President — Ron Leggett, 7308 Monroe Rd., Boonsboro, MD 21713; phone: 301-432-8480
Vice President — Butch Glenn, 9 Jeanna Lane, Falling Waters, WV 25419; phone 301-465-0196
Membership Secretary — Reed Muse, 3499 Niner Rd., Finksburg, MD 21048; phone: 410-795-8076; cell: 410-790-6475; e-mail:
Recording Secretary — Jaime Glenn, 9 Jeanna Ln., Falling Waters, WV 25419
Treasurer — Ed Davis, 5122 Paw Paw Rd., Cambridge, MD 21613; phone: 410-228-8181
NTA Director — Jerry Heimbrock, 12027 Pennterra Manor Lane, Thurmont, MD 21788; phone 937-681-1708
Membership Options:
• Yearly individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• 3-year individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $70
• Lifetime individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $250
• Yearly family membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $27.50
• 3-year family membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $80
• Lifetime family membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $400
• Yearly junior (17 and under) membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $10
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
MFT, Membership Secretary
Reed Muse
3499 Niner Rd., Finksburg, MD 21048
Eight trappers showed for our January meeting. That is about as good as it gets in our district.
Right away we all complained about losing so much trapping time to the weather. Several of our members are big on trapping rats and beaver.
All the ice has kept the marshes and all else so frozen that we can not access them. We have lost almost a month of trapping time so far. Donald reported doing real well on foxes again this year. He rents a marsh and needs to get going on rats.
We discussed the conference call Directors Meeting for Jan 17th that was canceled. We are still waiting to hear the convention results. That lead to a general discussion on the future of Maryland Fur Trappers and how we are currently doing.
Will Shamer had sold furs that afternoon to Wm Byler of Pearsons Corner, Delaware and he gave a us a run down of his prices received and other fur priced being offered. Several quotes from on the internet were mentioned. We also talked about the difference between selling locally and shipping furs.
A couple of bills in Montana to divert funds from the Div of Fish, Wildlife and Parks were discussed.
All attending trappers were given a chance to discuss how their trapping season was going and their plans for the rest of the season. We were all hoping for the weather to let us get back into trapping.
Our final meeting for the season will be the March 22nd. Remember, it is the fourth Tuesday – not necessarily the last Tuesday. March has five Tuesdays.
Fundraising idea were called for. No one has come up with any ideas at all. We are open to suggestions.
The 8th annual FBU Banquet will be March 26th at the Bowles Farm. Check the MFT web site for further details.
The Md Convention will be held on Aug 19th and 20th, 2011.
Past Director Jim Thompson sent a big hello to everyone and I forgot to mention it at the meeting. Sorry. He has been really busy with his video business and is doing well.
Dist 8 encourages visitors and invites other district members to come and visit. We would like to hear your input on trapping and trapping methods and hear how your season has gone.
Dist 8 meets the fourth Tuesday at 7:00 PM during trapping season at the home of Robert Calloway. His address is 14313 Cherry Lane and is located near Tuckahoe State Park, between Centreville, Md and Ridgely, Md. Call Bob for further directions at 410-634-2501. The Masons Branch Bridge near his home still will not be open.
Trap on.
— Roger Ringgold, 410-634-2552,