President — Tom Barnes; phone: 406-683-2791; e-mail:
Vice President East — John Graham, Jordan, MT; e-mail:
Vice President West — Dennis Schutz, Stevensville, MT
Recording Secretary — Jim Buell; phone: 406-376-3178; e-mail:
Membership Secretary — Valerie Esche, 17 Allison Dr., Absarokee, MT 59001; phone: 406-328-7264; e-mail:
Treasurer — Terry Sheppard, Ovando, MT; e-mail:
NTA Director — Brian Stoner, Belgrade, MT; e-mail:
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• Youth membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $15
• Family membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $35
• Lifetime membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $350
• Senior Lifetime membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $200
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
MTA Membership Secreatary
Valerie Esche
17 Allison Dr., Absarokee, MT 59001
MTA’s 2011 Western States Fur Auction Results
The Montana Trappers Association held their Western States Fur Auction in Columbus, MT during the weekend of February 18-20. MTA President Tom Barnes organized and directed his many MTA volunteers into running an efficient and successful fur auction. Furs were separated into lots of the seller’s choosing, minimum bids could be set, and sales were by closed bid with a half dozen or more fur buyers present.
The room was full of fur with a bunch of large, pale high plains coyotes and bobcats available. Highlights of the sale had to be 100% of the bobcats selling for an average of $572 and 93% of the coyotes selling for an average of $45.
The final sale of furs, castor, and porky hair totaled almost $120,000. Sale commissions of 6% for MTA members and 8% for non-members will help fund MTA needs, including the continuing fight against animal rights groups to keep trapping a way of life for some Montanans. As can be seen below, furs sold for some pretty good prices at this auction.
Listed by Item, Offered, % Sold and Average
Badger — 24, 83, $25.20
Beaver — 189, 100, 14.41
Bobcat — 132, 100, 572.21
Castor — 22.45 lb, 100, 44.23
Coyote — 621, 93, 44.83
Ermine — 2, 100, 2.31
Red Fox — 71, 100, 31.22
Marten — 94, 93, 35.85
Mink — 21, 100, 11.90
Muskrat — 221, 100, 5.28
Otter — 1, 1, 46.63
Porky hair — 24.55 oz, 100, 22.82
Raccoon — 231, 100, 18.92
Skunk — 127, 21, 7.80
Fur Handling Clinic
Clinic will be start at noon in Miles City, MT. Contact Allan Minear for location and details at: 406/679-2361.
MTA District 1 (NW Montana) Trappers Meeting April 9
The annual meeting of the trappers in Region 1 (NW Montana) will be held at the Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks office in Kalispell, MT at 9am April 9th. This meeting is open to ALL TRAPPERS, regardless of any memberships in trapping organizations. For more information, contact Dave Pemble 406 396-2887.
MTA District 6 Trappers Meeting April 10
Meet will be held at Odd Fellows Hall in Saco, MT. Chili feed starts at noon with meeting starting at 1pm. For more info, contact Kirk Knudsen 406/458-0119 or
MTA District 4 Spring Trappers Meeting April 17
Meeting starts at 1pm at MFW&P office on Giant Spring Road in Great Falls, MT. For more info, contact Josh Lodge, 406/453-3325 or
MTA District 5 & 7 Spring Trappers Meeting April 16
Trappers in District 5 & 7 (the SE quarter of Montana) will meet at noon April 16th. Meeting will be at J&M Fur Shed on PX Ranch, 3065 Winnett RD, Winnett, MT. Lunch is provided with meeting to follow. For more info, contact John Hughes at 406 429-7591 or
— Paul C. Fielder