President — Robert Wilson, 21562 Pike 227, Eolia, MO 63344; phone: 573-485-7478
Vice President — Doren Miller, 26500 Pike 244, Clarksville, MO 63336; phone: 573-242-3319
Secretary — Troy Crooks,P.O. Box 92, Newburg , MO 65550; phone: 573-578-6532; e-mail:
Treasurer — Herb Binsbacher, 29535 Hwy. J, Gravois Mills, MO 65037; phone: 573-372-6711
Conservation Director — Arlon Held, 10075 Janes Creek Rd., Caledonia, MO 63631; phone: 573-766-1382
Delegate to NTA — Ron Pantry, Rt. 1 Box 87, Lancaster, MO 63548; phone: 660-457-2192
Delegate to FTA — Robert Wilson, 21562 Pike 227, Eolia, MO 63344; phone: 573-485-7478
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• Lifetime membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $365
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
MTA Secretary
Troy Crooks
P.O. Box 92,Newburg , MO 65550;
phone: 573-578-6532; e-mail:
Greetings again from Pike County,
When you read this, it will be good old summer time, enjoy it. Not much to report on. There will be a board meeting in July at Columbia, Mo. The National Trappers Association has asked us to bid on the 2011 convention. It will be discussed at the board meeting.
Please contact the Secretary Charlie Brown and let him know if you are in favor of this and if you are willing to help. Please let him know before the board meeting so we will know how the membership feels. I think it will be a plus for the association to due this again,
Be safe in the outdoors this summer.
Take a kid hunting, fishing and trapping this year.
— Bob Wilson
Hello. I apologize for not getting something in the Trapper & Predator Caller for last issue. We’re working on the Fall Rendezvous. Kenny Wells in District 9 is planning to have an exceptional rendezvous this fall in Salem, Sept. 17-19. There will be a detailed map and tentative agenda in your next Mountain Man paper. We have some different kind of events planned. I know gas prices are high, but I sure hope you plan to attend the annual meeting on Saturday afternoon. If you have any questions, call Kenny Wells at 573-729-3642 or me at 573-242-3319.
Lynn and I were fortunate enough to get to go to several district spring meetings. Thanks to all who attended. It seems like it used to be only a few attending meetings, but today the meetings are very well attended. It’s good to see districts growing and the volunteer work that’s being done across our state. I also want to thank the other officers, district directors and committee chairs who have made it to these meetings.
I want to thank Charlie Brown for stepping up to the Secretary position. I know he’s working pretty hard to re-group. He’s putting memberships, renewals, etc. into the system to assure that all members get all the benefits the MTA offers.
I want to thank Paul and Elaine Webb for helping Herb while he was ill. Paul is putting together a system to produce reports about our finances.
On July 18, we are going to have our summer Board of Directors meeting in Columbia. I also know that Tom Westhoff from District 2 and several members from District 3 will be at Busch Wildlife Refuge on July 25 sharing with families about trapping.
Hopefully we can get done scraping fur so we can go the 50th NTA Convention in Ohio the end of July. See you on the road somewhere.
— Doren Miller
Hello everyone. Hope you all are making it OK with the lovely Missouri weather! I have sure enjoyed taking this secretary position and I sure hope after September that I will still be doing it.
Talking to everyone on the phone and taking care of their problems is very satisfying. If you are having trouble with your membership please call me.
Also, after reviewing the membership roster, we are realizing some problems. If you have a change of address, please call me, not Trapper & Predator Caller.
Also, we have an alarming amount of expired members and I am working on a plan to get these members renewed.
July is a busy month; first is the 4th of July celebrations, then on the 18th we will have our summer Officers & Directors meeting in Columbia, where we have some important issues to discuss including the 2011 NTA Convention. This is a very big deal for the MTA. Also the 2009 NTA Convention will be in Lima, Ohio at the end of the month.
For all the Officers and Directors, please send a copy of your monthly reports to Karen Reed so she can put it on our MTA Web site. This is just another way to keep our members informed of what’s going on. Also, don’t forget about our Fall Rendezvous in Salem.
Kenny Wells and the members of Dist. 9 have a good event lined up and September will be here before you know it.
Again, if you have any questions or problems with your membership needs, please call me and we willl get it taken care of as fast as possible. Thanks for letting me serve our association.
— Charlie Brown
Hi everyone. I hope you are enjoying the summer time. It is time for the Trapping Rendezvous to start. Hope you are planning on attending one or both of them.
Elaine and I are going to both of them. Elaine has a quilting business called E-W-Designs. So stop by and visit with us.
As you know, this is election year for the M.T.A. I urge each one of you to talk to the people who are running for office. Pick the one you feel will do the best job for the assoc. Please take time to vote. This is assoc. So when you get your ballot please vote. Your vote does count!
District 6 will have a new Director. His name is Dale Verts. He will take over on Oct. 1. I’m sure he will do a good job. That’s all for now. Have a great summer and be safe.
God Bless.
— Paul Webb