President — Dwight Pennell, P.O. Box 136, Center Tuftonboro, NH 03816; phone: 603-539-7954
Vice President — Larry Torr, 75 Polly Ann MHC Gerrish Rd Dover, NH 03820 (603) 742-7554
Membership Director — Roger Burnham, 159 North Shore Rd., Hebron, NH 03241; phone: 603-744-3561; e-mail:
Clerk – Bill Anderson, Box 114, South Springfield, NH 03284; phone: 603-763-5548
Treasurer — Mike Kazak, 72 Riverview Dr., Charlestown, NH 03603; phone: 603-826-3959
Education Director — Mike Morrison, 737 Old Homestead Highway, Swanzey, NH 03446; phone: 603-352-8468
NTA Director — Steve Bennett 16 Spruce Cove Rd Northwood, NH 03234 (603) 496-4353
Legislative Director — Scott Borthwick, P.O. Box 81, Canaan, NH 03741; phone: 603-523-9284
NH Fish & Game Liasion — Fred Shepard, P.O. Box 23, Deerfield, NH 03037; phone: 603-463-7473
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $24
• Family with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $30
• Junior (under 16) with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $12
• Lifetime membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $300
• Life (over 65) — $100
• Life (over 75) — Free w/previous continuous three membership
• The NHTA requires a Mission Statement for all new members to be signed and dated. The Mission Statement is on the application. Please send a letter, call or e-mail requesting a membership application to Roger Burnham address below.
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
NHTA Secretary/Membership Director
Roger Burnham
159 N. Shore Rd., Hebron, NH 03241
The New Hampshire Trappers Association’s two-day fall meeting is scheduled for Sept. 19 and 20 this year. The event will be held at the Owl Brook Hunter/Trapper Education Center in Holderness, NH. We are looking for volunteers to conduct demonstrations for attendees to pick up trapping tips old or new, contact Roger Burnham, Fall Meeting organizer, at: 603-744-3561 if you are interested.
Gates will open at 7 a.m. on Saturday morning. There will be a variety of activities for the children throughout the day on Saturday. Those who want to enter the pie (or other tasty dessert) contest must have the goods to the judge’s table by 11:15 on Saturday morning. A vendor will be on hand for coffee and doughnuts in the morning and there will be a dinner for sale at noon.
The auction to be held at the fall meeting is in need of donations from trappers and friends of trappers. Please contact a director to relay any item: furs, traps, supplies, household goods, sporting goods, canned goods, garden produce; any item of interest to be used at this fundraiser. A few individuals that are interested in liquidating their large inventories of used traps will be at this auction.
The 10-gun raffle tickets have been distributed to directors so ask around for one, two or several and try to get these tickets sold. Steve Schlangen is in charge of this fundraiser, if you need to contact him directly: 603-895-0686.
Best to all.
— Paul DeBow, Grafton County Director