President — Don Miller, Box 15, Loup City, NE 68853-0015; 308-745-0572; cell 308-440-2951
Vice President — Adam Duryea, 80406 Victoria Springs Rd, Merna, NE 68856; 308-643-0430; cell: 308-643-9178
Secretary — Stephen Vantassel, 701 S. 55th St., Lincoln, NE 68510; 402-489-1042
Treasurer — Jason Reynoldson, 2142 State Highway 14, Albion, NE 68620-5033; 402-395-6805; Cell: 402-649-3832
Legislative Representative — George Wagner, 201 Main Ave., Winnetoon, NE 68789; 402-847-3398
Public Relations Director — Jim Cronin, 47661 781 Road, Loup City, NE 68853; 308-390-4115;
NTA Delegate — Wynn Hall, 221 W Otoe, Exeter, NE 68351; 402-759-1577; whcoonskinner85@gmail.com
FTA Delegate — Roy Greenfield, 16535 145th Rd., Amherst, NE 68812; 308-826-5155
Website — Dave Hastings, 1805 O St., Ord, NE 68862; 308-728-7780
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• Individual membership without publication — $10
• Junior (14 and under) membership with publication — $16
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
Trompke Bookkeeping and Business Services
PO Box 89, Loup City, NE 68853-0089
Hello Everyone,
This letter is to announce that I am no longer President of Nebraska Fur Harvesters. At the elections during our business meeting, no nominations were made. However after the meeting Vice President Adam Duryea agreed to move up to the president’s position with Monte Arnold taking the vice president position. All other officers remained the same.
I have been President for eight years. Moving forward, let’s all get behind Adam and do all we can to help him with the transition. Adam is a very busy man before taking this on.
Thank you to all who helped me through my tenure. — Don Miller