New York State Trappers Association September 2009 Report

President — John Rockwood, 114 County Route 30A, Williamstown, NY 13493; phone: 315-415-4946; e-mail:

Vice President — Wayne Jones, 9152 River Road, Marcy, NY 13403; phone: 315-768-8115; e-mail:

Treasurer — Dale Gamba, 12320 Pople Rd., Cato, NY 13033; phone: 315-626-3710; e-mail:

Secretary — Ed Hogan, 1900 SR 48, Fulton, NY 13069; phone: 315-593-2196

Legislative Liaison — Dave Miller, 11311 gay Road, Prattsburg, NY 14873; phone: 607-522-4707

NTA Director — Jim Carmody, 237 Fonda Rd., Waterford, NY 12188; phone: 518-237-3071

FTA Delegate — Ray Van Hoesen, 41 Apple Ring Road, Red Hook, NY 12571; phone: 845-758-2453

JTI Chairman — Al West, 5 Hillcrest Ave., Queensbury, NY 12804; phone: 518-793-3662; e-mail:

Membership Options:

• Junior Membership – under 16 years of age with subscription to the Trapper & Predator Caller and quarterly NYSTA Newsletter — $15/yr
• Basic Membership – any age, NYSTA Newsletter, no subscription to T&PC — $15/yr
• General Membership – any age with subscription to the T&PC and quarterly NYSTA Newsletter — $25/yr
• Family Membership – One magazine subscription to T&PC and the NYSTA Newsletter — $30/yr
• Lifetime Membership – any age with lifetime subscription to T&PC, NYSTA Newsletter, special membership credentials and placque, etc. ­— $750

Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:

NYSTA, Secretary/Treasurer
Dale Gamba
12320 Pople Rd., Cato, NY 13033


Greetings Fellow Trappers,

As of this writing, our annual Fall Convention at the Herkimer County Fairgrounds is only a month away. I hope most of you are able to make plans to attend. VP Wayne Jones and the whole Convention Committee have been working hard all year to ensure that NYSTA again hosts one of the largest and very best conventions ever. Both dealer buildings are full, much of the tailgating section is reserved and there is a full lineup of top notch demos taking place each day of the convention starting with Thursday at noon and continuing through Saturday evening. While at the convention, don’t forget to stop by the NYSTA booth in the main dealer building and help support the organization that supports you. Take time to renew your membership; or if you aren’t a member yet, please sign up and become one.

Bring a fellow trapper along and sign them up, too. There is strength in numbers and NYSTA needs your support. There will be raffle tickets, President’s Dinner tickets, cash calendars, NYSTA hats, shirts, convention patches and pins, etc. available at the booth as well. Don’t miss the benefit merchandise auction which has been scheduled for Friday night this year and please be sure to attend the General Membership Meeting to be held Saturday evening. This meeting is your chance to hear, firsthand, what NYSTA has been and is doing on behalf of NY’s trappers as well as your chance to voice your own opinions and/or concerns. There will be a report from the NYSDEC and I expect we will hear from both NAFA and Fur Harvester’s Auction representatives. We have many awards to hand out.

Our convention book is dedicated this year to a very special and long time friend of mine. Gordy Berndt’s lifetime of dedication to the trapping world has been recognized, felt and appreciated nationwide and we are proud to honor him in this way. I’m sure Gordy will have a few words to say as will a few of his friends.
The NTA should be working out the last of the details for the Spring 2010 Northeast Regional Convention. NYSTA is planning to host this event at the Washington County Fairgrounds in Eastern New York pending NTA confirmation of the site. We will report more on that as soon as we have more details.

Our new FTA Director, Andy Smith, is doing an excellent job of organizing and finalizing all plans for hosting the Fur Takers of America National Convention here in New York in June 2011. I knew Andy was the right man for the job and he’s proving it every day. Thank You Andy! This major trapping event will be held at that Chautauqua County Fairgrounds just off the NYS Thruway at Dunkirk in Western New York. Hosting this event is a big undertaking and Andy has been working closely with everyone involved in sponsoring, promoting and providing this event. The FTA folks are great to work with and we very much look forward to hosting this for them in 2011.

