Iowa Trappers Association November 2010 Report

President — Craig Sweet, 1825 Kirkwood St., Saint Charles, IA 50240; phone: 641-764-2758

Vice President — Randy Mitchell, Iowa Fall, IA; phone: 641-648-6787

Secretary — Patty Kempf, 3371 130th St., Jamaica, IA 50128; e-mail:

Treasurer — Chris Grillot, 2769 110th Ave., Wheatland, IA 52777; phone: 563-374-1074;

FTA Director — Gene Purdy, 521 Edwin Place, Fontanelle, IA 50846; phone: 641-745-8841

NTA Director — George Scalf, 123 N. Madison Ave., Ottumwa, IA 52501; phone: 641-682-3937;

Membership Options:

• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $15
• Lifetime membership with subscription — $250

Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:

ITA Secretary
Patty Kempf
3371-130th St.
Jamaica, IA 50129


Greetings to all. The Fall Convention in Sigourney went very well and attendance was very good. Got rain Friday late afternoon/evening, but cleared out for Saturday. I want to thank all the vendors, tailgaters and people who attended the convention for without everyone there would not be a convention. Thanks to all who helped with set up, tear down, plan, organize, do demos, clean-up and labor during the weekend, could not have been done without every ones help and time. Thanks to all the people who helped cook, prepare food, brought food or cookers for the potluck on Friday, the count was about 200 people served during the evening.

This has turned into a big event on Friday evening – thanks to all who attended. Talked to the President of the Expo Center many times during the weekend. He was very pleased with all the people & the event overall. This is the first time for anything like this for them, and he was especially complementary about the cleanliness of the grounds during the weekend. He told me of all the events held – this is the cleanest the grounds have ever been, I told him that is trappers!!! He wants us to come back again in the future anytime.

Thanks to all who attended the General Membership meeting on Saturday. Three new Director positions were filled on Friday at the Directors meeting. All were introduced during the membership meeting. The new director for District 4 (Appanoose, Davis, Mahaska, Marion, Monroe & Wapello counties) is Gene Parks. The new director for District 6 (Des Moines, Henry, Lee & Louisa counties) is Scott Shores. The new Director for District 9 (Benton, Iowa & Linn counties) is Ed Kinsinger. At this time I do not have any of their addresses, but should be posted on the ITA website – in the near future. Districts still open are Dist 8, Cedar, Johnson, Jones & Muscatine, Dist 19, Clayton, Delaware, Dubuque, Dist 20, Allamakee, Chickasaw, Howard & Winneshiek, Dist 24 Lyon, O’Brien, Osceola & Sioux. If you live in a county within the district and would be interested in becoming a director, contact me or any ITA Officer or Director for more info. This year was the election for the Officer positions of Treasurer & President. Only nominations received were Chris Grillot for Treasurer & myself for President. Chris & I were both elected to serve another 2 years in these respective positions on the ITA BOD. I had my usual brain freeze during this portion of the meeting even after writing down everything before hand – I apologize to all !!!

Five people were inducted into the ITA Hall of Fame during the meeting,. Inducted in order were Dean (Lucky) Hoffman, Dwayne Kay, Ed & Gail Clouse, and Tom Monroe. It was a very emotional event for all involved. Congratulations to all who were so deserving of receiving this award and for all you have done for the ITA over the years!!!

There were two recipients of the ITA scholarship this year, Chelsea Martens of Toledo and Aaron Campbell of West Liberty. Congratulations to Chelsea & Aaron for receiving the scholarships and thanks to all the applicants who submitted applications.

Plaques were given out for the Skillet Throw & Trap Setting contests. Thanks again to Rick Hemsath of R&M Lures for donating plaques as he has in the past. Winners of the Kids Scavenger Hunt were announced and winner monies given out. I don’t have names for all the winners in the different events, but will try to get them all listed next month.

