Missouri Trappers Association March 2010 Report

President — Doren Miller, 26500 Pike 244, Clarksville, MO 63336; phone: 573-242-3319

Vice President — Robbie Page, 108 McCulley Street, New Franklin, MO 65274; phone: 660-888-2369; e-mail: trapperpage@sbcglobal.net

Secretary — Charlie Brown, 7130 Drury Lane, Maplewood, MO 63143; phone: 314-644-1364; e-mail: charliet1961@SBCGlobal.net

Treasurer — Paul Webb, 124 Mooreview Dr., Gravois Mills, MO 65037; phone: 573-374-2768

Conservation Director — Rick Friedrich, 11504 Hawk Hill Lane, Booneville, MO 65233; phone: 660-621-2131

NTA Director — Ron Pantry, Rt. 1 Box 84, Lancaster, MO 63548; phone: 660-457-2192

FTA Director — Henry A. Wendt, P.O. Box 123, Couch, MO 65690; phone: 417-938-4519

Membership Options:

• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• Lifetime membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $365

Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:

MTA Secretary
Charlie Brown, 7130 Drury Lane, Maplewood, MO
63143; phone: 314-644-1364; e-mail: charliet1961@SBCGlobal.net



It has taken me a long time to learn the difference between OFFENSE and DEFENSE. We’ve been on the defense of trapping for a long time. It says in the good book, Ecclesiastes 3:1, “To every thing there is season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” I believe it is time to be on the offensive. I hope this article isn’t late because I’ve been writing letters to the governor, to the new conservation director, to the conservation federation of Missouri. I believe it is time.

There are others on the offensive as well. District 9 is stepping out with a banquet in February. District 8 is working with Cabela’s, selling raffle tickets and educating everyday people about trapping. District 1 has an “Evening with Wildlife” planned. Education and promotion programs are on an offensive, positive road.

We just got home from the first MTA auction this year, and prices were a lot better than what we have heard and read.

— Doren Miller


Hi everyone,

I hope that everyone had a safe and enjoyable trapping season. At the time of this writing, we have already had our first fur auction on Jan. 23. Low fur prices were expected this season and there was a low turnout at the auction as a result. But, those who had a lot number for that sale, weren’t you surprised at the prices that were brought for the fur? Pretty much everything across the board was higher than it was last year. I want to congratulate Jim Weberry for a job well done for his first auction. If it wasn’t for him getting all of those buyers there, I doubt that the prices would have been that good. Good job Jim.

On Feb. 27, District 9 will be holding the first Missouri Trappers Association benefit banquet. The banquet will take place at the Indian Trail Archery, Gun, and Banquet Center in Salem, Missouri. The center is located on Highway 19 North at the city limits. There will be great food, auctions, raffles and door prizes. The banquet is open to the public. For further information, contact Kenny Wells at 573-729-3642 or contact Greg Stephens at 573-247-2940. I encourage everyone to attend.

I’m sorry for not giving a report lately. I have been busy doing what most of you have been probably doing, trapping, fur handling and, of course, working. I too, was not expecting fur prices to be so great. Rick Friedrich and I decided to trap together this year. We started around Thanksgiving mainly on raccoons. I guess there is still some distemper in our area for the populations seem to be pretty spotty. We did manage to catch a raccoon with a humorous personality. It showed a great interest in my revolver. We even sat on the bank and had quite the conversation. We did do some beaver and otter trapping a little bit. The highlight of the beaver trapping was when Rick found “Wilson” from the movie, Castaway. When the weather got colder, we also did some land trapping and managed to catch a few coyotes, foxes and bobcats.

Well, that is about all I have for right now. I look forward to seeing you all at the spring meeting.

— Robbie


Hi everyone,

Our trapping season is winding down. The MTA had its first fur auction on Jan. 23. It went well and the fur prices were better than what we thought they would be.

I was pulling my traps and caught my foot in some old wire and fell like a ton of bricks and when I quit bouncing, I had a sprained left ankle. It turned a nice black and blue, but nothing broke. My wife was fussing for me to go to the Doctor, but I told her it was a long way from my heart, still swollen and very sore.
I did get my fur put up and ready to go to the next fur auction on Feb. 6. As trapping is about over, the association is starting to plan for our spring meeting in March. Hope to see everyone there. Well that’s all for now.

God Bless.

— Paul Webb


Howdy folks! I hope you all have enjoyed the “challenging” season we’ve had in Missouri this year. I’ve never seen worse, as the weather constantly threw a variety of its craziest examples at us. Still, it has been an adventure, and I’ve learned several new things this year that should help my trapline effectiveness in the future, I hope.

The first MTA Auction came off way better than expected, and the future is a little brighter as far as fur prices go. A deserving “Thanks” should go to Jim Weberry, Rick Friedrich and everyone else who had involvement in the auction. It’s a lot of work to make this happen. Thanks guys.

As most of you know by now, District 6 will be hosting this year’s rendezvous. It will be held near Linn Creek at the Missouri Trapshooter’s Association (the “other” MTA) homegrounds. These folks have went out of their way to make us feel welcome. And while there is no “perfect” location to hold a Rondy, I believe that this site will fill our needs nicely. We are currently forming committees and assigning work loads for this event. If you’d like to help, we can use you! Please contact me and we’ll make arrangements to meet. It might seem that we have plenty of time now, but I’ll guarantee you that September will be here before you know it. I am open to any suggestions and ideas from all MTA members on what you would like to see at this Rondy. Speak up!

Again, this season’s inclement conditions made it tough to have a great predator season, but, with any luck, I should be able to take some of those muskrats and otter in the next few weeks that have such good prices on their heads. I’m also looking forward to having some new blood join me on the line – any time I can get someone new to come along makes that day a success, whether we catch fur or not. As always, I urge everyone of you to take just one new person along each season, if only for a day or two You never know. You may just plant the send for a newborn trapper. Heaven knows we need more seeds planted.

— Dale W. Verts

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