New York State Trappers Association October 2009 Report

President — John Rockwood, 114 County Route 30A, Williamstown, NY 13493; phone: 315-415-4946; e-mail:

Vice President — Wayne Jones, 9152 River Road, Marcy, NY 13403; phone: 315-768-8115; e-mail:

Treasurer — Dale Gamba, 12320 Pople Rd., Cato, NY 13033; phone: 315-626-3710; e-mail:

Secretary — Ed Hogan, 1900 SR 48, Fulton, NY 13069; phone: 315-593-2196

Legislative Liaison — Dave Miller, 11311 gay Road, Prattsburg, NY 14873; phone: 607-522-4707

NTA Director — Jim Carmody, 237 Fonda Rd., Waterford, NY 12188; phone: 518-237-3071

FTA Delegate — Ray Van Hoesen, 41 Apple Ring Road, Red Hook, NY 12571; phone: 845-758-2453

JTI Chairman — Al West, 5 Hillcrest Ave., Queensbury, NY 12804; phone: 518-793-3662; e-mail:

Membership Options:

• Junior Membership – under 16 years of age with subscription to the Trapper & Predator Caller and quarterly NYSTA Newsletter — $15/yr
• Basic Membership – any age, NYSTA Newsletter, no subscription to T&PC — $15/yr
• General Membership – any age with subscription to the T&PC and quarterly NYSTA Newsletter — $25/yr
• Family Membership – One magazine subscription to T&PC and the NYSTA Newsletter — $30/yr
• Lifetime Membership – any age with lifetime subscription to T&PC, NYSTA Newsletter, special membership credentials and placque, etc. ­— $750

Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:

NYSTA, Secretary/Treasurer
Dale Gamba
12320 Pople Rd., Cato, NY 13033


The regular meeting of the Cattaraugus County Trappers Association was held on Thursday, Aug. 20 at the Catt. Co. Coop. Extension building as usual. The big topic of the night was the results of our annual Trappers Sportsman Show held at the Catt. Co. fairgrounds. First off, we discussed the results of our advertising campaign. We spent a lot of money to advertise, but was it worth it?

Most felt it was alright, but could still be improved. The weather for the show was good, but very hot. At least it wasn’t held the previous weekend when the Gowanda flood occurred. Attendance was down some for the show, but with the poor economy, low fur prices and the aforementioned flood to contend with, all in all, it wasn’t too bad. Many dealers mentioned that they did OK and would be back next year.

Some new dealers expressed an interest in coming next year and some dealers that we lot to another show should be back next year. One area we do need to work on is our demos. We need more and better demos to help educate the people who are interested. We are going to work on that. It was also brought up that our tent needs to be washed before next year’s show.

Under other business, Derwood Say told about an upcoming meeting concerning trapping and hunting in Letchworth State Park. He was planning to attend and noted that there is no trapping allowed in Allegany State Park, but that they had to pay a trapper to come in and help reduce the raccoon population.

Our government at work! John Milks talked about our subscriptions that we buy for the schools in our area and thought we might look into getting The Trappers World instead of the New York Conservationist as the Conservationist has no trapping articles and probably won’t have. John was going to check on the price. Since we buy about 25 subscriptions, we might get a deal.

John mentioned that the Senator CATHY YOUNG Trap Shoot was coming up at the end of the month and we are going to sponsor a team again this year.

Anyone interested in joining should call John Milks at 716-557-2523.

— David L. Allen


The meeting was called to order at 5:10 p.m. on Aug. 16, 2009.

Lee Stockton won the 50/50.

Budget Committee didn’t show so Joan and Art made the annual report to the members present. Discussion held on income and expenses. Annual Accounting report was accepted as given.

Discussion on Fur sales and tanning prices.

Lee Stockton showed us the certificate he received from NTA for his roll in the forming of the association. Lee is charter member number 4. Nice going Lee.

Heads up: The rewards dinner will be Sept. 20, 2009, at the Solon Club. You must have your $8 per meal paid to Bill by the Rendezvous. When you all show up at Solon you will get your money returned to you. Bill needs to know about how many will be at the dinner so Solon can plan the meal.

Lots of discussion on the Rendezvous. Remember Sept. 13, from 10 until done. Come early and help set it up.

We need stuff for the Chinese Auction and the IFH auction.

Dale Beckwith has made up the flyers. We will raffle off the pack basket that Mr. Howe will put together. Solon Club will provide the food. Vendors are welcome and there is no charge to set up.
Hugh M and Dale B will handle the games and contests. Any demo anyone has in mind can be accommodated.

We will pay for our ad in the NYSTA calendar but will not put an ad in the convention program until we rewrite it.

Nate McDonald will get the boxes from Bill H and pick up our pheasants when they are ready.

Treasurer’s monthly report was accepted as read.

Minutes were accepted as written.

We will have table at the Oxford Sportsmen Days weekend Sept. 19 and 20.

Bill and Shirley Howe and Butch Jenks will be there.

Lee Stockton let all that brought a #110 with them change the pan according to Lee’s modification. Lee helped but noted that if you did it yourself you would remember how. Nice job Lee.

Motion to adjourn at 6 p.m. carried.

Respectfully submitted.

— Art Manz


We signed up two new Junior members at our July meeting. Welcome Brad Smolinski and Matt Rachwal. These youngsters are eager to participate in many of our club activities.

