President — Shawn Johnson, 6122 McQuade Road, Duluth, Mn 55804; phone: 218.525.4970; e-mail: mcquaderoadfur@msn.com
Vice President — Dave D’Aigle, 29765 Holly St NW, Isanti, MN 55040
Secretary — Linda Salo, 5927 McNiven Road, Chisholm, MN 55719; e-mail: linda.salo@mwcradio.com
Treasurer — Tricia Coons, 403 Wood Ave., Bemidji, MN 56601; phone: 218-444-8244; e-mail: MTATrish@paulbunyan.net
Membership Coordinator — Kathy Peterson, 57124 Cty Rd., Northhome, MN 56661; phone: 218-659-4535; e-mail: kpeterso@paulbunyan.net
Director of Trapper Education — Deb Offerdahl, 14788 Lynx Rd., Milaca, MN 56353; phone: 320-983-6023
Mandatory Trappers Education Director — Shawn Johnson, 6122 McQuade Road, Duluth, MN 55804; phone: 218-525-4970; e-mail: mcquaderoadfur@msn.com
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• Junior (under 16) with subscription — $15
• Lifetime membership with subscription — $400
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
MTA, Membership Coordinator
Kathy Peterson
57124 Cty Rd., Northhome, MN 56661
Greetings trappers. Here’s hoping that the beavers were plentiful and pricy this spring.
NON-RESIDENT TRAPPING-Those that have been members of MTA for a number of years are well aware of the conflict-ridden nature of this issue in particular. Regardless of which side you happen to support on this issue, it is of vital importance that you make your voice heard. Now by being heard, I’m not advocating that members start telephoning me to let me know what they think personally. In an upcoming issue of the MTA Newsletter, a poll will be conducted of the membership to ascertain the majority view on nonresident trapping. This will be an official paper polling of the membership with rules and procedures outlined for submitting your ballot. I strongly encourage MTA members to solicit non-member trappers to consider membership if they wish to have their voice heard on this important issue.
The MTA’s future official position on whether or not to support non-resident trapping ultimately hangs in the balance.
I’m keeping this report short as the Newsletter deadline is fast approaching and I have much to share with the membership on other issues as well.
But last of all for now,I’d like to personally thank Gerard Stelmach from Foley and Harry Kuefler from Chisago City for their generous donations the MTA’s Legal Defense Fund. You personal support of the MTA and your commitment to the future of trapping in Minnesota is very much appreciated.
Keep your skinning knives sharp.
— Shawn Johnson
Just finished up the spring Beaver season. Lots of high water to start made it a little difficult, also seemed to be a lot of competition this year. Had a good time and managed to catch a few.
The Summer convention is getting closer and seems to be coming together nicely. In talking with the guys from the northern districts it sounds as though they will be well represented at Redwood Falls this summer. Nice to see them make the trip south. Sounds like Leon, Shannon and the District 7 members will have lots of tours and other stuff planned for the convention. Should be a great time and if you’re planning on getting a room, make sure and get a reservation as they are filling up fast.
This years Winter Convention will be in Askov MN at the East Central High School. Very nice facility with lots of room. The Legal Defense banquet will be headed up by District 4 Director Buzz Neprud again this year. If you have any interest in helping or donating any items please contact him. The Banquet will be after the winter convention 4 miles to the east in the town of Askov. Nice facility with lots of room and should be a great evening again this year. Tickets will be limited again this year so get yours early.
Jim Blakely took over the job of lining up demos for the summer convention so if you’re interested in doing one please contact him.
For 2012 Minnesota is hosting the NTA Convention in Owatonna. This will be a huge task with lots of volunteers needed. Todd Roggenkamp is in charge of organizing the volunteers so if you can find time to help please contact him.
See you this summer.
— Dave D’Aigle
Hi everyone,
Well I think spring is finally here and I hope everyone that trapped spring beaver had a successful season. I don’t like starting my report out like this but after hearing about, then looking at, another trapping organizations web-site I feel I must set the record straight. Once again the untruths have surfaced within District 1. In Feb. at our spring meeting in Cotton, I was asked if there was talk at the board level concerning non-resident trapping. I answered that there was not and I felt it was a non-issue (truth). At the B.O.D. meeting in March however, District 7 said at their spring meeting the non-resident issue was brought up and the majority of those attending were in favor of non-resident trapping.
It was suggested by Dist. 7 that we poll the general membership to see what the majority of the membership felt about this issue. I voiced some of my concerns on the topic and was re-assured that this was only a poll to find out what the general membership felt about this (truth). So back to the web-site trying to discredit me with the members of District 1. I don’t know who is telling you these lies, but to publish them without knowing all the facts only further erodes your creditability as an organization! (TRUTH) Enough said!
In our next M.T.A. newsletter there will be a poll to get an idea on what the general membership feels about allowing non-resident trapping. There are very strong feelings both for and against this. Make sure you vote and make sure you follow the instructions. I believe the poll must be sent in by mail and postmarked prior to the summer convention. VOTE !
I also want to remind everyone that sells raffle tickets that you must pick-up your incentive traps at the summer convention or have someone pick them up for you. If you can’t pick them up you will be mailed a gift certificate, traps will not be mailed. Gary says ticket sales are going real well and we should have another good year.
