President — David Leibig, 1375 Warren Rd., Delhi, NY 13753; phone: 607-829-6813; e-mail:
Vice President — William Ballou, 4 Noth Street, Camden, NY 13316; phone: 315-245-0960
Secretary/Treasurer — Dale Gamba, 12320 Pople Rd., Cato, NY 13033; phone: 315-626-3710; e-mail:
Recording Secretary — Ed Hogan, 1900 SR 48, Fulton, NY 13069; phone: 315-593-2196
NYSTA Newsletter Editor — Angie Berchielli, 3861 SR 85, Westerlo, NY 12193; phone: 518-797-3747
NTA Director — Jim Carmody, 237 Fonda Rd., Waterford, NY 12188; phone: 518-237-3071
FTA Delegate — Ray Van Hoesen, Rt. 3. Box 259, Red Hook, NY 12571; phone: 845-758-2453
Executive Director — David Miller 11311 Gay Rd., Prattsburg, NY 14873; phone: 607-522-4707; e-mail:
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• 3-year individual with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $50
• Family membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $22
• 3-year family with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $56
• Senior life member (65 or older) — $100
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
NYSTA, Secretary/Treasurer
Dale Gamba
12320 Pople Rd., Cato, NY 13033
It’s New Years Day. As I reflect what this past year brought, I look to see what the new year will bring. For sportsmen in New York, it is starting off with a bad start. Governor Patterson has announced massive budget cuts and staffing cuts within the DEC.
A severe blow happened a few weeks ago with the announcement of the closure of Reynolds Game Farm. This is the last state-run Pheasant farm. These birds are raised to stock various locations across the state. With the stocking of birds on private lands, there was thousands of acres opened up to sportsmen. Sportsmen fought hard to get a youth pheasant hunting season. With no birds, there won’t be an early season for our youth.
I’m asking you all to write to the Governor, your state Representative, the DEC commissioner and the attorney general. I feel this closure is unlawful. Sportsmen’s dollars pay for the farm and shouldn’t be written off. We as sportsmen and sportswomen need to stick together and fight with a unified front. Please use your voice to help fellow sportsmen.
As we look at the political turnaround with the NYS legislature, one has to wonder how bad we as sportsmen will take a hit with new legislation on trapping and gun regulations and laws.
I received a phone call from the region 4 DEC wildlife office. They are asking for any observations for Fisher in the closed areas of the state. There is a possibility we might be able to get an experimental Fisher season in this closed area. The experimental bobcat season was through the efforts of sportsmen and trappers by reporting sightings of bobcats. If you saw any sign of a fisher or an actual fisher, please fill out a fisher siting card and send it into the DEC.
I hope you are enjoying your season. May all your stretchers be full and your fur check fat. Change the life of a youngster and take them trapping. Until next time. — David Leibig
President Howe called meeting to order at 5:05pm, Dec 21, 2008.
14 members were present.
Mike Veery won the 50/50 and Richard Beckwith won the prize donated by Marie Shea.
President’s list: Bill discussed the IFH fur auction at Pompey and turned in the sale receipts to the Treasurer. Rich Palmer also turned in some fur sale receipts. There were 13 buyers present. This is one of the best places to sell your furs in the area. Discussion once again went to why similar furs will bring different prices. Guys like Art need educating. Preparation and presentation mean everything. We will try to get a fur buyer to come to the Rendezvous to explain the best way to process your fur for the best price at auction.
One of our Life Members, Loren Sigman, is still recuperating from his illness. Everyone wishes him well this Holiday Season. Shirley had a card for Loren and all present signed it.
Treasurer will renew our ad in Solon’s newsletter. Ad will be changed to reflect the numbers to reach the President or the Vice President.
Treasurer’s report was accepted as given. Art did not invest in a short-term CD, the rates did not warrant the transaction at this time.
Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as written. Les Wedge checked to make sure all received his newsletter and attachment without any trouble. Les is getting our dues roll up to date.
Gary and Pam Davis were in attendance and Gary noted that the Federation Deer Hide drive was going well. Gary is the incoming President of the Federation for 2009.
Les Wedge discussed the newsletter and membership list. He has it figured out pretty well, but is still working on membership due dates. You will be notified of your expiration date (if you don’t know it) and where to send your check.
Rich Palmer: Rich brought up the possibility that the Cortland Trappers and the IFH could co-host a coyote hunt in Feb. Long discussion on idea. Club voted to host event if questions proposed get answers. Bill Howe and Rich Palmer will take all our questions to Al LaFrance and Dale Brooks and decide if we can handle the event. First stop is to make sure the Solon Club is available to us on the dates needed. Bill will talk to Ron Andersen. Lots of questions with no answers at this meeting. Gary Davis noted that if the Solon Club can’t host event, McGraw Sportsmen’s Club probably could. Bill will get back to all present at this meeting with the results of his meeting with Al.
Butch Jenks has fur to be tanned and asked when the Club wants to send some furs to J&L. Anyone with a fur to be tanned should see Butch so we can send them all in one shipment.
John Slocum will bring the food next month.
Motion to adjourn to Les Wedge’s chili pot carried at 6:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, — Art Manz
Hamburg Rod & Gun Club was a gracious host for our annual Christmas party. It is good to see the members come out with their families to join in the fun. There was good food and many trapping adventures were told.
It was the first year for our Sgt. Daniel Shaw Youth Award. Samantha Chuba accepted the award while John Stanley read the heart-touched letter that he and his wife Tammy wrote. It revealed many aspects of Danny’s life, and commended Samantha on her dedication to our club over the years. The letter was printed on “flag” stationary and framed. One for Samantha to keep and one given to Dan’s father Ron. The award also included a plaque and a cash gift of $50.