Also at our meeting, we discussed some of the ideas for fundraising without any changes in our current membership fees. A.J. sent note of the 2011 Fur Takers of America Convention to be held June 21 to 26 at the fairgrounds in Dunkirk NY. Everyone in our local trapping clubs will be asked to help out in someway to ensure this nationwide convention be a success. Andy Smith from Cattaraugus County will be helping with coordinating the event and hopes to attend one of our meetings soon.

Rick went over our last Fur Harvesters check. We sold some beavers, muskrats and a nice raccoon donated by John Witkowski sold for $11.

Thanks to Rick Walton from Hamburg Rod & Gun Club for helping us read through the Conservation Councils resolutions as we voted on them.

We are asking that you send your comments regarding the latest proposed regulations for season dates and modified triggers for #330’s in the 2009-10 seasons. We will be sending out the information to all club members. You may find the actual resolution in the State Register, dated Aug. 19, 2009, issue 33. Send comments to Gordon Batcheller, NYDEC 625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233 or The comment period closes Oct. 5.

On to the Fair! “Our Summer Love A Fur” theme was well accepted by fairgoers and Conservation Building judges alike. We received a fourth premium as well as a special purple ribbon “Award of Distinction.” Thanks to the many members that helped out, 27 in all and our favorite husky canine helper “Aurora.” Special thanks to all of the kids who put in many days at the fair and helped cut fur prizes. The Jr. helpers are Shawn K., Gabe G., McNichol kids, Kruger kids, Samantha C., Rena C., John B., David O., Brad & Lexie S., Andy G. and Matt R. It is a pleasure to see so many kids ready to help. Our booth featured a beaver pond with a beaver mount. There was also a fur peace sign to tie in the fairs theme.

For our kid’s contest this year, we had a beaver fact game for a muskrat pelt give away with 96 players in just one afternoon. We sold many pelts and tails and faces, as well as hats, patches and coloring books. Special thanks to John Stanley for donating a pair of earmuffs that sold for $30. We had a new membership, Tim Martin, and some renewals, the Hohmann and Juran families and Wayne Haker.

Our last Adopt-A-Highway trash pick up of the season was on Aug. 26. The day had some hard rain, but cleared up nicely by 6. Thanks to Rich, Deb, Ed, Patti and the following kids, Jason, Ben, Keith, Andy and two first time helpers Brad and Hannah. With all of the help, we got our 2-mile stretch of Rt. 39 looking spiffy! We might have to buy more grabbers if we keep getting all of the good volunteers.

Ducks Unlimited’s annual Green Wing/ Youth Outdoor Experience Day was Aug. 29 at Elma Conservation Club. Even with the heavy down pours, our club was well represented to over 75 kids and their families, who came to learn about many outdoor related activities, including trapping. Thanks to John Stanley and Rich Penoyer for their dedication.

Please remember to renew your membership and to join the New York State Trappers!

For club correspondence, send mail to E.C.T.A. 12580 Jennings Rd. Lawtons, NY 14091. Our meetings are held the second Tuesday each month, 7:30 p.m. at Hamburg Rod & Gun Club on Hickox Rd. Anyone interested in trapping is welcomed.

Our next meeting dates are Oct. 13 and Nov. 10. See you there!

— P. Wattengel


Minutes of Meeting
Aug. 13, 2009
10 Members present

• The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

• Minutes of last meeting were read.

• Treasurer’s report was read and accepted.


• Carpenter Brook was tabled until the Sept. meeting, on if we’ll attend.

• Discussion on Coyote Hunt. Al read rules and description of hunt and updated on prize participation. We discussed making donations and upping the amount to worthy causes.


• Al and Bill did canine sets, showing dirt hole and urine posts.

• Tim Evans won the trap raffle.


• Cortland County Trappers & IFH Rondy is Sept. 13. Anyone interested in doing a demo, call Bill Howe at 607-756-6763.


• NYSTA Convention is Thursday, Sept. 3 thru Sat. Sept. 5. No Sunday. There will be a DEC Cable Restraint Certification Class on Thurs. 3-5 p.m. and Fri. 1-3 p.m.

• The Club’s joint Rendezvous with the Cortland County Trappers will be on Sept. 13th at the Solon Rod and Gun Club. As always, the Clubs are both looking for volunteers to do demo’s, thank you.

• Oswego County Rendezvous is Sept. 17-19th at Camp Zerbe. There will be a Trap Class on the 19th. Call Charlie at 963-3051 to sign up.

• Trapper Training Course at Peterboro Sportsman’s Club is on Sept. 26.

• THE NEXT MEETING WILL BE ON Sept.10 at 6:30 P.M. at the clubhouse.


The Meeting was called to order.

The pledge of allegiance.

The treasurer’s report was accepted as given.

Old business: The county fair thanks to George and Howard for going and selling tickets on the gun and 50/50 tickets.

There was lengthy discussion about what needs to be done for our rondy this fall. demos. trappers training, set up. Every hand helps.

New business: We have a new member Sandra Rose in attendance. She is looking for some help getting started in trapping.

The club voted to purchase $50 worth of the NYSTA tickets.

George brought up that we could use more presenters for the Conservation Field days.

The Meeting was adjourned.

The trap raffle brought in $62.

Respectfully Submitted.

— Charles L Lamb Jr.

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