NYSTA is still looking for qualified members to fill County Rep positions in the many counties across NY where those positions remain vacant. It is extremely important that we fill these “grassroots” level positions as soon as possible. These people provide a very necessary link as the primary contact person in every county responsible for a two way dissemination of information between NYSTA Officers, Directors and local trappers. Many of our County Reps work hard at promoting trapping at county fairs and other local events, speaking to other sportsmen’s groups, boyscout groups, etc. If you are interested in becoming a County Rep, please speak with your Regional Director or myself. Thank you.

NYSTA’s Vice President, Wayne Jones, has developed an e-mail alert system that provides accurate and timely information about legislative bills of importance to trappers and trapping. As soon as we receive pertinent information from our Executive Director Dave Miller, Wayne sends out these e-mail alerts to everyone on his list so that we can all quickly call, write or e-mail our elected representatives in Albany to express our views on these important issues. Our representatives in the Albany Legislature need to hear from us on issues that affect trappers in a positive way as well as on those that affect us negatively.

Please make sure Wayne has your e-mail address for this alert system and PLEASE be sure to respond to them in a timely and appropriate manner. Don’t leave this up to someone else to do. Again, there is strength in numbers and this is a good way to show our elected officials we are watching what they do and expect them to take the proper positions on issues involving trapping. Our viewpoints and concerns need to be recognized by our elected representatives in Albany.

With New York’s trapping season opening dates only a few short weeks away, it’s time to get traps adjusted and treated, purchase last-minute supplies, make sure we’ve obtained necessary permissions and a hundred other things. It’s time for me to stop writing – I’ve got traps to work on…

— John Rockwood


The regular meeting of the Cattaraugus Co. Trappers Assoc. was called to order by President Andy Smith. After the normal opening ritual we got down to work. John Milks reported few communications this time. But as some of the vendors wait until the last minute to notify us about coming, he didn’t seem too concerned. We lost several vendors, but gained some new ones so we should have our normal amount or maybe even more. John also reported putting an ad in THE TRAPPER & PREDATOR CALLER for our Trapping show. He went from a ¼ page ad to a 1/8 page ad to save money.

Andy Smith went to the Trappers show in Pennsylvania. He said that bad weather made for a rather tough show. We hope that our show will be much better and so will the weather. Andy also talked about making plans for the FTA show being held in 2011 at the Chaut. Co. Fairgrounds. The date is June 22-26 and much progress has been made already. Andy expects this show to be bigger than the NY State show. Very exciting. This is a national event right in our back yard and we are looking forward to it.

There was no federation report.

John reported changing some radio station spots for our upcoming show in an effort to get better coverage and better value.

Dan reported having trouble getting a .243 for our raffle, but would keep trying. He’s got an ’06 he can substitute if necessary. We didn’t see that as a problem. Andy hoped to get Tara Roach for our next years trapping show for a demonstrator. He claims she is very good and nice looking also.

Work night at the fair to set up for the show is Wed. at 6 p.m. Many hands will make light the labor.

Also, anyone having unsold raffle tickets please turn them in before the show as we can sell them there.

The Catt. Co. Trappers Association meets the third Thursday of the month at the Catt. Co. Coop.

Extension building at 7:30 p.m. Anyone wishing to join should call John at 716-557-2523.

— David Allen


President Bill Howe called the meeting to order at 5 p.m., July 19, 2009.
13 members were present.

Joan M won the 50/50 and the cookbook donated by Dale Beckwith.
Raffle tickets for the Rendezvous are still available.

Butch got the tanned furs back from Z&L and discussion on the procedure once again was discussed. Treasurer will pay the bill.

Bill notified the IFH that we would not be doing a coyote hunt with them at this time. Info on their hunt will be forthcoming.

President wants a budget committee meeting in August. Committee will meet one hour before the regular meeting.

Discussion held on pack basket giveaway. Motion by Hugh M 2nd John S not to have pack basket raffle this year. Motion failed.

Bill announced that the Solon SC would have a dish to pass dinner on Aug. 2, 2009 at 1:30 p.m. We are all invited.

