President — Brad Janes, 110 Idaho Creek Rd., Rio Rancho, NM 87059; phone: 505-934-8341
Vice President — Wayne Derrick, P.O. Box 111, Maljamar, NM 88262; phone: 505-676-0001
Treasurer — Pam Johnson, 2304 Urton Rd., Roswell, NM 88201; phone: 505-320-8465
Secretary & NTA Director — Tom McDowell, 534 Camino Los Milagros Corrales, NM 87048; phone: 505-897-0719
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• Family membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $30
• Junior with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $17.50
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
NMTA, Treasurer
Pam Johnson
2304 Urton Rd., Roswell, NM 88201
It has been a while between reports. We’ll blame it on forgetfulness and an overflowing plate. In any case, summer is fading and trapping season is coming fast. Our annual rendezvous, in July, west of Magdalena was a grand success. Each year we seem to attract more vendors and trappers. If you didn’t make it, you missed out on another good show.
Brad, Dave Kramer and myself attended the Game Commission meeting in Albuquerque Aug. 20. This was an informational meeting with no scheduled action on any rules. The Sierra Club, Wild Earth Guardians and Animal Protection of NM are actively lobbying the Commission to open the Trapping rule this year. Their contention is that the department is not managing furbearers in a scientifically sound manner. Among other things, they want limits and quotas on bobcats and gray foxes, a complete closure of the season on kit/swift fox and shortening of all trapping seasons. The high fur prices of the past few seasons and dismal compliance to the Mandatory Harvest Reporting rule by New Mexico fur harvesters fueled this attack. Look for more details on this issue in the Fall edition of the Tracker.
Jacob and his District 5 crew set up and educated the mass of folks that turned out for the annual Game and Fish Expo at shooting range park west of Albuquerque, Aug. 22 and 23. This year saw large crowds both days. The final attendance figures aren’t here yet but there were easily over 4,000 people. That is a lot of people to expose to trapping in a couple days. New Mexico trappers owe Jacob and company a big thank you.
District 2 Southwest, held their annual fall gathering near Eunice Aug. 29. As in the past, they had numerous demos and reports by members, officers and guests. District Conservation Officer Dereck Theobald reviewed regulation and updated those present on the recent flurry of activity in the department.
District 1 Northwest will hold their annual gathering Oct. 3 at the Santa Rosa Multi Use Center. The event will begin around 8 a.m. and continue to completion around 4 p.m. To get to the Multi Use Center, turn south on the Puerto De Luna Road (3rd street; Hwy. 191) across from the Comet Restaurant on I-40 by-pass route (Parker Ave; the main drag through Santa Rosa). Third street is about midway between the middle I-40 exit (#275) and the western most Santa Rosa Exit. The grounds are about 1.75 miles from Parker Ave. For more information, contact Dan Flores at 575-799-8158.
— Tom McDowell