Maryland Fur Trappers, Inc. January 2011 Report

President — Ron Leggett, 7308 Monroe Rd., Boonsboro, MD 21713; phone: 301-432-8480

Vice President — Butch Glenn, 9 Jeanna Lane, Falling Waters, WV 25419; phone 301-465-0196

Membership Secretary — Reed Muse, 3499 Niner Rd., Finksburg, MD 21048; phone: 410-795-8076; cell: 410-790-6475; e-mail:

Recording Secretary — Jaime Glenn, 9 Jeanna Ln., Falling Waters, WV 25419

Treasurer — Ed Davis, 5122 Paw Paw Rd., Cambridge, MD 21613; phone: 410-228-8181

NTA Director — Jerry Heimbrock, 12027 Pennterra Manor Lane, Thurmont, MD 21788; phone 937-681-1708

Membership Options:

• Yearly individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• 3-year individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $70
• Lifetime individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $250
• Yearly family membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $27.50
• 3-year family membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $80
• Lifetime family membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $400
• Yearly junior (17 and under) membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $10

Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:

MFT, Membership Secretary
Reed Muse
3499 Niner Rd., Finksburg, MD 21048


Yeah, new faces and fresh blood. We had eight trappers at our November meeting which is about double normal attendance. It was like a breath of fresh air. And we had two others scheduled, but could not make it at the last minute. Did fur prices double and I was not told or something?

Dist 8 is on a roll, please attend our next meeting and keep the momentum going. We encourage visitors.

Discussion centered on the eliminated Md Fur Bearer Program and its long term effects, and the Montgomery Co Bill against trapping and its precedent setting ability. The Maine victory of reaffirming the lower court ruling was also visited. Of course the normal discussion of fur prices, fur buyers, NAFA, trapping problems, trapping methods, and trapping plans for the rest of the season were discussed. Each trapper had his chance to speak on how his trapping season was going so far and his goals for the rest of the season.

It is very satisfying to have a gathering of trappers from different areas discuss their various methods and ideas on trapping. Each trapper honored the others opinions and listened hoping to learn from the others. The idea sharing itself is well worth the trip to the meeting.

On my personal trapping line, I did well on my week of fox trapping while on vacation. I lost 20 per cent of my foxes to mange this year. A little more than normal. I also notices a decline in the number of ticks found and a pronounced lack of fleas this year. How did you other trappers see the pest population?

The question of a fund raiser for Dist 8 was brought up. No answers were forth coming. Anyone with a idea is encouraged to bring your idea to the meeting or contact myself.
The Trapperman web site was discussed and various handles of attending members were discussed. Most of the members were active on this site.

It was very satisfying to see Dave Callaway getting back active as a sport trapper. He had previously only been trapping as part of his work job. Dist 8 hopes they are part of the recovery. Good luck, Dave. Keep it up.

Dist 8 meets the fourth Tuesday of each month during trapping season at 7:00 PM at the home of Bob Calloway, His address is 14313 Cherry Lane and is located near Tuckahoe State Park, between Centreville, Md and Ridgely, Md. The Masons Branch Bridge very close to Bob Calloway’s house is schudeled to be opened back up in time for our December meeting. It had been closed for replacement since the end of summer. For further directions call Bob at 410-634-2501.

I can be reached at 410-634-2552 or Trap on.

— Roger Ringgold


District 12 and 13 held our monthly meeting on November 16. There were 15 in attendance. Since we were a couple weeks into the season, who was catching what was the main topic of discussion. Some folks reported seeing some mange again, and Jimmy caught a BIG male coyote in southern Anne Arundel county!

Marty, Craig, and Tommy filled us in on statewide MFT issues, including potential legislation, and MFT’s attempt to make sure the duties of the eliminated State furbearer biologist position are being tended to.

As always, there was food, LOTS of food! Pizza, chicken, beaver enchiladas, shrimp: you name it, it was there, as well as the ever present, and ever popular, chocolate chip cookies. As a matter of fact, the next item brought up for discussion was HOW the food procurement is handled, to minimize the expense and duplication, and maximize good eats! We followed that up with our 50:50 raffle, and Ming had the lucky ticket. Then items donated by members were raffled off, and the proceeds went back to the District. Items included lure, shotshells, trapline tools and a couple very nice knives, among other things.

District 12/13 meets every month from October through April, on the third Tuesday, 6:30 pm, at Director Marty Campbell’s home in Owings. Please join us, or your local district, and see what’s going on. District and meeting info can be found on the MFT website,, under both Contact and Event headings.

Now that we’re in the holiday season, we all have a great opportunity to take a youngster or two out on the line during the school break. Share the excitement! Kids are our future and we have an obligation to pass on our skills, our ethics, and our stewardship of the land and its animals. Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

— Dave Sien

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