New Jersey Fur Harvesters October 2013 Report


President — Ron Diehl, 852 Berkeley Avenue, Beachwood, NJ 08722; e-mail

Vice President — Dan Wolff, 48 Uncle Petes Road, Hamilton, NJ 08691; e-mail

Secretary — Andy Janson, 37 West Laurel Drive, Somers Point, NJ 08244; e-mail

Treasurer — Curt Haberman, PO Box 212, Somers Point NJ, 08244; 609-927-5773;

Membership Officer — Curt Haberman, PO Box 212, Somers Point NJ, 08244; 609-927-5773;

NTA Director — Fred Stine, 149 Winding Brook Ln., Califon, NJ 07830; 908-832-6998


Membership Options:

• Individual membership with subscription to T&PC — $26

• Family membership with subscription to T&PC — $31

• Junior membership with subscription to T&PC — $19

• Senior membership with subscription to T&PC — $19


Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:

NJFH, Membership Officer

Curt Haberman

PO Box 212

Somers Point NJ, 08244


Hi everyone, hope all is well. The season is right around the corner and it’s time to start getting active. The Tuckerton Decoy show will be September 28 and 29, we will be having a meeting on sat the 28th at the booth about 3;30 so come on down and join us if you can, if you want to help out their you can come sat or sun to help man the booth. The meeting will be mostly about trappers Ed stuff and the convention. For everyone’s info, the New Jersey Trappers Association will be having their convention on Oct, 6th at space farms in Beemerville N.J. Most of us will be up their supporting them so come on up and enjoy the fun, Their will be 3 trappers Ed classes in Oct, so if you know someone who wants to learn how or would like to help teach, check the division web site for class dates and locations/ times, if you would like to get involved teaching call me it is fun stuff. Our convention will be the same spot this year. Atzion lake Worton state park 7miles north of Hammonton NJ on rt 206, right at the lake Nov,3rd. So keep an eye on the web site and face book page for those events. Sorry it’s short but im dipping snares see you in Tuckerton. — Ron


Hello to everyone,

I am scratching the mosquito bites that I got today fixing up some 110s for the season. I am looking forward to a frost but that will be a while yet. I hope the fall is going well for you. As Ron mentioned the Trapper Ed dates and upcoming events, it brings to mind everyone who helps make these things come together. Thanks to the Trapper Ed instructors who volunteer their time educating the general public as well as those interested in trapping. New Jersey relies on these guys every year and every year these guys hit the mark. We have been turning out a surprising number of new trappers and these guys have trained them all. Thanks. I am also thinking about the NJFH and the number of folks who help out to make our convention ( November 3rd Atsion NJ) come together. Thanks Ed, Ron, Dan, Curt, Scott and many others who make it all possible.

As we get closer to the season it is important to remember that we are under attack routinely by the anti-trapping anti-hunting anti-gun anti-everything crowd. Know the rules and play by them, they are your only protection and they are very clear. Even beyond the rules are the “Right” things to do. Pay attention to your set location and know your areas.

To all members please let us know if we can change or otherwise improve the way things are done. We look forward to your input. Also if you are not receiving a newsletter by email make the switch it is easier on everyone and you will get your pictures in color! If you are not getting your newsletter it may be a technical glitch and we may be getting bounced as junk mail. just let me know.

That is all for now. Take care. — Andy

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