Rendezvous is coming up. We need auction stuff and Chinese auction stuff. Committee will meet next month to set up schedule of games and demos. Volunteers always welcome. It was noted that Dale Stockton has our overhead projector if anyone wants to use it for a demo.

Treasurer’s report was accepted as given.

Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as written. Art noted that we could set up a table at the Oxford R&G clubs Sportsmen’s weekend. Butch and Bill will set it up if Art gets the OK from Oxford that we set up inside.

Remember that our dinner is the third Sunday in September.

Lee Stockton said he would be getting an award of appreciation from NTA for his work in starting the organization. Lee is a charter member of the NTA. Nice recognition Lee.

Butch Jenks will hold a trapper training course Sept. 12 He noted that the new requirements for training will make more paperwork.

Rich Beckwith brought up NYT website and wondered how we could get our associations news on the net. Rich B made motion that the Secretary writes a letter or call someone to get some info on the idea. Of course the motion carried.

Our scholarship award was reported in the local paper.

Lee has new DVD on mink snaring. Lee said to bring a 110 with you next month and he will show us how to replace the pans. Are we modifying something?

Meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted.

— Art Manz


Hi folks. It’s been quite a while. Guess we need to give you all an update on the GVTA. In case you’re reading this from outside the group, you might be surprised to know that we are one of only a very few clubs in the entire nation that has our own land and building where we hold our auctions and other functions! We have been upgrading the facility, (especially kitchen), and grounds this past year. I bring this up to let you know where all our extensive funds go (besides giving a stipend to our lobbiest).

I should hope that you realize that being a member of this or any organization requires some commitment by all of us. This means not only financially, but when there is work to do, we all need to help out. In the past, we have been more than blessed to have the Boy Scouts do the vast majority of all the repairs around here. Speaking of which, Nathan Swanger is leaving us to go in the Marines in September, so if you see him, give him a slap on the back and a big HOO AHH! Him and Tom Miller both got their Eagles this year. COOL. OK, We did give two college scholarships out this spring, and hope to do the same every year. So, if you know of a student that wants easy money this winter, please have them contact us for details.

Important news; We are holding elections in November so please get to Bob Hughes with your nominations by Sept. 1 so he can get them together so that we can do a mail-in ballot. Don’t think we’ve tried that before. We’ll need Pres., VP., Sec., Treas., Membership organizer. But, we would love to see you all come to the Nov. 7 meeting. How come people gripe about the government, but don’t vote? In case you haven’t noticed before, this club was started by and kept alive by a few guys that are real geezers now!!!

Who do you think will step up when they step down? Shall we just plan on shutting the doors on the GVTA? Have you brought someone new to this game? If YOU don’t who will? I get such a sense of awe to see this very old heritage survive the centuries of good times and bad! I always tell my students that these are the good times. Would they rather practice skinning on an expensive ’possum or learn when prices are down? By the way, have you ever volunteered to help at your local trapping class? Believe me, being certified to teach doesn’t make me any special trapping expert. I’ll bet that you can add plenty to any class. You never can have too many teachers at a class.

 Cool news; As a fundraiser this year, we are raffling a set of four DUNN knives! These have a value of over $518! Included is a paring knife so your wife can buy an armload of tickets as well. Ticket price? $ 1 each or 12 for $10. If your group is interested in buying tickets in bulk, maybe we can give a little better discount. If we make a fortune, maybe we can give a little dough to Dave Miller. He’s doing a heck of a job, don’t you think? I can tell you that these knives are the real deal. NO GUFF!! We also need volunteers to sell tickets at several events.

To get tickets, volunteer, nominate somebody or just complain (especially complain, they love that!), please contact Bob at 585-728-2471 or or Gordy Berndt at 585-924-2928. — Paul Ackerman, temporary secretary


Minutes of Meeting
July 9, 2009
10 Members Present
• The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
• Minutes of last meeting were read.
• Treasurer’s report was read and accepted.


• We finally received a response from NYSTA concerning the Dave Leibig incident. Newly elected President, John Rockwood stated that on Aug. 28, 2008, the NYSTA Board of Directors decided that Dave Leibig was not in violation of any NYSTA bylaws. How nicely they covered for him.

