President — Don Miller, Box 15, Loup City, NE 68853; phone: 308-745-0572; cell 308-440-2951
Vice President — Joe Jack, Box 303, Wood River, NE 68883; phone: 308-583-2720
Secretary — John Self, 2072 CO RD K, Hooper, NE 68031; phone: 402-654-2913
Treasurer — Jim Cronin, RT 1, Box 405, Loup City, NE 68853; phone: 308-754-0474
Legislative Representative — George Wagner, 201 Main Ave., Winnetoon, NE 68789; phone: 402-847-3398
Public Relations Director — Ben Walker, 73059 Rd. 436, Bertrand, NE 68972; phone: 308-472-5227
NTA Delegate — Chris Pool, 202 Alonzo St., Wilcox, NE 68982; phone: 308-478-5312
FTA Delegate — Roy Greenfield, 16535 145th Rd., Amherst, NE 68812; phone: 308-826-5155
Web Site — Tom Riblett,;
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• Junior (Rat Pack) dues (14 & under) — $16
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
Trompke Bookkeeping and Business Services
PO Box 89, Loup City, NE 68853
Hello Everyone,
It is two days after Christmas. I hope everyone had a good holiday and that Santa was good to you. We did get quite a gift when the weather broke!
I haven’t read the January Trapper & Predator Caller, but I see on the cover “Lessons Learned,” don’t make the same mistakes as last year. I had better read that one and keep it for reference. I had three beaver sets on a flowage right at the river. They were under some ice, but the second night of below zero, the river finished freezing over and backed up 10 inches and then froze the overflow.
I don’t have any real news to report for now. The new Legislative session starts in about 10 days; and hopefully by this time next month our bill to replace LB743 will be out of committee and moving forward.
Until next month.
— Don Miller