District 1 had a booth at the 1st annual Sportsman’s Expo in International Falls on April 9th. It was a real good show and I think it exceeded everyone’s expectations. Our booth received many complements and some said it was the best in the show! Also at the show Jim Rognerud did his championship beaver skinning demo and had a very large crowd watching. I hope some of the youngsters become trappers — they sure seemed interested.
Everyone I’ve talked, to whether they sold locally or shipped to the auctions, seemed satisfied with the prices they received for their fur. Lets hope this continues for next year and years to come. While on the subject of fur the MTA tanned fur project is always in need of raw fur donations– in particular beaver skins. If at all possible consider donating some fur to this very worthy project.
The summer convention in Redwood Falls July 29 thru 31 is coming up. Dist. 1 will need volunteers for the souvenir booth on Fri. from 1:45 pm to 5:00 pm and gate duty on Sat. from 10:45 am to 3:00 pm. That’s all I have for now, enjoy the warmer weather. Till next time.
— Bert
Greetings District 4,
Where has the time gone? It seems we were just setting for fox and coyotes and now Spring beaver is over. I hope you had an enjoyable season, and if everything goes well we will all be around for the next one.
We had our District Meeting at Finlayson on April 9th. The attendance was down, but we met new people and everyone had an enjoyable time. I was hoping to have the results of our questions on snaring issues at that time but the furbearer committee had not released their results, but we have them now.
1. Increasing maximum height to 20” from 16”. Wildlife will pursue amendments to change and hopefully will be implemented by the Fall of 2012.
2. Allow snaring opener to start with water opener in farmland zone. The DNR will be accepting public input on proposal in the winter of 2012.
3. A non-snaring issue. It was about the possibility of a taxidermy tag that would allow you to transport fisher, marten, otter, and bobcat to a taxidermist for pelting and bring carcass in afterwards. Possibly by 2012 season.
4. Clarify the body gripping trap rules. 6 1/2 or greater will be done for 2011.
5. There will be no extending beaver season North of Hwy. 200, season will remain ending April 30th.
A few other things we talked about:
1. The State has authorized Counties to pay bounty on beaver and coyotes if they so choose.
2. Our Tanned Fur Project is going great guns and we need 50-55” beaver badly, plus anything else you so desire to donate. Thanks again to everyone who has.
3. Trappers Education is going online. Also, be sure to put it on the website if you are going to do a class.
4. Deb Offerdahl is looking for volunteers to help at Fort Ripley, June 4th, with the U.S. Sportsman Alliance.
Remember, the Summer Convention is in Redwood Falls, July 29th-31st. We will have Gate Duty on Saturday the 30th from 7:00-11:00 a.m. and the Souvenir Booth on Friday the 29th from 10:45-2:00 p.m. Remember your raffle tickets and get them turned in early. If you have earned incentive prizes and cannot attend have someone pick them up for you. All proceeds go for education so if you cannot sell to anyone else, buy your 10 that you received in the mail. That alone would bring in over $25,000. Well, I believe I have rambled on long enough.
Till next time.
— Buzz
Hello Everyone, Just finished spring beaver trapping, kind of a short season with the late ice out on the lakes. At the MTA summer convention district 5 has gate duty on Friday from 7 am to 11 am. We work the MTA booth on Sunday from 8 am to noon. There are still 50th anniversary traps left ,if you are interested in one contact Tim Caven at Minnesota Trapline Products. There are also some chrome plated 50th anniversary traps left too.Our next board of directors meeting is Thursday July 28th, if you want anything brought up please call.
Take care.
— Pete
Greetings members, hope everyone has enjoyed the spring beaver season. As for me I’ve only done some nuisance work. On March 26th we had a booth at Champlin Park HS for the Minnesota state archery in schools program shoot. It was very well attended by youth from all over the state. Drake Jackson, Myself, Dan Nalenzy and a young trapper from White Bear LK, Joseph Cocherell spent the day explaining our sport.
I really want to thank Joseph for spending his day with us, it’s great to have a young person there who can connect with other folks his age. He was a breath of fresh air for sure. Drake and Dan were quite busy answering the young mans questions. We had a very nice display of fur that was a huge draw also. Looking forward to the summer convention in Redwood Falls our district has gate duties on Friday from 10:45-3:00 and Saturday at the souvenir booth from 8:00-11:00 so if anyone can help out it would be very appreciated! I’ll have some refreshments available for the gate workers! Remember, buy your ten raffle tickets and try to sell some. It is our only fundraiser and 100% of proceeds go to youth education. That’s it for now. Remember, use good ethics in the field.
— Jim
Hello fellow trappers. Spring Beaver trapping seems to be a tough go for everyone. Ice has let out late, weather has been cold, and the rain is causing the water to fluctuate up and down, but mostly up, way up.
On April 16 & 17, District 7 had a booth at the Tracy Sportsman Show. We actually sold quite a few raffle tickets and had our best show ever for selling tanned fur. Weasels seemed to be a good seller and for the first time we sold a timer wolf. We were scheduled to have a booth at a Windom Show, but the show was canceled.
At the convention, we will be having the Wild Game Potluck on Friday night. If you plan on attending please bring a dish to pass. The Wild Game Potluck is scheduled to begin at 5pm. Also, for the cooking of the pork, we are looking for people that would like to donate by bringing gas cylinders for the grill that will be used. We are looking for about 10 twenty pound takes to grill the donated pork. If you could do this, it would be greatly appreciated.
If you have any questions on the convention, please check the upcoming news letter.
Until next time.
— Leon Windschitl