Northern Great Lakes Fur Harvesters, Inc., February 2010 Report

President — Ken Mills, 13004 W H-40 Hwy, Rudyard, MI 49780; phone: 906-478-6631

Vice President — Lloyd White, 2739 W M-28, Dafter, MI 49724; phone: 906-632-6071

Secretary — Jim Neitling, PO Box 171, Kinross, MI 49752; phone: 906-495-5233

Treasurer — Mark A. Spencer, N4552 Spencer Lane, Moran, MI 49760; phone: 906-292-4779;

Membership Options:

• Individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $21
• Junior (16 & under) with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $16

Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:

NGLFH Secretary
Jim Neitling
PO Box 171
Kinross, MI 49752


I hope everyone had a merry Christmas and happy new year. It seems like just last year I said the same thing.

I have not heard anything from the fur auctions or any prices at all, just rumors. The way I figure it, the only way you will know anything is when you get that fur check.

The past couple of days my son and I have been trying to call in some coyotes and the only thing I managed to do was freeze my butt off. It makes my wonder if it is the critters or just me. I think it is me.

I had a great Christmas, especially when you get to spend it with family. The grandkids make it worth while.

It has been a different year last year. There have been some changes for the good and for the bad. I think many of you feel the same way. I always wonder what the next year will be like. It sure would be great if you could see what is ahead, but since we can’t, I guess we just have to take it as it comes.

Just as a reminder, the next meeting will be in Gaylord at the Northland Sportsman Club on the 20th of January at 7:30 p.m. The annual trapper’s dinner will be Feb. 20 at the Rudyard Community building. The festivities begin at 6 p.m. There will be a social hour from 6 to 7 with dinner at 7 p.m. The cost will be $9 per member and $9 for one guest and after that $12 per person. There will be door prizes and lots of good company. You can sit around and tell of your success on the trapline and if you did not have much success, you can make something up. I think most of us do this anyway. If you plan to attend, make sure you get your reservations into Mark Spencer by the 10th of February.

I just received notice from the Trapper & Predator Caller magazine that the subscription rate is going up $1 and it will now cost $12 per year for the magazine. The renewal slips will probably not show this increase so when you receive your notice, you will have to send in $12 along with your $10 membership fee for a total of $22. You lifetime members will only have to send in $12. I guess costs are going up everywhere.

I sure hope this cold weather lets up so I can get out there and try to catch some of those critters that are out there. I know they are out there because everyone says they are. Some day I will find them. If not I will get lots of exercise and come home to the warm wood stove and thaw out. Hope to see some of you at the meeting or the dinner.

– Jim Neitling

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