Congratulations to all the winners!!! I do remember that Miss Iowa- Pauli Mayfield, placed 3rd in the skillet throw and seemed to enjoy the afternoon while at the convention. She was present from 11-4 to sign autographs and attended the General Membership meeting to tell about herself and her experience at the convention. Thanks Pauli
On Sunday Sept 12th at 8:30 A.M. the ITA Board of Directors held a special meeting to discuss the 2012 NTA National Bid. The BOD heard the proposals as presented to the NTA Convention Selection Committee on Aug 3rd and the meeting held Aug 6th. in Marshfield, WI.

After our meetings, a revised State Contract was written up by the NTA. After reviewing the new contract with Board Members present at those meetings, it was brought before the BOD. Hearing the proposals, reviewing and much discussion about the revised NTA National State Contract, the ITA BOD unanimously decided, with 19 of 27 Officers & Directors present, to withdraw our bid and any further negotiation attempts to host the 2012 NTA National Convention. Portions of the revised State Contract was acceptable and addressed with other parts being unacceptable as written. I contacted all ITA Directors not present for the meeting on Sunday, to inform them as to the decision that was made before this was put into print. All those not present agreed with the decision that was made during that meeting

 The Grubb Stake Drawing, sponsored by Funke Trap Tags, for new members signing up at convention was won by Nate Reising of Polk City. I met with Nate and delivered the goods to him on Monday following convention. He was really thrilled for his name to be drawn and receive the package of trapping supplies and ect. Nate has just got started trapping thanks to his mentor & past ITA director Mike Free. Congratulations Nate and good luck this fall catching your mink!! Thanks to all who signed up as new members with the ITA.

 The ITA Fur Auction is scheduled for January 8th starting at 9:00 A.M. in Boone and the guidelines are out. Sellers must contact Eric Rector at 515-532-2377 to get a seller number and auction is limited to 100 sellers, 7% commission for all sellers, 3% No Sale commission – preferably set when consigned in. Only carcass animals accepted are bobcat & otter. Accepted are legally taken skinned or finished furs, beaver castors, squirrel tails & hides, turkey wings & tails, deer hides – NO BEEF HIDES. Buyers pay sellers, sellers pay commission to ITA – bring cash or checkbook to pay commission.

By the time you read this, there will be an address change for the ITA Secretary contact info. For sending in your memberships or renewals the new contact info for Patty will be P.O. Box 713 Perry, IA 50220 or contact her at 641-757-9733.

 The ITA had a booth set up at the Boy Scout 100 year celebration held at Water Works Park in Des Moines Sept 18th. But, due to bad weather & a lot of rain it was cancelled about 3 P.M. on Saturday afternoon and for Sunday. We had Iowa pelts for identification, different traps & equipment we utilize and materials to hand out. I had one gentleman stop in and said his son got him interested in trapping last year – never had trapped before. He was looking forward to being out with his son again this season, Had a good number of people come to the booth to inquire about trapping, traps and all the tools we use. Thanks to Ron Squier, Gene Purdy, Gene Parks, Tom Walters, Ed Grillot for helping out . On Sept. 25-26th the ITA again had a booth set up at Water Works Park, but this time for the Izaak Walton Leagues Outdoor Expo. Saturday was a rainy day which caused the event to be called off at about 2 P.M., but opened Sunday to a bright and sunny day with a lot of people stopping by to inquire and look over the display before the day was done. Everyone that stops has to feel and touch all the different animals pelts that were on display. All pelts are legal furbearers harvestable from Iowa. We had the same table set-up as the previous weekend, but also had a bear trap for display and the ITA ball toss for the kids to have fun with along with some adults. Everyone seemed to really enjoy the ball toss. People that took time to help out were Joe Aeschliman, Virgil Davis, Mike Long, Ron Squier, Cody & Tracy Hutton, Judy & John Lewlin, – Thanks again to all that helped during the weekend!!

