Nebraska Fur Harvesters June 2011 Report

President — Don Miller, Box 15, Loup City, NE 68853-0015; phone: 308-745-0572; cell 308-440-2951

Vice President — Adam Duryea, 80406 Victoria Springs Rd, Merna, NE 68856; phone: 308-643-0430; cell: 308-643-9178

Secretary — John Self, 2072 CO RD K, Hooper, NE 68031; phone: 402-654-2913

Treasurer — Dave Kuhlmann, 70767 626th Ave., Pawnee City, NE 68420-2570; phone: 402-852-6173

Legislative Representative — George Wagner, 201 Main Ave., Winnetoon, NE 68789; phone: 402-847-3398

Public Relations Director — Doug Eskew, 41521 Rd. 764 Gothenburg, NE 69138; phone: 308-537-2919

NTA Delegate — Jason Reynoldson, 2142 State Highway 14, Albion, NE 68620-5033; phone: 402-395-6805; cell: 402-649-3832

FTA Delegate — Roy Greenfield, 16535 145th Rd., Amherst, NE 68812; phone: 308-826-5155

Web Site — Tom Riblett,;


Hello Everyone. It doesn’t seem possible that it has been over two weeks since the spring Meeting in Albion, but it has. I spent 2 days, April 20 and 21, with Sam Wilson at the Platte River State Park Expo. The weather was not conducive for an Expo–tried to rain most of the time. We had serious concerns for the tent at times due to the wind, but we didn’t lose it! The park there has very nice facilities. I thought my cabin was very nice; I understand these are rented out during the summer.
Doug Eskew and Cindy are already working on this year’s Fall Convention–September 23, 24, and 25.

I wish everyone a good spring/summer.

— Don Miller


NE Fur Harvesters Spring Meeting, Albion NE. April 10, 2011

Morning discussions included a surveyed review of the FTA’s trapper ed. video on dog avoidance.

Also a presentation by Stephen Vantassel on Internet website for Internet Center for Wildlife Damage Management (ICWDM). Stephen also included ideas on public relations and philosophy.

Meeting called to order 1:45.

President’s Report: Expenses paid out:

Made a contribution to Sen. Christiansen’s office/re-election campaign, right after fall meeting. Reimburse Dave Hastings for expenses to NTA convention.

Paid NTA Dues

NE. Council of sportsmen

FTA Affiliation

FTA UTV tickets-Outdoor channel spots.

Dunn Knives Promotional kit.


Dave Kuhlmann, Treasurer’s Report– Before Conv. $7,327.53 in checkbook. Now $9,596.40.

Vice Pres—No Report.

Election of Offices—Pres., Treas., NTA Rep, and Legislative Rep. Don encouraged all interested to send some kind of bio to TPC so the membership gets to know them.

Outdoor Expos in the next few months:

Passed around sheet asking for Volunteers—

Platte River— April 20,21

Scottsbluff—May 3-4

Kearny Expo— May 12-13 (Saturday has been eliminated)

Halsey ? — (4-H camp-Game & Parks)(May?)

Gretna? — (4-H camp-game & Parks) (August?)

Ponca — September 16-18. (Will need buckets for these)

Ord-School as possible website manager. Kuhlmanns also know someone who does such things.

Motion made by Greenfield to ask Ord High Technology class to create and maintain website; up to $100 per school year. This will be operated on a trial basis and reviewed at the Fall meeting. Second, George Wagner. Motion Carried. Some kind of contractual agreement would be advised.

Gary Macke—report on fur donation/50/50 Raffle. Discussion of details. Should donors be members in good standing? Consensus was they are not required to. 50% of gross to NFH—50% paid out as prize. Option “B” on the payout was preferred. 1st-50% of available funds, 2nd-30% of available funds, 3rd-place-20% of available funds.

Wynn Hall, Gary Macke, Joe Jack, Dave Hastings, Dave Kuhlmann, Adam Duryea, would be willing to finish a fur for someone who had no means to finish their own.
Motion—accepted amended committee report (drop membership requirement, and go with Option B.) Wagner Seconded. Motion Carried.

Convention update—tabled

2012 Convention—President asked for interest or nominations. Wynn Hall offered to contact Saline County Fair Board, Crete (Tuxedo Park). Tabled. Possibilities from Albion and Broken Bow, but all generally agreed that an Eastern location would be good.

Tom Bartak—Auction/trap auction at convention? Offered to donate traps and donate 25% back to the NFH. Possible opposition from Vendors. Roy—MN Trappers have consignment auction on Friday night, with some commission to the host. Much discussion followed.

Motion by Wynn Hall that we allow for Consignment auction alongside our White Elephant Auction, at a minimum of 20% commission, higher donations permitted. Seconded by Joe Jack. Roy amends motion to add Wynn Hall as consignment auction coordinator. Encouraged to consult with Doug Eskew for input on details. (No Reserved; traditional trapper auction items.) Motion carried.

Discussion of gun raffle and details of convention—Eskews are not present to discuss; may have already addressed. Jim Cronan will be at the Kearney Gun show, and could make arrangement s there.

No National Trappers Association convention in Nebraska for several years. Could that be done? Possible to be Western Regional?

Discussion of more effort to get inclusion from the predator calling community. The predator calling community is expanding.

Discussion of a possibility of adding a dollar fee to fur harvest license to be earmarked for furbearer research.

Discussion of lockdown at convention at end of day—dealers having wares exposed and security not quite firm enough. Vendors need to be at ease that they will not lose merchandise.

Members are encouraged to visit other state association websites to get ideas to share with Dave.

Concern about time for starting meeting. 8:30



At the time of this writing I have just returned from the Spring Meet where some good information was presented.

Stephen Vantassel from UNL gave a presentation centered on Wildlife Damage Control (WDC). Stephen showed us how to access a huge amount of information which not only deals with WDC but can also make you a better or more knowledgeable fur harvester.

Stephen is also the author of the book “Dominion Over Wildlife?” where he does an in depth examination of the correctness of harvesting of wildlife as it relates to Christianity. In a nutshell Stephen is an inexhaustible source of information as to why you should be out there running a trapline.

At the time of this writing LR40CA is in the first round of debate on the floor of the legislature in Lincoln. This bill would amend the state constitution to forever preserve the right to harvest wildlife. If you support such a measure you need to get a hold of your state senator and let them know. With the information being put out today it should becoming clearer the correct impact from activities like fur harvesting are a critical part in maintaining a functioning ecosystem. To understand this is to understand the correctness of a constitutional amendment.

An idea floated at the meeting was adding something like a dollar to the cost of a fur harvest permit and the money being used to support research directly aimed at furbearers. This could be a good way to build more support for the fur harvesting industry. If you have comments about ideas such as this bring them to the fall meeting.

Don has put out a call for candidates as some officer positions are opening up. while I have made several phone calls over the past year when it comes down to the state of Nebraska I have made only one phone call on a state specific issue and the purpose of the call was to get information. So I went to the Spring meet and made one phone call. You have the time to take a more active role in your organization.

As I have mentioned to some I will not actively seek reelection given I’m taking on some other work which is not directly related to fur harvesting but still supports the same.

I urge you to consider a run for office the job is not going to be any harder than you make it and you will see the benefit of being part of something that is good.

— George Wagner

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