President — Craig Sweet, 1825 Kirkwood St., Saint Charles, IA 50240; phone: 641-764-2758
Vice President — Randy Mitchell, Iowa Fall, IA; phone: 641-648-6787
Secretary — Patty Kempf, 3371 130th St., Jamaica, IA 50128; e-mail: itasecretary@iowatelecom.net
Treasurer — Chris Grillot, 2769 110th Ave., Wheatland, IA 52777; phone: 563-374-1074;
e-mail: itatreasurer@fbcom.net
FTA Director — Gene Purdy, 521 Edwin Place, Fontanelle, IA 50846; phone: 641-745-8841
NTA Director — George Scalf, 123 N. Madison Ave., Ottumwa, IA 52501; phone: 641-682-3937;
e-mail: iantadtr@mchsi.com
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $15
• Lifetime membership with subscription — $250
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
ITA Secretary
Patty Kempf
3371-130th St.
Jamaica, IA 50129
Greetings to all. As I write this, the weather for November so far has been very mild for a normal trapping season. Setting and running traps wearing a short-sleeve shirt is out of the norm, but is always welcomed.
Pelts so far have been in good shape and leather on a few ’coons have been slate colored — no dark blue. By the time you read this, the quota on bobcats and otters will have been filled for this season. Congratulations to all who got to harvest and keep one of these species. Remember, even though you might catch and release or have a sighting, especially on bobcats, that information needs to get relayed to the DNR.
With that sighting or release info reported, additional open counties might be expanded for bobcat harvesting or those quotas might be raised or not required in the future. Time will tell.
There was an issue with trapping the trail system around Spirit/Okoboji lakes in Dickinson County that was to be addressed by the County Supervisors. With just two days notice, about 40 people were present at the meeting in support of trapping. From what I understand, the issue was addressed in favor of the trappers. Also, I understand that the trappers had support from within the County Supervisors. Thanks to Tex Adams for the time and calls made to get people at that meeting. I do not know all who spoke before the board, but thank you for your time and effort to attend this meeting especially on such short notice.
Don’t forget about the Iowa NAFA Raccoon Raffle. Each XL ’coon donated gets you a chance in the drawing. All ’coons donated will be sold with 1/2 the proceeds going to the name drawn from all entries and the other 1/2 going to the ITA. See you NAFA rep for details or to enter.
The next ITA Board of Directors Meeting will be Jan. 31, 2010 at 10 a.m. at the State Tree Nursery in Ames. All ITA members are welcome to attend. If you would like a concern or question addressed before the board, contact me by phone or e-mail to get on the agenda — 515-306-9385 or hightoweria@aol.com — or contact any officer or director if you cannot attend.
This is YOUR association and any input is welcome. Better go for now. Have a safe and happy holiday season and New Year
— Craig Sweet
Happy Holidays to everyone.
I received great news on Nov. 11 when Brian Cogill, Maine’s NTA Director, called reporting on the judge’s decision regarding the lawsuit filed by the Animal Welfare Institute.
On Nov. 10, Federal District Court Judge John A. Woodcock, Jr. ruled that Maine’s trapping practices did not irreparably harm the Canada lynx and denied the injunction sought by the anti-trappers.
Further, the Judge agreed that “irreparable harm” is harming a species as a whole and not simply one individual member.
Although the plaintiffs might appeal the ruling, the Federal Court’s decision is a monumental victory for the trappers in Maine and sets an excellent precedent that will make it harder for the antis to misuse the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in their attempts to ban hunting and trapping in other states.
In my last report from the NTA, I find only 475 Iowans belong to the NTA, out of 15,000 fur harvesters. If you wish to continue to trap in Iowa, it is important to have more members if we expect to make a difference in the legislature.
The bobcat quota of 200 was reached just before the end of November, and I, again, failed to catch one. Congratulations to all those who were successful.
The next Iowa Trappers Association Board of Directors meeting will be on Sunday, Jan. 31, 2010. Contact me with your questions or concerns regarding the NTA.
— George E. Scalf