 Saturday the 25th, I got out of rain soaked Iowa and headed west to Lexington, NE for the Nebraska Fur Harvesters Convention which I have attended the past 3 years. While attending I’ve got to meet and know quite a few of the Nebraska folks. It is always a good time over there seeing “The Nebraska Gang” again. After seeing everyone, quite a few of them are looking to attend our Iowa Convention next year in Winterset. The NFH convention chair was Doug Eskew for this years convention and what a great place to have a convention. Easy to get to & the location was on a main drag off I-80. with less than a 5 hour drive. All the dealers & demos were in one big building which was nice. While I was standing around chatting, Doug came by and asked a favor. The favor was to judge their 1st ever Dutch Oven Cooking Contest, I had never done anything like that before. The cooking was a mystery meat, pheasant, unknown before hand to the contestants, and a dessert of choice. They had 3 entries and all 3 were very good in both the meat & dessert classes, Boy, can those guys cook!!! Afterwards, I told Doug that if he needed a judge for next year count me in. Had a long talk with Doug after their auction about trapping and life in general before heading back toward Iowa. Also saw some Iowa faces over there in Dennis Johnson, Barb & Bruce Hutton and Marty Smith – Keg Creek Bait. Found out that next years will be at the same location – can’t wait to go back for the whole weekend, maybe!!

 Don’t forget about the Fur Handling demo by Greg Schroeder of NAFA at Funke’s in State Center starting at about noon Sunday Oct. 17th. If you are interested in learning the process of skinning and finishing your fur, or maybe picking up a tip or two, Greg can teach you a great deal. He covers about all the furbearers harvested in the state and talks about market forecasts for the up coming season. Plan on attending if you can.

 Trapping season will be about 3 weeks from opening when you read this. Season will open Nov. 6th at 8 A.M. with new counties added for bobcat harvest. Bobcat harvest season will now be open in the lower 3 tiers of counties, plus Guthrie and the counties along the Missouri River, Harrison, Monona, & Woodbury which had been open in the past. Quota will be 250 bobcats with a 48 hour grace period after the season quota is reached with 1 bobcat per furharvester license. River otter will remain the same as in the past with 500 quota statewide and 2 per furharvester license. Bobcats & otter must be reported within 24 hours of capture & tagged by a Conservation Officer within 48 hours. Remember when you are out there trapping about your set locations and the possibility of “non target “catches. If there is any doubt – don’t set it out. We trappers don’t need any bad publicity over issues that possibly can be avoided. Get to know ALL the rules and regulations pertaining to trapping – its in the best interest for all trappers. Don’t forget about the NAFA Coon Raffle as we have had in the past. Just let your depot or agent know you would like to donate pelts. Half of the proceeds goes to the ITA and the other half goes to the winners name who is drawn from all people who donated pelts. The pelts must be finished to be donated. Til next time, Have a safe and enjoyable trapping season!!!

— Craig Sweet


The Iowa Trappers Association held their fall convention at the Keokuk County Expo Grounds east of Sigourney, IA on September 10, 11 and 12. My granddaughter, my wife, and I went to Sigourney on Friday morning to set up the NTA booth. I also attended the 1 pm Board of Directors meeting. Several new District Directors were seated on the ITA Board.

On Saturday, I was assisted in my booth by Missouri NTA Director Ron Pantry. Thanks, Ron, for your great help. I was able to forward $675.00 to the NTA office as a result, in the form of nineteen renewals and one Sweepstakes entry. The NTA Sweepstakes drawing will be held on Wednesday, October 13, 2010.

My granddaughter, Anna Louise McSparen, placed first in her age division (she’s 14) in the trapsetting contest held at Sigourney. Congratulations, Anna!

A couple of little tidbits I forgot to mention in regards to the NTA convention at Marshfield, WI – My wife won another gun in the FBU Raffle, a Savage Model 10 .223, plus a dozen Duke 110s. Upon returning home, she received a check in the mail from the NTA Cash Calendar. Her name had been drawn on one of the convention dates, good for $100!

I bought her a $5 scratch-off ticket the other day, and she won $50! I guess I’ll take her on the trapline this year, and maybe I’ll finally connect with an Iowa bobcat! Remember, trapping season opens at 8 a.m. on Saturday, November 6.

We took a fast trip to Muskegon, Michigan on September 19 to visit my sister, and to check on the salmon run. We brought five nice salmon home and canned them. If time permits, we’ll head back up there before trapping season begins.

The next ITA meeting will be around the last of January (probably January 30). If you have any questions or concerns regarding the National Trappers Association, please contact me.

— George E. Scalf

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