This was the same time that it was relayed to this club that the NYSTA Board decided that we were not worthy of a response. Now the story has changed several times since the incident in attempts by the NYSTA Board to cover up. First it was that Pres. Leibig acted on his own without Board approval of the Emergency Regs.

This was a known fact. Then it was that Pres. Leibig went against the advice of DEC Biologist Gordon Batchellor, also a known fact. When we questioned these points we were told that we would not be dignified with a reply. Then the NYSTA Board on Aug. 28, 2008, decided to forgive all his actions. Just another NYSTA cover up. A cover up is a cover up no matter what it’s called or by whom.

We understand that newly elected Pres. Rockwood had no part in the cover up and this membership thanks him for having the courtesy to respond to our inquiry. We look forward to working with him. A copy of Pres. Rockwood’s letter is below.

Subject: NYSTA – Dave Leibig/Keith Kutil

Hello Al,

I will apologize for not getting this information that you requested to you sooner. It has been a very busy time. It seems I spend more time at NYSTA business than I do working at anything else. There is much to be done and I’m anxious to start new ideas into motion and steer NYSTA in a positive direction.

At the NYSTA Board of Directors Meeting on Aug. 28, 2008, President David Leibig read a letter from yourself on behalf of the Independent Fur Harvestors of CNY to the Board. After much discussion by the Board, a motion was made, seconded, voted on and carried unanimously. That motion was “Board of Directors do not find the President Leibg violated any NYSTA by-laws in with his involvement in the emergency regulation process.”

Article XIII of the NYSTA By Laws adopted June 14, 2008, addresses the Grievance or Recall of a NYSTA Officer, Director, or County Representative. Upon careful reading of that Article, I have to take the position that the Board of Directors acted upon your stated grievance appropriately. Regardless of who does or does not agree with the decision of the Board, the Board addressed this issue as you requested and both properly and legally dealt with it as provided for in the Bylaws.

The Bylaws also state under Article XIII, Section 1-B-6 that “Once recalled, that individual may not hold office in NYSTA in the future. Therefore the question about Keith Kutil being able to apply for a position as a Past President, or any other position, in NYSTA in the future cannot be allowed. Keith and I are friends. This is an unfortunate situation, but there is clear statement about all of these issue in the new Bylaws.

I hope this answers all questions you and IFHofCNY have. If not, I am more than willing to address any others you may have. Again, however, my personal position is that proper procedure was followed upon your issuance of a grievance.


— John Rockwood, President
New York State Trappers Assoc.

• The Summer Rondy was well attended and the trapper course had about 14 new trappers. Bad weather cut it a few hours short, but it was another big success by Wayne and his family. They should all be commended for their time and efforts.


• We will hold a Trapper Training Course at the Peterboro Club. Date is Sept. 26.

• We are trying to sponsor a Coyote Calling Contest where all proceeds would go to Advanced Strategies Adventures. They are an organization that organizes hunts for people with disabilities and handicapped hunters. We need help to make this work. Call Al at 682-2050. The Club has authorized up to $200 to go towards a caller for first place.

The coyote contest is coming together. The Pompey Rod and Gun Club has agreed to let us use their Club for check in on Sunday, Oct. 18. Details to follow. To anyone with connections, we need prizes.

• Al LaFrance got reimbursed for $109.06 that he spent on club business and newsletter materials and stamps.


• None


• The Club’s joint Rendevous with the Cortland County Trappers will be on Sept. 13 at the Solon Rod and Gun Club. As always, the Clubs are both looking for volunteers to do demos, thank you.
• The Carpenter Brook Sportsman’s Days will be held on Sept. 26 and 27.

• Trapper Training Course at Peterboro Sportsman’s Club is on Sept. 26.

• The meetings will change to the second Sunday of the month at 1 p.m. beginning in November this year.

• THE NEXT MEETING WILL BE ON Aug. 13 AT 6:30 P.M. at the clubhouse. There will be a caning trapping demo done at this time by some of the club’s more proficient and knowledgeable canine
trappers. You don’t want to miss this, we sure hope to see everyone there.

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