President — Tom Barnes, 4294 Hwy 91 N, Dillon MT 59725; 406-683-2791;
Vice President East — John Hughes 3065 Winnet Hwy, Roundup, MT 59072; 406-429-2002;
Vice President West — Tater McKay, 3800 Old Stage Road, Dillon MT 59725; 406-683-4824; cell: 406-660-1094;
Executive Secretary — Jim Buell, P.O. Box 133, Gildford, MT 59525; 406-376-3178;
Membership Secretary — Valerie Esche, 17 Allison Dr., Absarokee, MT 59001; 406-328-7264;
Treasurer— Terry Sheppard, P.O. Box 129, Ovando, MT 59854; 406-793-5885;
NTA Director — Jim Buell, P.O. Box 133, Gildford, MT 59525; 406-376-3178;
Membership Options:
• Family membership with T&PC — $40
• Family membership without T&PC — $30
• Adult membership with T&PC — $30
• Adult membership without T&PC — $20
• Youth membership with T&PC — $20
• Lifetime membership with T&PC — $350
• Lifetime membership without T&PC — $250
• Senior lifetime membership with T&PC — $200
• Senior lifetime membership without T&PC — $100
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
MTA Membership Secreatary
Valerie Esche
17 Allison Dr.
Absarokee, MT 59001
Hello Montana Trappers!
The MTA has been active this year attending all sorts of events and educating the public about trapping. The most recent was the Old Wild West Festival held in August in Missoula where we had the Trappers Cabin. I spent three days there with 3 other MTA members Bob Sheppard, JR Strand and Bill Schoop. I was able to spend some time with Lloyd Priest who was dressed in his Mountain man Rendezvous attire and shooting a muzzleloader all day. Thanks to Lloyd for letting me borrow a jack when the gears on the trailer crank went ka-put.
We are always looking for more ways to promote our heritage. It was great to see the cabin in full décor and all the people who stopped by and asked questions about the many furs we had on display. The best part was watching the youngsters make tracks with the ink pad then match up the furs with the tracks. Several children started out with “eew” then after watching other children play with the furs and rubber feet changed to “…can I try that?”. It was awesome to watch. These young people need to be exposed to trapping and events like these may be the only time they get a chance!
The MTA is gearing up for a fight with the animal rights activists here in Montana once again. A few years ago they failed to gather enough legitimate signatures to get their effort to ban trapping on Montana public lands on the ballot. They are trying again in 2013/2014.
The MTA has had the opportunity to respond and has been in contact with the appropriate members of our government. We have a lot of support here in this great agriculturally dependent “Last Best Place” and I am confident we are going to win. I just wish we didn’t have to fight these wackos.
Paul Fielder, District 1 Director and appointed MTA liaison with Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks travelled to Helena in August and met with MTFWP leadership about the animals rights inititiative. He then went to the Attorney General’s office and visited with the Assistant Attorney General followed by a walk over to the Governor’s Office of Budget and Finance to visit with a representative there about the wording in the Fiscal note submitted with the ballot initiative summary.
The MTA then submitted our comments to the wording and had some success in make changes for the better. A special thanks to Paul for that effort! It is going to take political action to hammer the anti’s, we need to get our message out to the public but we can’t win without remaining politically active.
Alan Minear worked hard to boost our attendance at the Rendezvous this year by getting advertisements in the local newspapers and had big signs made for the event. Hopefully that paid off and we’ll see more people this year. Thanks Alan!
Trapping season is almost here again, I am sure you’ve got your waxed dirt made, traps are dyed and your bait is put up. Our trap lines are where we find solace and enjoy the outdoors, I’m right there with you but we need more people to get involved, teach a class of children about furs, run a booth at the fair, talk to people about trapping and hand out information.
I can assure you the animal rights advocates are out there spreading their message, are you?
See you out there. — Toby Walrath