Vice President — Roger Macy, P.O. Box 112, Portis, KS 67474; phone: 785-346-2076
Secretary — Donna Macy, P.O. Box 112, Portis, KS 67474; phone: 785-346-6017
Treasurer — Pauline Brecheisen; 24685 Lyon Rd., Chanute, KS 66720; phone: 620-432-1770; e-mail:
NTA Director — Russell Voelker, 11816 K-16, Hwy., Valley Falls, KS 66088; phone: 785-945-6750
FTA Director — Robert Currie, 926 M St., Belleville, KS 66935; phone: 785-527-2449
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Family membership with subscription — $25
• Junior (14 & under) with subscription — $15
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
KFHA, Treasurer
Pauline Brecheisen
24685 Lyon Rd., Chanute, KS 66720
As fur harvesting season is over and all the equipment is cleaned and put away for another season, it is now time to get your fishing poles out and enjoy our great outdoors with a youth down by a pond, on the river or creek bank, or on a lake of your choice.
Don’t forget about all of the many conventions that will be taking place over the next few months. We need to support as many of the conventions as possible. There is always lots of knowledge and equipment and tall tales at these gatherings.
We all need to attend our district meetings, and take a friend along, and get involved with their activities. Don’t always expect someone else to do the work as it is your association too. Get involved and help host a youth activity or put on an educational presentation to a group such as: hunter ed. class, Boy Scout campout, Girl Scout meet. Teach them about our nature fur bearers that we have within our great state. Explain of the different means of harvesting. When you get them interested, will educate more on harvest means and why. Mother Nature can be very cruel.
It seems early in the year, but we need to be making plans for the rendezvous coming up this Fall in Osborne, on October 7-9, 2011. As this is election year you need to be making plans to attend so you can vote for the officers of your choice.
Hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable summer. Take a youth camping or fishing and have a time of your live or theirs. The first weekend in June is a great time to go, as it is free fishing weekend, because you don’t need a license to fish any public waters.
Have a good summer.
Until next time.
— Roger D. Macy
I would like to remind everyone that this is election year for all offices of KFH. As I am election chairman I will need to be notified in writing or e-mail who and what office you are nominating. You need to check with the person and make sure that they will serve if elected. I will also check with them before there name goes on the ballot. We also need a Fur Auction Coordinator as Roger is stepping down after many years of service. I would like to thank Roger and all officers for their service.
There are many qualified people in our organization and this would be a good time to step up and serve.
The Spring meeting, with wild game on the menu was enjoyed by around 30 members and guests. The menu consisted of Bobcat, Deer, Rabbit, Antelope, and Pheasant. It was all delicious and those who did not attend really missed out.
Pictures of the Booth at the Wilson County Old Iron Days was passed around for all to see the expressions on kids faces when they got to handle the furs.
Reminded everyone of the NTA convention coming up in August at Columbia, Mo., and the State Convention in October in Osbourne, Ks.
Discussed the NTA Coupon Book with hopes of exciting new members. It was voted to purchase 1 raffle ticket from the Fur Takers of America to help finance the new Trapping Chronicles. It was also voted to buy 1 raffle ticket from Pass It On, Outdoor Mentors.
Discussed the up coming Trapper Get Together at Twin Bridges State Park in Okla. on the last weekend in March which is sponsored by Trapperman.Com members.
W.R. gave an update on the latest dog incident at Kanapolis State Park and also purposed regulation changes coming before the KDWP Commission meeting on March 10th.
We will be hosting a local 4H Club at our May meeting and I am looking for volunteers to help with the program. I already have several volunteers and a few more will help make it an enjoyable and informative afternoon for the kids.
— John Borror