President — Gary Schinske, 10781 Baker Rd., Greenville, MI 48838; phone: 616-225-8680
Vice President — John Caretti, 30803 Iroquois, Warren, MI 48088; phone: 586-573-8553; e-mail:
Secretary — Becky Widrig, 10819 Oak Ln., Belleville, MI 48111; phone: 734-699-1625
Treasurer — Bill Lyons, 12988 State Rd., Nunica, MI 49448; phone: 616-848-3826.
Membership —Diana Harris, 19245 Frost Rd., Merrill, MI 48637; phone: 989-643-7454; e-mail:
NTA Director — Kevin Syperda, 17504 Briggs Rd., Pierson, MI 49339; phone: 616-636-5594; e-mail:
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $40.50
• Junior membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
MTA Membership Secretary
Diana Harris
19245 Frost Rd., Merrill, MI 48637
This Global Warming certainly has affected the trapping season in Michigan. Record snow fall and record rain for December has curtailed a lot of trapping, resulting in a short catch for this season. Our first fur sale on Dec. 20 had over 40 lots, but the lot size was smaller than normal.
Quality of fur was below normal as well. Some speculation for low quantity and quality was that the big auction houses had said early caught and small pelts would be cheap, so many shipped their quality pelts and brought the low quality to the state sale. Many of the trappers that come to more than one of the state sales were saying they probably would not have enough fur to warrant driving to more than one or possibly two sales. There are six state sales this year.
Speaking of some other not-so-good news, the economy in Michigan, as well as nationwide, sure looks like a mighty short catch as well. We are seeing a lot of trappers not renewing their membership. Two quality raccoons can pay your membership and help protect your privilege to trap. I hope the membership realizes that the fewer members we have the more susceptible we are to attacks from those that do not take the time to appreciate the many benefits of trapping. Please consider or re-consider renewing your membership in MTA.
For those of you who do not belong to any state trapping association, you need to realize that sitting on the sidelines is not an option if you want to ensure that your kids and grand kids have the opportunity to trap. By about 4-to-1, the trappers that do not belong to an association out number those of us that do. DO YOUR PART AND JOIN A STATE ASSOCIATION TODAY. Do not forget about the National Associations as well. If we get in a fight, we will need the help and support of both of them also.
I need help in developing ways to dog proof cubby sets. I am particularly interested in dog proofing the “white kitty litter plastic buckets” that have become so popular. Dog proofing is easy, but dog proofing and not getting raccoon refusals is challenging. I have altered these cubbies, but could not get enough trapping days with them to draw solid conclusions. Ideas, drawings and pictures are all welcome and can be sent or e-mailed directly to me. Whether you live in Michigan or another state your help is greatly appreciated.
In closing, I want to extend my sincere apologies to Tammie Lundborg. In my previous communication after our convention I did not mention that Tammie was the recipient of the Spouse of the Year Award. Tammie is one of our grounds coordinators at convention and assists in clerking our State Fur Auctions.
Besides these items, she assists her husband Ed in arranging for all the demonstrations at convention and is the Treasurer of MMIT. She is dedicated to helping us preserve our privilege to trap and is a most deserving recipient of our Spouse of the Year Award. Thanks for everything you do Tammie!
— Gary A. Schinske