North Dakota Fur Hunters & Trappers Association March 2009 Report

President — Rick Tischaefer, P.O. Box 334, Butte, ND 58723-0334; phone: 701-626-7150; e-mail:

Vice President — Marty Beard, 9101 119th St. SE, Bismarck, ND 58504; phone: 701-224-0878

Secretary — Jeremy Duckwitz, 361 78th Ave. NE, Carrington, ND 58421; phone: 701-674-3535;

Treasurer — Linda Penry, 3235 Crested Drive N., Mandan, ND 58554; phone: 701-667-9380;

Fur Harvester Education Program Coordinator — Rick Tischaefer, P.O. Box 334,Butte, ND 58723-0334; phone: 701-626-7150; e-mail:

Membership Options:
• Junior (14 and under) membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $12
• Adult membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Family membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Lifetime with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $250
• Lifetime (62 and over) with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $150

Complete membership application on first page of the association news section and send dues to:
NDFHTA, Treasurer
Linda Penry
3235 Crested Dr. N., Mandan, ND 58554


Just a short note this month.

Plans continue for the summer event. There will be more information in March, but if you’d like to help or have some ideas for the rendezvous, please contact Ron Gore (District 2 Director).

Raffle tickets are available from Phil Mastrangelo or your District Director. There are some really nice prize packages again this year as well as an award for the person who sells the most tickets. Tim Fiebeger from Valley City was the winner of the 2008 award. A grateful “Thank You” to Tim’s better half for her hard work and making the 2008 raffle a success.

The winter meet is Saturday, Feb. 28 at the Joann Hetzel 4-H Building in Bismarck. The building is just east of the Game and Fish Headquarters. Activities begin at 8:30 a.m. and will wrap up around 4 p.m. Demonstrations include raccoon hunting, skinning for taxidermy and trapping with John Graham of Jordan, Montana. There will be short briefings from Game and Fish and by Ken and Kelsey Blotter about their participation in the skunk BMP research this fall. The meet wouldn’t be complete without supplies for sale, a short meeting and an enjoyable auction. We’re open to the public and free of charge — plan on spending the day and having some fun!

Remember to keep your membership current and be informed. As we go about our business calling or trapping, consider sharing your travels and experiences with someone who has yet to know these activities. Until next time, take care, be safe and responsible and enjoy what Mother Nature and North Dakota have to offer.

Catch ‘ya.

— Rick Tischaefer

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