New Hampshire Trappers Association December 2014 Report

President — Jack Yazinski, 403 Bible Hill Road, Claremont, NH 03743; 603-542-3367

Vice President — Larry Torr, 41 Moharimet Dr. Madbury, NH 03823, 603-842-5311

General Organizer — Roger Burnham, 159 North Shore Rd., Hebron, NH 03241; 603-744-3561;

Secretary/Membership/Web Director — Kathy and Brian Denutte, 9 Badger Glen Dr., Belmont, N.H. 03220

Treasurer — Mike Kazak, 72 Riverview Dr., Charlestown, NH 03603; 603-826-3959

Education Director — Mike Morrison, 49 Laura Lane, Keene, NH 03431; 603-209-3823

NTA/FTA Director — Gene Dabrowski P.O. Box 3 Georges Mills, NH 03751, 603-387-0697,

Fish & Game Committee Member — Ethan Yazinski 403 Bible Hill Rd, Claremont, NH 03743, 603-542-3367

Fish & Game Committee Member — Dan Teague 69 Colburn Rd, New Boston, NH 03070, 603-487-2330

Membership Options:

• Individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $24

• Family with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $30

• Junior (under 16) with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $12

• Lifetime membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $300

• Life (over 65) — $100

• Life (over 75) — Free w/previous continuous three membership

• The NHTA requires a Mission Statement for all new members to be signed and dated. The Mission Statement is on the application. Please send a letter, call or e-mail requesting a membership application to Kathy Denutte at the address below.

Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:

NHTA Membership Director

Kathy Denutte

9 Badger Glen Dr.

Belmont, N.H. 03220


The New Hampshire Trappers Association held a monthly meeting October 7th, 2014

Miss NH program coordinator Claudette Jolene and the current miss NH, Megan Cooley, attended the directors meeting. Megan introduced herself and spoke briefly to the group and presented the association with a plaque in appreciation of our continued support. She brought along the fisher jacket that NHTA had donated; it looks great.

Vice President Larry Torr has been working on an information packet for our state senators and representatives relative to facts about trapping. He will have these packets available for directors at the December 2nd meeting to distribute to their respective congresspersons.

A date and location has been chosen for the annual NHTA Fur Sale: January 31st, 2014 at the Belknap County Sportsmen’s Club on Lily Pond Rd in Gilford, NH. Gates will be opened at 7 am and the first lot offered at 8 am. We hope to see you there. A 4% fee is charged to members and 10% to non-members. A fee will not be charged if you withdraw your fur. You may also join the association the day of the auction. Individuals donating a fisher or gray fox skin(s) will not be charged a fee.

NHTA will have a booth this year at the NH Farm and Forest Exposition February 6th & 7th, 2015 at the Center of NH in Manchester. Thursday the 5th NHTA volunteers will be setting up the display. Please contact a director if you could donate some time. We will also need members and directors to man the booth during the event.

We are in need of volunteers to assist with the annual banquet and donations for the auctions. Each director has been asked to solicit donations from local businesses. We look forward to hearing from you! The next banquet is scheduled for the 21st of February 2015 at Alan’s Restaurant in Boscawen, NH. Tickets are likely to be around $35. Happy hour starts at 5 pm and the meal will be at 7 pm. There will be a few guns available for silent or live auction and many other interesting items. Vice president Larry Torr will again organize the banquet. He can be contacted at 603-842-5311.

The association voted to make donations to the National Trappers Association ($1,000), Fur Takers of America ($500) and US Sportsmen’s Alliance ($1,000). We also voted to renew our affiliation with the NH Wildlife Federation.

The association is asking for gray fox and fisher donations for our continuing commitment to the Miss NH Pageant program to provide a fur jacket annually to each newly crowned Miss NH. Pelt donations of other skins are also appreciated.

The directors have decided to have pizza and salad at the December 2nd, 2014 monthly directors meeting. If you are interested in becoming a director, please join us! Contact Jack Yazinski at 603-542-3367.

Next years NHTA Fall Meet is already in the planning. Officers and directors are looking at a larger site and an expanded schedule. We are looking at September 18th through the 20th with a set-up date of Thursday the 17th and possible a social event for the evening. Please keep an eye on this date, as we get closer. We anticipate space for overnight camping and campers.

A big “Thank-you” to NHTA Director Bill Anderson who worked tirelessly to contact businesses large and small to request donations for our fall auction this year. We would like to thank these businesses and hope you remember them when you need supplies. The following businesses provided a donation this year: Tomahawk Live Trap Co.– WI, Life Preservers Publishing – NV, Northern Sport Co. Premium Supplies – OH, Hoosier Trapper Supply – IN, Southeastern Outdoor Supplies, Inc. – VA, Toby Walrath – MT, Don Powell – PA, Larry A. Finch – OH, The Snare Shop – IA, J.R. & Sons – OH, A.M. Grawe’s – ND, Western Cats, Inc. – UT, Snare One – NJ, Wilson’s Sure Thing Lures – NY, Ropps Fur Buying – MO, Moyle Mink & Tannery – ID, Minnesota Trap Line Products Inc. – MN, F&T Fur Harvester’s Trading Post – MI, Jerry Schilling – IN, Wildlife Research Center – MN, Insect Shield – NC, Guideline Eye Gear – CA, Vermont Trappers Association, WCS Wildlife Control Supplies – CT, Jerry LeBeau Trapping Supplies – ME, and Bill Kasten’s Trapping Supplies – PA.

Best to all. — Paul DeBow, Grafton County Director

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