Vice President — Fred Stine, 149 Winding Brook Ln., Califon, NJ 07830; phone: 908-832-6998
Secretary — Jay Mounier, 1765 Dutch Mill Rd., Franklinville, NJ 08322-2122; phone: 856-697-1007; e-mail: jemounier@juno.com
Treasurer — Steve Decker, P.O. Box 197, Netcong, NJ 07857; phone: 973-448-0145; e-mail: trapworld2000@yahoo.com
Membership Officer — Ron Diehl, 852 Berkeley Ave., Beechwood, NJ 08722; phone: 908-783-3090;
e-mail: trapperron2003@yahoo.com
NTA Director — Fred Stine, 149 Winding Brook Ln., Califon, NJ 07830; phone: 908-832-6998
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $25.00
• Family membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $30.00
• Junior membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $18.00
• Senior membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $18.00
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
NJFH, Membership Officer
Ron Diehl
852 Berkeley Ave., Beechwood, NJ 08722
Hello, I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and now you are all getting ready for Christmas. Ok, let’s talk about our convention which turned out to be a great time. I would like to thank every one who donated something for our auction. It is always a great success for our club. Then there were all the demo’s, All of which got rave reviews, I even received a few emails on how great they all were, I know some of you came a pretty far distance away, Thank you very much for coming and showing us your technique’s. We have a lot of new trappers and the demos are always priceless. (Even an old salt can learn a thing or two) Last but not least I want to thank all the vendors for coming out they make the day a success.
Last month I went to another Fish & Game council meeting. These meetings are really different. It’s like a sneak peek at the behind the scenes of how our game laws are put into motion. The person in charge of the lottery permit system gave her report. As far as beaver and otter permits go, they were all sold out. A matter of fact their, were 130 beaver permits and 148 otter permits NOT awarded to applicants. That’s a big difference in last year where there were some available over the counter. The only way you could get one this year is if someone does not pick up their permit, then it will be sold over the counter. The other report given that might interest us was from the farm bureau.
They made the comment that they were receiving reports from farmers around the state about live stock predation. So when it was time for public comment I introduced myself and turned to the add we have in the F&G Digest, I mentioned that any farmer having a problem could contact us threw the website and we could try to help solve their problem as well as educate them with troubling fur bearers. Trying to get some ones foot in the door for access to trap on new ground is always a plus. And to educate some one on what we love to do as well.
Well I am trying to keep this short and sweet as I sit here in hunting camp. When I get home we will start trapping. (I can’t wait) So be careful out there and remember to take some one new out on the line with you.
TIP: The straps on your hip waders are for keeping them up, you will know the first time you forget to latch them, when you get wet!
— Ron Diehl