President — Don Miller, Box 15, Loup City, NE 68853; phone: 308-745-0572; cell 308-440-2951
Vice President — Joe Jack, Box 303, Wood River, NE 68883; phone: 308-583-2720
Secretary — John Self, 2072 CO RD K, Hooper, NE 68031; phone: 402-654-2913
Treasurer — Jim Cronin, RT 1, Box 405, Loup City, NE 68853; phone: 308-754-0474
Legislative Representative — George Wagner, 201 Main Ave., Winnetoon, NE 68789; phone: 402-847-3398
Public Relations Director — Ben Walker, 73059 Rd. 436, Bertrand, NE 68972; phone: 308-472-5227
NTA Delegate — Chris Pool, 202 Alonzo St., Wilcox, NE 68982; phone: 308-478-5312
FTA Delegate — Roy Greenfield, 16535 145th Rd., Amherst, NE 68812; phone: 308-826-5155
Web Site — Tom Riblett,;
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• Junior (Rat Pack) dues (14 & under) — $16
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
Trompke Bookkeeping and Business Services
PO Box 89, Loup City, NE 68853
Hello everyone. By now most of you, I’m guessing, have a bunch of traps out. Enjoy your time out there. Sounds like that is pretty much what we’ll get out of it this season. As of right now, I am scrambling to get everything ready. Next year, I’m going to do it differently. As soon as Beaver season is done, I’m going to get everything cleaned up, repaired and readied for next fall before I do anything else. I think I’ve said that before!
As you set out this year, please be careful for yourself and mind your p’s and q’s. We’ll be under scrutiny this year, probably more than ever. Those who opposed our getting ROW back are still determined to have their way.
I notice that gas is ratcheting up. Remember how nice it was for Albion’s Convention? The only good thing about the weather since then is that I won’t have to get used to waders this fall.
On the subject of Convention, Doug Eskew has already been laying the ground work for next fall’s convention. We need to have someone bring info and a bid for a location for our September 2011 Convention. Until next month.
— Don Miller
Hello NFH Members,
At the time of writing this note, everyone is getting ready for the season’s open. In your preseason duties, let’s not forget to check your game laws as there might be changes, not only at the state but at the county levels also. As you go about your preparations, don’t forget that person that was interested in things last year. Help them start a basic line. Being young or old, there is no feeling like the feeling of a sprung trap with a nice ’coon in it, and this person will thank you for helping them get this feeling.
As your public relations officer, I invite you to call on me if there is any way that I can help to spread the word about trapping or the NFH. I have membership applications, training manuals, along with a host of people that will help use them. So if you need help at a activity, call and I will see if myself or someone can come help with it.
I have one request as your District 4 officer. We will be hosting the 2010 fall convention in Lexington Nebr. and I would like the people of District 4 (BUFFALO, CUSTER, DAWSON, FRANKLIN, FURNAS, GOSPER, HARLAN, KEARNEY, PHILIPS, SHERMAN, VALLEY COUNTIES) to ban together and help make it one of the best. If you cannot come and help, spread the word, help with gathering donations for the benefit auction or whatever one can do to help. We are going to have something for everyone to enjoy and I mean everyone. So if you have anything you would like to sell or know anyone that might call to save a space or come down and we will find you a space to set up.
With high hopes and ready traps, your District 4 and Public Relation officer.
— Doug Eskew
More questions than solutions as this year’s fur season opens. As with so many years in the past, the adrenalin is pumping and I am ready to hit the line. With only a small percentage of the crops harvested, cattle still on summer pastures and mud everywhere, it will be a late start. Seeing the fur market trends ensures an extremely tight grade on our harvest so it might be for the best.
Once again, if you are interested in becoming a district director for the NFH, give Don Miller a call. This is a very rewarding position and by establishing active districts, we will be able to react quickly when issues surface.
John Self has volunteered to host the spring meeting. Stay tuned within these pages for the location and date. I recently spoke with Doug Eskew, who is chairing the NFH 2010 Fall Convention. The Lexington, NE location is without a doubt going to be very popular with everyone. Many vendors have already reserved tables. The Lexington area offers attractions for the entire family and has ample motel and camping accommodations. The location on I-80 provides easy routes of travel for those with many miles to travel. As the details become available, Doug will be providing them.
The FTA has filmed the majority of the trapping promotion segments which start airing on the Outdoor Channel this January. Having reviewed the format, it revealed that these segments will offer information to those watching explaining the benefits of scientific wildlife management. I am amazed when I realize how few outdoors persons not associated with fur harvesting have no concept off the methods and modern equipment we use on a daily basis. These segments are not preaching to the choir but the congregation.
Keep safety in mind as you work your fur line. The smallest of accidents can shut one down faster than the worst of storms.
— Roy Greenfield