President — Joel Blakeslee (Sherri), 4905 Jackrabbit Rd, Reno, NV 89510; ph: 775-742-1308
Vice President — Tracy Truman, 3654 N Rancho Dr., Las Vegas, NV 89130; ph: 702-658-8927
Secretary/Treasurer — Judi Curran, 4170 St. Clair Rd., Fallon, NV 89406; ph: 775- 867-2239
Fur Manager — Jim Curran, 4170 St. Clair Rd., Fallon, NV 89406; ph: 775-867-2239
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to T&PC — $20
• Husband & wife with subscription — $22
• Junior (under 16) with subcription — $10
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
NTA, Secretary/Treasurer
Judi Curran
4170 St. Clair Rd., Fallon, NV 89406
Just to let everyone know again of the dates for the Fallon Fur Sale this upcoming season. It is going to be held February 25, 26 and 27, 2011 at the Fallon Convention Center. Just like last season, we dropped the Friday sale when it appeared we did not have the quantity of fur to justify a three day sale. This may happen again this year to where we just have a Saturday and Sunday Sale. As reservation start to come in, we will make that adjustment if needed.
As in the past, it is absolutely necessary to call, Jim or Judi at 775 867-2239 to make reservations. Call early even if you are not done trapping and give us an estimate of what you will be bringing. The Saturday sale always fills up early.
On each day of the sale we are going to have 50/50 raffles. All you have to do is put one skin of good quality (example – coyote) into a lot with other entries and the total group will be sold as one lot. The price of the total lot will be divided 50/50 with NVTA Scholarship Fund and the winning ticket that you will get with each fur consigned for the raffle. The group of 20 coyotes bringing $500 will make one trapper $250. We can do this for each of the species. All we ask is that the fur you put into the raffle has to be well put up and prime.
In addition, at the Saturday sale, President Joe Blakeslee will have a general membership meeting in the late afternoon. It is usually held about an hour before the sale summaries are handed out to all of you. Plan on attending, there are a lot of issues to discuss.
Have a great trapping season and don’t forget to call for sale reservations. The markets look good for most all of our well handled fur. We will have plenty of buyers there from all over the country willing to pay top dollar. See you there!
For up-to-date information on the Fur Sale please check our website,
— Jim Curran