President — Ken Mills, 13004 W H-40 Hwy, Rudyard, MI 49780; phone: 906-478-6631
Vice President — Lloyd White, 2739 W M-28, Dafter, MI 49724; phone: 906-632-6071
Secretary — Cory Carter, P.O. Box 292, Wells, MI 49894; phone: 906-233-9976; e-mail:
Treasurer — Mark A. Spencer, N4552 Spencer Lane, Moran, MI 49760; phone: 906-292-4779; e-mail:
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $20.50
• Junior (16 & under) with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $15.50
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
NGLFH Treasurer
Mark A. Spencer,
N4552 Spencer Lane, Moran, MI 49760
Ken Mills started off the meeting with a moment of silence for the trappers who passed away in 2008: Bob Wilson, Larry Finch, Greg Porter, Herb Baxter and any others not mentioned. Ken stated, “These individuals will truly be missed by the association because they were friends and supporters of NGLFH.”
The current board and directors were introduced to the membership by Ken Mills. He thanked them for their efforts over their term. The elections were held and Ken Mills was re-elected as president, Cory Carter was re-elected as secretary, Paul Davison was re-elected as LP director, Sprague Mudge was re-elected as UP director and Gary Reid was re-elected as Canada director.
The September meeting with the DNR was explained with some of the highlights mentioned in the November T&PC NGLFH Association News. The importance of the four Michigan trapping associations acting as one voice shows organization and unity to the DNR. The September meeting sets the ground work for the February/March meeting with the DNR to present to the NRC.
The NTA update was given by Kevin Syperda and he stated the Iowa meetings went very well. He told the membership the 2009 NTA Convention will be held in Lima, OH and Marshfield, WI in 2010. The endangered species act is being used against trappers if precedence is made. The wolf was de-listed and now is re-listed as an example.
The Trappers Education meeting scheduled for September was cancelled due to the CWD or Chronic Waste Disease in southern Michigan. The meeting was rescheduled for Oct. 1. All four Michigan trapping organizations have donated to the printing of the students’ handbook.
It was discussed between the membership about the convention times and days of operation. It was decided to have the convention on Friday and Saturday only and not include Sunday in 2009. We will still be able to set up on Thursday as normal, but dealers can breakdown on Saturday night. This will be a test year to see how this works for the dealers and convention goers.
The Presidents award for 2008 was given to Anna Melissa Marble. She is the granddaughter of Walt Smith and Carol Foley. This young lady is a real go-getter and a huge help at the convention each year helping with setup, teardown and concessions. Congratulations to Anna Melissa.
The Trapper of the Year for 2008 was Cory Carter. I really appreciate the nomination and this took me by surprise. I thank you again for the award.
There was not a Mark W Spencer Life Time Achievement Award nomination this year.
Northern Great Lakes Fur Harvester’s Association was the recipient of the President’s Award from MTA.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the following donors who donated to our convention in 2008. The support for NGLFH is very much appreciated and I do want to express my sincere “thank you” to the following supporters: Sterling Fur, Trappin “T”’s, Kaatz Bros, Mark June, Tom & Marty Willis, NAFA-Richard Clark, Paul Dobbins, F&T Fur Harvesters Trading Post, Blackies Blend, Ron Stiebe, Dunn Knife, M A Spencer, Sprague Mudge, Ken Bolby, Joe Goodman, MTA, Jay McKnight, Stanley Hawbaker, Bob Noonan, Thompson Snares, Superior Welding, UPTA Dist#3, Darwin Zander, MN Trapline Products, Grimshaw & Son, Slim Pedersen, SE Outdoor Supply, RP Outdoors, Wildwood Pasties, Mark W Spencer, Gary Revord, Ken Mills, Mike Kain, Richard Clark, Imre Bryant, Pines Fur, Larry Finch, Eleanor Donnelly, Gene Harrison, Kathy & George Morris, Duanne & Gerri Ulman, and Furs by Fritz.
The next meeting will be Wednesday, Dec. 10 at the Lutheran Church in Rudyard at 7:30 p.m.
— Cory Carter