President — Larry Torr, 75 Polly Ann MHC Gerrish Rd Dover, NH 03820 603-742-7554
Vice President — Dwight Pennell, P.O. Box 136, Center Tuftonboro, NH 03816; phone: 603-539-7954
Membership Director — Roger Burnham, 159 North Shore Rd., Hebron, NH 03241; phone: 603-744-3561; e-mail:
Clerk – Bill Anderson, Box 114, South Springfield, NH 03284; phone: 603-763-5548
Treasurer — Mike Kazak, 72 Riverview Dr., Charlestown, NH 03603; phone: 603-826-3959
Education Director — Mike Morrison, 737 Old Homestead Highway, Swanzey, NH 03446; phone: 603-352-8468
NTA Director — Steve Bennett 16 Spruce Cove Rd Northwood, NH 03234 (603) 496-4353
Legislative Director — Scott Borthwick, P.O. Box 81, Canaan, NH 03741; phone: 603-523-9284
NH Fish & Game Liasion — Fred Shepard, P.O. Box 23, Deerfield, NH 03037; phone: 603-463-7473
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $24
• Family with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $30
• Junior (under 16) with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $12
• Lifetime membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $300
• Life (over 65) — $100
• Life (over 75) — Free w/previous continuous three membership
• The NHTA requires a Mission Statement for all new members to be signed and dated. The Mission Statement is on the application. Please send a letter, call or e-mail requesting a membership application to Roger Burnham address below.
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
NHTA Secretary/Membership Director
Roger Burnham
159 N. Shore Rd., Hebron, NH 03241
The NH Trappers Association will hold its monthly meeting for January in Springfield at the Fire Station following the annual fur sale. That meeting and sale will take place following the deadline for this news segment. The results for the fur sale will be included in the February news item, as well as any pertinent association related news. Hope to see you there.
Director Steve Bennett has finalized the arrangements for the annual banquet. This year it will be held in Concord at the Bektesh Temple located at 189 Pembroke Rd, Saturday, Feb. 20. Dinner will be served at 6 p.m., doors open for a social hour at 5 p.m. There will be door prizes, silent auctions and raffles. Tickets are $35 each and are available through county directors. Those that wear fur to the banquet will be entered into a special drawing. Minor children will also be entered into a special drawing. The Association is also offering a “Sponsorship” ticket, which will allow supporters of the Association to receive a complimentary dinner, be entered into a separate top-end raffle and receive a special gift. If you would like to make a donation of $200 to be a Sponsor, please contact Steve at 603-496-4353.
The dining hall is larger this year, which will allow for more elbow room. There are limited tickets so make arrangements in a timely fashion. If you have a large party attending, tables can be reserved through Steve. Tickets will not be available at the door; they are available until Feb. 9. The auction and raffles are in need of items so contributions will be greatly appreciated. You can contact Steve Bennett at 603-496-4353 to donate bid items or purchase tickets. Bill Bailey is also available for assistance with tickets and donated items at 603-796-2758.
The Association is looking for contributions of fisher skins for the coat that is donated to the Miss NH Pageant winner. Any other fur donations will be accepted for fund-raisers/education kits. Donated fur can be relayed through county directors or Vice President Dwight Pennell can be contacted directly at 603-539-7954.
NHTA Directors agreed to set up a booth at this year’s NH Farm and Forest Exposition at the Center of NH in Manchester. The forest show will be held Feb. 5 and 6, 2010. Director Gene Dabrowski is in charge of organizing this event. He is looking for volunteers; he can be contacted at 603-387-0697.
Best to all.
— Paul DeBow