President — Larry Torr, 75 Polly Ann MHC Gerrish Rd Dover, NH 03820 603-742-7554
Vice President — Dwight Pennell, P.O. Box 136, Center Tuftonboro, NH 03816; phone: 603-539-7954
Membership Director — Roger Burnham, 159 North Shore Rd., Hebron, NH 03241; phone: 603-744-3561; e-mail:
Clerk – Bill Anderson, Box 114, South Springfield, NH 03284; phone: 603-763-5548
Treasurer — Mike Kazak, 72 Riverview Dr., Charlestown, NH 03603; phone: 603-826-3959
Education Director — Mike Morrison, 737 Old Homestead Highway, Swanzey, NH 03446; phone: 603-352-8468
NTA Director — Steve Bennett 16 Spruce Cove Rd Northwood, NH 03234 (603) 496-4353
Legislative Director — Scott Borthwick, P.O. Box 81, Canaan, NH 03741; phone: 603-523-9284
NH Fish & Game Liasion — Fred Shepard, P.O. Box 23, Deerfield, NH 03037; phone: 603-463-7473
The NHTA Annual Fall Weekend was held September 18th and 19th this year at the Owl Brook Hunter Education Center in Holderness, NH. We were fortunate again this year to enjoy two days of great fall weather. Thank you to the vendors that set up and stayed the weekend. Attendance was good for Saturday and light on Sunday.
NHTA directors Bob McMasters, Bill Anderson, Roger Burnham, Jack Yazinski, and Vermonter Rick Scoonover and Toby Edwards from NY, put on demonstrations. Director Sean Williamson volunteered to keep the kids busy with activities such as tug-o-war, tomahawk throw, archery and shooting .22 rifles at the range.
Association Vice President Dwight Pennell and Director Bonnie Pennell did the lion’s share of providing the dinner for Saturday: a pig and turkey roast. Thank you to President Larry Torr for donating and raising the pig and to Dwight for providing and tending the cooker. Thank you also to the many directors that helped out vending in the morning with coffee and doughnuts and Sunday’s hamburger and hot dogs. This year there were plenty of directors on hand to allow a smooth sail for the event.
At the Sunday’s business meeting President Larry Torr and the other officers agreed to stay at there respective posts on the board for another year. Larry asked for a volunteer to take up the position of NTA Director/representative. The position will stay open until a volunteer is found.
The Awards Committee presented Dan Dockham with this year’s Trapper of the Year. Congratulations Dan. Dan has been a great help representing the Association at Fish and Game events, public functions and other club events. Vice President Dwight Pennell was inducted into the Hall of Fame and former NH State Representative Pat DeCosta was chosen to receive the Octave Dulude Award. O. Dulude is an award that acknowledges a non-trapper that has best assisted and or supported NHTA’s mission.
This year the association opted once again to present cash prizes to the top three gun raffle ticket sellers. The same big three were the same as last year, but in a different order of number of tickets sold: Rueben Parker sold the most (150) for the first place prize of $75, Don Westcott came in second (98) to win the $50 prize and Craig Williams was third (77) for the $25 prize. The Association appreciates the contributions of all members with the sale of each individual ticket, but these three are to be recognized for their extra effort. Thanks again, Rueben, and thanks to Steve Schlangen for organizing the raffle.
This year’s gun raffle winners:
1) Larry Torr won the Browning X-bolt Hunter .30-06,
2) William Dowd won the Browning X-bolt Hunter .270,
3) Mindy Moulton won the Ruger M77 CR .243,
4) Kayleigh Williams won the Remington Model 870 Express 12 gauge.
5) Mathew Levine won the Savage 93 R17GV .17HMR,
6) Lyn Ordway won the Marlin 336 .30-30,
7) Joshua Westscott won the Savage 200 .30-06,
8) Allen Demas won the T/C Pro Hunter Muzzleloader .50 cal.
9) Sean Howard won the T/C Triumph Muzzleloader .50 cal.
10) Aaron Bondassa was drawn for the Ruger 10/22 .22LR.
A note to members who receive the notice from the Trapper and Predator Caller in the mail as a reminder each year of the soon-to-expire membership: The form has changed, so please take a few extra minutes to look it over. There are now three copies that need to be forwarded on to Membership Director Roger Burnham. Also, there is a new line on the form for an email address. If you wish to provide that, it will be instrumental in the future for notifications.
If you are trapping fisher, please remember that the association is once again collecting donations for the Miss NH jacket that we present each year to the newly crowned pageant winner. We are starting at zero once again and hope that you can set out an extra trap to help us provide the tailor with enough skins so that we won’t have to buy any this year. Thank you again.
Best to all.
— Paul DeBow