Missouri Trappers Association June-July 2009

President — Robert Wilson, 21562 Pike 227, Eolia, MO 63344; phone: 573-485-7478

Vice President — Doren Miller, 26500 Pike 244, Clarksville, MO 63336; phone: 573-242-3319

Secretary — Troy Crooks,P.O. Box 92, Newburg , MO 65550; phone: 573-578-6532; e-mail: isaiah52_7@hotmail.com

Treasurer — Herb Binsbacher, 29535 Hwy. J, Gravois Mills, MO 65037; phone: 573-372-6711

Conservation Director — Arlon Held, 10075 Janes Creek Rd., Caledonia, MO 63631; phone: 573-766-1382

Delegate to NTA — Ron Pantry, Rt. 1 Box 87, Lancaster, MO 63548; phone: 660-457-2192

Delegate to FTA — Robert Wilson, 21562 Pike 227, Eolia, MO 63344; phone: 573-485-7478

Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• Lifetime membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $365

Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
MTA Secretary
Troy Crooks
P.O. Box 92,Newburg , MO 65550;
phone: 573-578-6532; e-mail: isaiah52_7@hotmail.com


The young trappers contest, in memory of John Mark Haden, is an opportunity for youngsters to convey to the Public Relations Committee why they want to learn more about trapping. They might share any experiences trapping or lack of. A $150 prize package of trapping supplies will be awarded at the fall rendezvous. Any child under the age of 15 by July, 1, 2009, is eligible.

The child or a family member does not need to be a member of the Missouri Trappers Association. Have the youngster write a letter telling us why they want to learn more about trapping. The public relations committee will select the winner.

Deadline to enter is July 1, 2009. Please encourage a youngster to enter this year.

Requests for literature have been down somewhat this spring. If you need anything, I’ll try to help you out. I have been working with Bass Pro Shops in Columbia and as of this report, at their hunting classic in August, one weekend will focus on trapping and predator calling. The Missouri Trappers Association has been asked to have a booth with representation at this event. I hope this is the beginning of something much larger with Bass Pro Shops. I’ll be able to share more information with everyone in September.

Give a demo, talk to a group and teach the kids. This is what Freddie Cox would want us to do. Remember we are all on the Public Relations Committee.

— Kevin Whitworth


On Feb. 28, Miss Missouri, Lacey Fitzgerald and I attended the Deer Classic at the Boone County Fairgrounds near Colombia. The reception Lacey received was great as usual. This young woman is a great representative of Missouri and the MTA. Lacey goes above and beyond in any duties she’s involved in.

After dodging most of the big snowstorm, Lacy and I represented the Missouri Trappers Association at the Conservation Federation of Missouri Convention at Lake Ozark. This was my first time at this event and what a treat it was. Lacey gave a brief talk about the MTA’s support of the Miss Missouri organization. She spent quite a bit of time speaking with a group of high school students on their involvement with the Conservation Federation and shared with them some of her Miss Missouri moments. The officers and members thanked us for attending and Lacey received many positive comments on her fur coat.

If anyone would like to attend the Miss Missouri Pageant or Miss Missouri Outstanding Teen Pageant in Mexico, June 3-5, contact me for availability of free tickets. The MTA will be presenting Miss Missouri 2009 with an otter jacket and Miss MO Outstanding Teen with a fur bear at the pageants.

Once again, a new pageant chairman will be appointed this fall. If you’re interested, contact me for any questions you may have concerning your duties. It is truly a very rewarding experience.

— Kevin Whitworth, Pageant Chairman

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