box 329, Pemberville, OH 43450; phone: 419-287-4920; e-mail: kmadaras@wcnet.org
Vice President — Jim Sugg, 216 S. Wilhelm St. Holgate, OH 43527
Membership Secretary/Treasurer — Craig Spoores, 18384 Weston Rd.Grand Rapids, OH 43522; phone: 419-832-1575
NTA Director — Craig Spoores, 18384 Weston Rd., Grand Rapids, OH 43522; phone: 419-832-1575
Alternate NTA Director — Keith Madaras, P.O. Box 329, Pemberville, OH 43450; phone: 419-287-4920; e-mail: kmadaras@wcnet.org
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Junior (under 16) with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $15
• Over 65 with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $15
• Lifetime membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $200
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
NWOFT, Membership Secretary/Treasurer
Sam Dewyer
1315 Lyn Rd., Bowling Green, OH 43402
Our January sale went quite well with the price of ’rats and ’coons much better than what was expected. Although the quantity of fur seemed to be down a bit, we had a great turnout of both sellers and buyers. Thanks to all who made the sale a success.
The new facility seemed to work well and we will discuss the idea of keeping the sale in Tontogany in the future. If anyone has any suggestions regarding future fur auctions or the fall trapping clinic, please don’t hesitate to drop me a line or contact any of your officers or board members. Thanks again. Time to think SPRING!
— Keith
Jan. 10, 2010
Northwestern Ohio Fur Traders Auction was held at Tontogany American Legion was very successful with 45 lots and eight buyers. Total sale was over $20,200. Very happy trappers with the prices paid.
Total High Average
Muskrats 1559 $9.00 $6.67
Large 1200 9.00 7.53
Large Dam 55 2.50 2.81
Med. 82 4.75 2.82
Flat Dam 113 2.50 1.32
Raccoon 926 15.50 9.00
Large 88 6.00 3.77
XL 231 10.25 7.28
XX 193 13.00 9.63
XXX 286 15.50 13.88
Rub Dam 128 11.50 3.84
Mink 65 16.00 8.93
Male 45 16.00 10.47
Female 20 12.00 5.47
Opossum 14 3.50 2.135
XL 4 3.50 3.25
Large 8 2.50 1.69
Med. 2 2.25 1.63
Fox 26 21.00 9.27
Red 23 11.00 7.74
Grey 3 21.00 21.00
Coyote 59 21.00 9.49
For more information on this sale, please contact: Keith Madaras 419-287-4920, or Craig Spoores 419-832-1575.
— Craig Spoores