Director — Kenneth Cordoza Jr., 150 Lost Coon Tr., Whitefish, MT 59937
Director — Don Bothwell, 110 Cardiff Ave., Kalispell, MT 59901
Director — Rick Hawk, P.O. Box 381, Kalispell, MT 59903
Director — Robert Howard, P.O. Box 164, Martin City, MT 59926
Director — Larry Keyes, 235 Martin Camp Rd., Whitefish, MT 59937, P.O. Box 3481, Kalispell, MT
e-mail address:
Membership Options:
• Regular Membership — $25, includes Trapper & Predator Caller subscription
• Sustaining Membership $20 – No Magazine
• Junior Membership (under 18) $15 – T&PC subscription
• Family Membership — $30, T&PC subscription
• Charter Membership — $100
• Foundation Membership — $200
I have potentially great news for the future of trapping in Montana. A trappers education bill has passed out of the house Fish & Game committee and has passed a second reading in the full house with only 14 nay votes. Five MFCA members from Kalispell testified in the F&G committee hearing along with several MTA members. In fact, there were 13 people signed up to testify, 12 for and one against. We were also supported by the Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, Montana Wildlife Federation and the Montana Stockgrowers assoc.
Hopefully by next month I will be able to report that trappers education for first time license buyers will be the law of the land. If you believe that education is necessary to counter the forces against us, please contact your legislators and urge passage of this law.
— Rick Hawk