Our Appreciation Award went to Ron Shaw. This is a drawing where you get your name in by helping out at our many functions throughout the year. Ron received a $50 gift certificate for S&S. We followed up by picking names for 10 Remington calendars we purchased through the Federation.
Our last award given is our T.O.T.Y. Award (Trapper of the Year). The club membership voted 100 percent for the person that has helped our club throughout the year in many ways. Congratulations to Rich Penoyer and his husky Aurora. During Fair time, they are often seen at our booth, attracting everyone who walked by to stop in and talk. They come to help out at every adopt-a-highway trash pick up, and rarely miss many of our youth events like National Hunting & Fishing Day and Springville Strutter’s Jake Day. Congratulations to Rich & Aurora for their dedication!
Our three Herb Eble award winners read their “why I want to be a trapper” essays. We all enjoyed listening to them as they told their stories. Their families were very proud of them and the kids were excited to receive all of their trapping supplies, which included 6-110’s, a lil’ Griz trap with stake, muskrat and raccoon stretchers, a mink and muskrat book, lure donated by Andy from the Griz Shop, fur combs, club patch, ECTA membership and NYSTA membership with Trapper & Predator Caller magazine for one year. Congratulations to Rena Conrath, Matt Schmitt and David Overhoff. You all did a wonderful job, and hope you enjoy your new adventures on the trapline. Thanks to Toby from Fur Harvesters for supplying the bags for the kids to take their “loot” home.
Thank you all for coming to the party and for sharing in our accomplishments in 2008. Looking forward to 2009, and wish everyone a happy healthy and “furry” new year!
Our Fur Auction will be on Saturday, Feb. 7 at S&S Taxidermy & Archery Pro Shop., Rt 219 in Springville (1 mile south of Rt.39). Graders will be on hand to get your furs into lots. Check in is at 8 a.m. and the auction starts at 10 a.m. Call Patti at 716-337-2556 if you can give us a hand or need more information.
Thinking ahead to spring. The W.N.Y. Sport & Travel Expo is March 12 to 15, at the Fairgrounds in Hamburg. We will be needing members to help man our booth . Set up will be Wednesday, March 11 at 6 p.m. Show dates and times are Thursday, March 12 from noon to 9 p.m; Friday, March 13 from noon to 9 p.m.; Saturday, March 14 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Sunday, March 15 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please check your calendars and let us know when you can help.
Our meetings are held the second Tuesday monthly at Hamburg Rod & Gun Club on Hickox Rd. at 7:30 p.m. Anyone interested in trapping is welcomed. For Club correspondence send mail to ECTA 12580 Jennings Rd. Lawtons, NY 14091. Our next meetings are Feb. 10 and March 10.
— Rick Wattengel
Minutes of Meeting — Dec. 21, 2008
Six Members present
The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Minutes of last meeting were read.
Treasurer’s report was read and accepted.
Old Business:
• We still have not heard anything from NYSTA. We will not drop this issue and will go to the next NYSTA Directors meeting.
• A vote was taken on the Club name change issue, it was a unanimous NO to any change.
• Remember we have Bear Hunt tickets for sale. For tickets, call Al at 682-2050.
• The Christmas banquet was well attended by over 30 people. The food was excellent and everyone left with a Christmas gift.
• The Fur Sale went well. There was a total of $6,381 in fur sold by 34 sellers. It was attended by 13 buyers. As usual, some poorly handled fur brought down the averages. The sale results are below.
• The club received the NRA Grant check. Al went to the Bass Pro shop and got a 24-gun Browning Safe, some crow decoys and shot for our predator hunting program.
New Business:
• Member Keith Kutil had donated some beaver carcasses, and Al LaFrance made some beaver jerky that went over very well.
• Remember our raffle for the predator calling package or the Alpaca blanket. Call Al for tickets — Let’s get some sold, members!
• The club CD will be held to cover our Spring Fur Sale and then be renewed.
• Please advise if you would like the newsletter sent by e-mail.
• The club trailer registration was renewed.
• The door prize was won by Harvey Gardinier.
County Reports:
• None
Dates to Remember:
• The Northeast Sports Show is Jan. 23, 24 and 25 at the NYS Fairground in Syracuse, in the Center of Progress Bldg. Booth set up is on Thursday, the 22nd. Call Al at 682-2050 to reschedule a few hours to help out.
• The Club has set March 14, 2009, for our Spring Fur Sale to be held at Pompey Rod and Gun Club.
Happy New Year to all!!!
Species # of Pelts High Low Avg
Raccoon 223 $22.00 .25 9.62
Rats 197 4.20 .50 2.80
Beaver 131 41.00 1.00 15.50
Skunk 4 8.50 6.75 7.62
Opossum 15 2.25 .25 1.40
Mink 18 13.50 1.00 6.11
Red Fox 20 25.50 8.00 16.95
Gray Fox 11 29.00 8.00 22.50
Coyote 21 30.00 1.00 17.07
Deer 12 3.50 2.00 3.00
Otter 2 56.00 55.00 55.50
Fisher 7 57.00 23.00 30.28
Bobcat 1 20.00 20.00 20.00
Bl. Bear 1 70.00 70.00 70.00
Bear Skull 1 18.00 18.00 18.00
Beaver Castor (Green) 5lbs @20.40 per pound = $102.00
There were the usual few slipping and smelly and soaking wet pelts that brought down the averages. Properly cared for furs brought good prices.