Nebraska Fur Harvesters February 2010 Report

President — Don Miller, Box 15, Loup City, NE 68853-0015; phone: 308-745-0572; cell 308-440-2951

Vice President — Adam Duryea, 80406 Victoria Springs Rd, Merna, NE 68856; phone: 308-643-0430; cell: 308-643-9178

Secretary — John Self, 2072 CO RD K, Hooper, NE 68031; phone: 402-654-2913

Treasurer — Dave Kuhlmann, 70767 626th Ave., Pawnee City, NE 68420-2570; phone: 402-852-6173

Legislative Representative — George Wagner, 201 Main Ave., Winnetoon, NE 68789; phone: 402-847-3398

Public Relations Director — Doug Eskew, 41521 Rd. 764 Gothenburg, NE 69138; phone: 308-537-2919

NTA Delegate — Jason Reynoldson, 2142 State Highway 14, Albion, NE 68620-5033; phone: 402-395-6805; cell: 402-649-3832

FTA Delegate — Roy Greenfield, 16535 145th Rd., Amherst, NE 68812; phone: 308-826-5155

Web Site — Tom Riblett,;

Membership Options:

• Individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• Individual membership without publication — $10
• Junior (14 and under) membership with publication — $16

Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
Trompke Bookkeeping and Business Services
PO Box 89, Loup City, NE 68853-0089


Hello everyone,

I see in last month’s report that I commented on the nice weather once we got through October. Sorry! Did I cause all this “Global Warming” we have been having?

Today is Jan. 5. The Nebraska Legislature convenes tomorrow. Everyone should watch and be alert for anything that might affect fur harvesting.

Otherwise, try to stay warm. Until next month.

— Don Miller


Fitting weather for a Yak. Where did those balmy days of November go? I have spoken with many fur harvesters who have cut down the length of their line for this season or stated they are trapping smarter. We are fully realizing the suppressed fur prices for this season. In most cases, fur buyers are speculating if they do not have solid contracts.

With the current market, it would be easy to turn one’s attention to consumptive-use areas other than fur harvesting. Keep in mind, there are many out there that wish to see our way of life end. Through misinformation, they are determined to change our traditions and eliminate our traditional values. Never has it been more important to show support for our state and national trapping associations. They along with the USSA are on the forefront when issues surface.

It is encouraging to see interest in the NFH districts growing! During the last decade, I have worked with nearly every trapping association in the country. The strongest associations have a close-knit communication and activity system by working not only on the state but also the district level. Consider accepting a district director or co-director position and give Don Miller a call.

John Self will be hosting the NFH spring meeting in the eastern portion of the state. I do not have the date or location at this time, but watch these pages in the near future. This is one of two gatherings when the membership decides the path our association will be taking. Make plans to attend.

Mark your calendar and plan to head for Lexington, NE for the NFH Fall Convention next Sept. 24 – 26. Doug Eskew will be hosting the event at the Dawson County Fairgrounds on our traditional weekend.

Our association has been fortunate to have had so many great fall conventions in the past. The Eskew family is hard at work arranging what they say will be the one we remember first. For the time frame, they have a tremendous number of tables reserved by vendors. Their goal is to include activities for every member of the family! If you wish to reserve vendor space or have questions on the versatile Lexington area, give them a call at 308-537-2919.

As many realize, I declined to run for the FTA National Organizers position for another term. Due to uncertainty of the day job and personal health issues, I felt it best for a new face to accept the position. With 11 years as an officer of the FTA, I have made many contacts across the country and do not plan to fade into the history of the associations.

Feel free to call if I can be of assistance!

— Roy Greenfield


Fellow NFH Members

As I set here Christmas afternoon with 35 mph wind, snow and subzero temps, I, like most, long for warm, dry weather. This would help not only with the crop harvest, but with the fur harvest also.

As the first auctions draw to a close, don’t look at the prices and get down in the mouth. Remember the last ship date was in mid December so the fur in our area was early fur and will not be at the top. Just use this as a guideline to what the world is looking for and what they might pay. Then you can set the line for the last half of the season.

With the new year here, go get that new permit and stamp that mom and the kids forgot, check the Regs. for changes (I know of none at this time). Then go out catch a badger, ’cat or, for a real workout, chop the ice and trap beavers through it. Just go out enjoy the outdoors and your time in it.

Till next month, when we have more details on convention 2010, I’ll back closer to the stove and wait out the storm.

— Doug Eskew

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