President — Don Miller, Box 15, Loup City, NE 68853; phone: 308-745-0572; cell 308-440-2951
Vice President — Joe Jack, Box 303, Wood River, NE 68883; phone: 308-583-2720
Secretary — John Self, 2072 CO RD K, Hooper, NE 68031; phone: 402-654-2913
Treasurer — Jim Cronin, RT 1, Box 405, Loup City, NE 68853; phone: 308-754-0474
Legislative Representative — George Wagner, 201 Main Ave., Winnetoon, NE 68789; phone: 402-847-3398
Public Relations Director — Ben Walker, 73059 Rd. 436, Bertrand, NE 68972; phone: 308-472-5227
NTA Delegate — Chris Pool, 202 Alonzo St., Wilcox, NE 68982; phone: 308-478-5312
FTA Delegate — Roy Greenfield, 16535 145th Rd., Amherst, NE 68812; phone: 308-826-5155
Web Site — Tom Riblett,;
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• Junior (Rat Pack) dues (14 & under) — $16
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
Trompke Bookkeeping and Business Services
PO Box 89, Loup City, NE 68853
Hi everyone,
I am writing this the day before Thanksgiving. By the time you are reading it, most of us will be well into Fur Season.
Jason Reynoldson called me with the information to call the lobbyist for Nebraska Cattlemen’s Association (they were set to oppose LB 743 until HSUS lobbied to oppose us, then they changed to neutral, with reservations). I feel it would help us if they either didn’t appear or supported us. I called the lobbyist (not Duane Gangwish who appeared at our hearing, but a Pete McClymont, another associate) after talking with him he told me there was a meeting in Kearney, after which he might be able to tell me something. I have not reached him since.
At the fall business meeting, I reported that I had received a request for funds from the California Trappers Association to go toward their lawsuit to get footholds back. At the time I was not totally sure how the convention would shake out, so did not ask for funds. After paying bills and getting everything accounted for I recommended to the officers sending $500 to their lawsuit fund, with the officers’ approval, I did send them $500.
That is all I have at this time, so I hope everyone ate too much turkey and pumpkin pie.
— Don Miller
Greetings NFH members. I am not certain why, but my articles for the past two issues must have been lost in that electronic bit bucket in the sky. Hopefully this one will make the pages of T&PC.
With the current fur prices, I have had several members say they will either curtail their harvesting this year or cut back on the line. From my personal perspective I am speculating and hitting it as hard as possible. In the past this has at times proven to pay off due to shorter harvests across the country.
By the time these pages reach you, the Nebraska Legislative season will be on the horizon. Once again Don Miller is leading an effort to overturn LB 743 to regain right of way trapping. Give Don a call for the latest updates and offer to help by talking to your legislative representatives. Only with a unified effort will we be able to overturn this law which was shuffled through the Legislature at the guidance of a lobbyist on a personal mission.
During the NFH fall meeting is was determined the spring meeting will be hosted in Ord by Dave Hastings. Watch these pages for the date and location. This is one of the two meetings our association conducts each year.
The association is of the members, by the members and for the members so plan to attend.
The 2009 Fall Convention will be hosted by Jason Reynoldson in Albion. I know he is already planning the event so if you live in that area, give Jason a call and offer to lend a helping hand.
I will attempt to send my report for the October and November issues for printing.
If I may be of assistance feel free to give me a call.
The fall convention was a success! John Self and his crew went out of their way to make it a memorable event. Friday’s attendance was lower than usual but this is being seen at events across the country. A special thanks is due to the dealers who chose to travel to West Point. Many persons fail to realize the hectic schedule each trapping supply vendor follows as the convention season progresses. Many quality demos were taken in by the fur harvesters who chose to attend. The speakers are to be commended for sharing their hard earned knowledge. The NFH expresses a debt of gratitude to each.
Most of all a “Thank You” must be expressed to each trapper who attended the event. The Saturday evening auction offered a little of everything and each bidder showed their support for the NFH.
A check was presented to our association by NAFA which represents a percentage of the fur sent to them from Nebraska. Thank you NAFA.
Fur season will be here within a few weeks. Once again we need to be ever vigilant with the harvest methods we use in populated areas. May common sense prevail.
— Roy Greenfield