Northwestern Ohio Fur Traders, Inc., March 2011 Report

President — Michael R. Perkins 7378 Whitacre Rd. Cygnet, OH 43413; e-mail:

Vice President — Jim Sugg, 216 S. Wilhelm St. Holgate, OH 43527; e-mail:

Secretary/Treasurer — Mike L. Perkins, 9839 SR 613 Van Buren, OH 45889; e-mail:

NTA Director — Craig Spoores 18384 Weston Rd. Grand Rapids, OH 43522; e-mail:

Membership Options:

• Individual membership including subscription to T&PC — $20
• Junior (under 16) with subscription to T&PC — $15
• Over 65 with subscription to T&PC — $15
• Lifetime membership with subscription to T&PC — $200

Complete membership application on first page of  association section and send dues to:

NWOFT, Membership Secretary/Treasurer
Craig Spoores
18384 Weston Rd.
Grand Rapids, OH 43522


Hello everyone. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year! I want to first start off by introducing myself. My name is Michael Perkins, and I am the new President of the NWOFT.

As many of you know, we recently had our fur auction at the Tontogany American Legion. I want to thank everyone who helped out with the sale and all of the trappers and buyers who allowed us to have another successful sale. Although the overall number of lots was slightly less than last year, we still had some new faces at the auction, and even some young first time trappers. It’s always nice to see young people getting involved in trapping and eager to learn new things.

Below is a brief summary of the auction. I hope everyone was pleased overall with the way the sale went, and I ask you to please contact me with any questions, comments, or suggestions regarding the auction or the NWOFT. I wish you all the best the remainder of the season and hope you can introduce trapping to someone new! Until next time… Take Care, God Bless and Happy Trapping!

— Michael R. Perkins


January 8, 2011

Northwestern Ohio Fur Traders Auction was held at Tontogany American Legion with 45 lots and 5 buyers. Total sale was over $18,500.

Trappers were a little taken back by the lower than expected prices offer due to the international sale the day before. The items sold were very close to last year’s volume of fur sold. There were more raccoons and mink than last year with muskrats off by two hundred.

Listed by Total, High and Average

Muskrats — 1,375, $ 7.30, $5.46

Large — 1,104, 7.30, 6.29

Large Dam — 131, 5.00, 3.02

Med — 140, 3.50, 1.64

Raccoon — 1,072, 20.00, 9.39

Large — 110, 7.00, 4.75

XL — 225, 9.00, 7.96

XX — 357, 15.00, 10.67

XXX — 237, 20.00, 13.95

Rub Dam — 143, 9.00, 4.46

Mink — 61, 15.00, 10.43

Male — 48, 15.00, 11.42

Female — 13, 10.00, 6.77

Opossum — 11, 2.50, 1.55

XL — 3, 2.50, 1.67

Large — 5, 2.00, 1.80

 Med — 3, 1.00, 1.00

Fox All — 15, 18.50, 13.00

Red — 15, 18.50, 13.00

Coyote — 14, 20.00, 11.38

For more information on this sale, please contact: Craig Spoores 419-832-1575.

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