Montana Trappers Association March 2011 Report

President — Tom Barnes; phone: 406-683-2791; e-mail:

Vice President East — John Graham, Jordan, MT; e-mail:

Vice President West — Dennis Schutz, Stevensville, MT

Recording Secretary — Jim Buell; phone: 406-376-3178; e-mail:

Membership Secretary — Valerie Esche, 17 Allison Dr., Absarokee, MT 59001; phone: 406-328-7264; e-mail:

Treasurer — Terry Sheppard, Ovando, MT; e-mail:

NTA Director — Brian Stoner, Belgrade, MT; e-mail:

Membership Options:

• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• Youth membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $15
• Family membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $35
• Lifetime membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $350
• Senior Lifetime membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $200

Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:

MTA Membership Secreatary
Valerie Esche
17 Allison Dr., Absarokee, MT 59001


Trapping Information Day for Legislators

MTA hosted a trapping information day in the Montana capitol building rotunda on January 31st for state legislators. The event included displays of a variety of furs, trap types, trapper’s educational materials and publications, information about how trapping helps Montana compared to states that have banned trapping AND a free lunch. Many state senators and representatives stopped by the displays where nine MTA members were present to provide information and answer questions about variety of trapping topics.

Often times, they shared their trapping experiences with us. In addition to elected legislators, many of their staff, lobbyists, MFW&P personnel, and members of the general public that just happened to be at the capitol that day stopped by our displays to talk.

By the end of the day, we felt that we had made many good contacts in the legislature, answered many of their questions, and left them with a good impression of trappers. MTA members that hosted the day were MTA President Tom Barnes, Jim and Fran Buell, Tater McKay, Chad and Valerie Esche, Bob Sheppard, Ed Hebbe III, and Paul Fielder, and J&M Furs helped fund the lunch. This was another example of Montana Trappers Association members giving their time and effort for the benefit of all the trappers of Montana.

Region 1 (NW Montana) Trappers Meeting April 9th

The annual meeting of the trappers in Region 1 (NW Montana) will be held at the Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks HQ in Kalispell Montana at 9am April 9th. This meeting is open to ALL TRAPPERS, regardless of any memberships in trapping organizations. For more information, contact Dave Pemble 406 396-2887.

— Paul C. Fielder


District 5 & 7 Spring Trappers Meeting

Trappers in District 5 & 7 (the SE quarter of Montana) will meet at noon April 16th.

Meeting will be at J&M Fur Shed on PX Ranch, 3065 Winnett RD, Winnett, MT. Lunch is provided with meeting to follow. For more info, contact John Hughes at or 406-429-2002.

— Paul C. Fielder

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