President — Marty Scanlon, Roselle Park, NJ 07204; phone: 908-245-2846
Vice President — Jim DeStephano, Newfoundland, NJ 07435; phone: 973-697-2981
Secretary — Connie Henderson, Newton, NJ 07860
Treasurer — Bill Guiles, 73 Beechwood Rd., Belvidere, NJ 07823; phone: 908-453-3536
Field & Ed. Director — Bob Connors, Newton, NJ 07860
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Junior membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $15
• Senior (65 & over) with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $15
• Lifetime membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $300
• Senior lifetime with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $150
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
Box 115, Newfoundland, NJ 07435
I am writing this just after getting home from our annual convention. What a great day! The weather was perfect, cool, sunny,with just a little breeze. Just enough to make you realize fall is just around the corner.
We had a great turnout, and everyone seemed to be having a great time. The demos were going all morning, and the crowds were moving between the demos and the dealers. As usual I did not get enough time to get to all the dealers, but those I did talk to said they had a good day. I am not sure of the count, but it looked like there were about 15 dealers and tailgaters setup.
After the pork dinner we had several guests speak to the members, a fur market report, and the general membership meeting. After the meeting the raffles went off, and it seemed like everyone had won something.
All of us would like to thank everyone who helped with the work, but especially Bill Phillips for the meat, Chris Quillian for the raffle prizes, Doug Edler for keeping things moving along, Bob Healy and Bill Guiles for the skinning demos, and Jimmy and Vincent Sapio for being where ever they were needed. And if I missed anyone, and I probably did, a big thank you for a great convention.
— James DeStephano