President — Ron Diehl, 852 Berkeley Avenue, Beachwood, NJ 08722; e-mail trapperron2003@yahoo.com
Vice President — Dan Wolff, 48 Uncle Petes Road, Hamilton, NJ 08691; e-mail tpolascak@aol.com
Secretary — Andy Janson, 37 West Laurel Drive, Somers Point, NJ 08244; e-mail waj08244@yahoo.com
Treasurer — Curt Haberman, PO Box 212, Somers Point NJ, 08244; 609-927-5773; mudtrapper@yahoo.com
Membership Officer — Curt Haberman, PO Box 212, Somers Point NJ, 08244; 609-927-5773; mudtrapper@yahoo.com
NTA Director — Fred Stine, 149 Winding Brook Ln., Califon, NJ 07830; 908-832-6998
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including T&PC — $26.00
• Family membership with T&PC — $31.00
• Junior membership with T&PC — $19.00
• Senior membership with T&PC — $19.00
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
NJFH, Membership Officer
Curt Haberman
PO Box 212
Somers Point NJ, 08244
Hello to all,
NJFH is proud to announce that our Annual Convention will take place November 3rd at Atsion Recreation Area. This is just about 6 miles north of Hammonton NJ where 206 and Route 30 meet. The convention starts around 9 but we will be setting up well before then. We will have demos during the day for trap setting and skinning. Also we will be drawing door prizes and of course the Auction at noon. If anyone has items that would be useful in our auction and would like to donate let us know. We appreciate all of your support. Good luck this trapping season and let us know if you need any help with just about anything trapping related. We have lots of good folks willing to help out newcomers and people getting back into the sport. Remember to be professional when out in the field and keep in mind what great opportunities we have here in NJ, and the fact that other folks are also out in your woods and meadows.
Take care. — Andy Janson