President — Craig Sweet, 1825 Kirkwood St., Saint Charles, IA 50240; phone: 641-764-2758
Vice President — Randy Mitchell, Iowa Fall, IA; phone: 641-648-6787
Secretary — Patty Kempf, 3371 130th St., Jamaica, IA 50128; e-mail:
Treasurer — Chris Grillot, 2769 110th Ave., Wheatland, IA 52777; phone: 563-374-1074; e-mail:
FTA Director — Gene Purdy, 521 Edwin Place, Fontanelle, IA 50846; phone: 641-745-8841
NTA Director — George Scalf, 123 N. Madison Ave., Ottumwa, IA 52501; phone: 641-682-3937
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $15
• Lifetime membership with subscription — $250
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
ITA, Secretary
Dita Mallon
1021 E. 13th St., Sumner, IA 50574
Greetings to all. Hope you all are enjoying your summer. As I write this on 6/30, the fuel prices in Des Moines are at $2.27. Got close to $2.80 about Memorial weekend, but has gone down since then. Cross our fingers and hope that trend continues as it has. If you have not heard, the DNRs’ ruling on the pre-staking issue is to allow pre-staking or placing of traps and equipment on public road right-of-ways two weeks prior to opening of trapping season with all equipment to be removed at close of season. This rule does not apply to private land. The penning issue will remain as is and the river otter and bobcat season/open areas, quotas and tagging requirements will remain the same as last year also.
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the ITA. This year’s convention will be held Sept 11-13th at the Franklin County Fairgrounds in Hampton. Hampton is located 9 miles east of Interstate 35 on Highway 3. Inside dealer buildings will open at 7 a.m. on Friday for the dealers to get set up.
Convention and buildings will open at noon on Friday to the public and run through noon on Sunday. Beware of Sunday, as some dealers will leave on Saturday afternoon. If you come on Sunday, give me a call at 515-306-9385 before you leave home and I will give you an update. I personally did a Sunday day the first convention I went to. After a 2-1/2 hour drive one way, I found the dealers were all but gone by a little after noon. Hard lesson learned, but it was my fault. I don’t want anyone to get in the situation I did. PLEASE call me! Inside dealer buildings will open at noon on Friday and close at 6 p.m.; 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday; and 8 a.m. Sunday. Tailgaters operate on their own hours for open and close times. Inside dealers contact Spencer Hill at 641-762-3454 or to reserve your tables. The potluck will be at 7 p.m. Friday evening.
Everyone is welcome to sit down, eat, relax and enjoy conversation. There is no charge, but we do ask for a freewill donation. There will be plenty of electrical hook-ups and area to camp. Camping with electrical hook-up is $15 per night, primitive is $10 per night. Gate fee is $5 for persons 14 and up. FYI, the officers and directors pay the same as everyone else who attends! This year being the 50th anniversary of the ITA, the association will have a special medallion available for purchase. There will be nickel-plated and silver medallions available. The silver medallion will be 99 percent pure and cost $30. Nickel-plated will be less.
Motels in town are AmericInn, Country Heritage and the Hampton Motel. Direct lines for reservations are AmericInn 641-456-5559, Country Heritage 641-456-4036, Hampton Motel 641-456-3680.
Before closing, congratulations to Anne Langguth who was crowned Miss Iowa 2009 on June 14 in Davenport. Anne received a sheared beaver fur coat which was donated by the ITA and presented by Tom Walters, District 7 Director. The ITA has donated a fur coat for many years now and all the young ladies have really enjoyed receiving it. The fur coat is the only item Miss Iowa is allowed to keep after her reign. All other items must be returned. My thanks to Tom Walters for his help in acquiring and presenting the coat to Miss Iowa over the years. Thanks Tom! For you gals looking to become Miss Iowa 2010, another coat is on order. It could be YOURS! Better go for now.
Enjoy your summer and hope to see you all in Hampton in September. Til next time.
— Craig Sweet
2009 marks the 50th Anniversary for the Iowa Trappers Association. Please mark your calendar for the State Convention to be held at the Franklin County Fair Ground in Hampton, Iowa, from Sept. 11 through 13. Two officer positions will be voted on by the membership at the general membership meeting during convention. The offices that are up for re-election are Vice President, currently held by Randy Mitchell, and Secretary, currently held by Patty Kempf. Nominations are still open.
Our summer meeting was held in Hampton on June 28 at the Franklin Co. Fairgrounds. Our current membership in approximately 1,391. Recently, there have been a couple of trapping issues that concerned all members and there was some discussion on how the membership can be more active in the decisions made by your Board of Directors.
Therefore, I have included your Membership Rights from our bylaws which read:
1. One vote on each proposal presented to the membership. 2. Consideration for the ITA offices. 3. Attend and be heard at all official meetings of the membership. 4. Attend and be heard at all meetings of the Board, Executive Council and Committees of the ITA, except during executive session thereof. To speak at such meetings, the member must first have his/her name placed on the agenda and shall be limited to a five (5) minute period and have no right to make motions or vote. 5. Membership card signed by the Secretary, ITA patch (for new members only) and an ITA decal (all members).
A member is always welcome to contact any officer to address an issue. Visit the Web site at for a current list of officers and directors. Also, as a current member you can obtain a copy of the bylaws by sending a written request to the Secretary.
Currently, we have four districts that are need in a Director. The Director should reside in one of the counties in that district. District 6 – Des Moines, Henry, Lee, Louisa; District 9 – Benton, Iowa, Linn; District 20 – Allamakee, Chickasaw, Howard, Winneshiek; and District 24 – Lyon, O’Biren, Osceola, Sioux. Please let one of the officers know if you are interested in being a representative in your area.
Every year, the ITA awards a Scholarship Award to a high graduate that is continuing their education and who is an ITA member or an immediate family member is a member. This year, two $500 Scholarship Awards were given out. Congratulations to Kyle Moses and Mackenzie Rector. The awards will be presented at the General Membership Meeting during Convention.
Stay safe during these HOT Summer Days. See you at the CONVENTION!
— Patty Kempf
The Iowa Trappers Association met Sunday, June 28, 2009, at the Franklin County Fairgrounds in Hampton, site of the 2009 ITA Fall Convention, approximately 150 miles north of Ottumwa. President Craig Sweet presided.
In the absence of District 4 Director Ed Clouse, I served as his proxy, as Wapello County Director.
Secretary Patty Kempf reported membership is at 1,391 members, roughly 10 per cent of the fur harvesters in Iowa. A mailing is to be made to all fur harvesters promoting our 50th Anniversary Convention to be held Sept. 11-13 at Hampton.
Treasurer Chris Grillot reported that the $5,000 commitment to the NTA has been paid. A portion of the profits from our Furbearers Unlimited banquets goes to fund this commitment.
The ITA Board voted to allow an expenditure of $500 at the upcoming NTA Convention in Lima, Ohio. Items purchased at the auction or the FBU Banquet are then auctioned at the ITA Fall Convention.
My wife and I have attended the past three DNR Commission meetings, April 9 at Hampton; May 14 at Lake Wapello State Park, Drakesville; and June 11 at the Waubonsie State Park Nature Center near Hamburg. We will be attending the meeting July 9 at the Lake Darling State Park Lodge west of Brighton also. It is very important that our presence is made known at these meetings.
We also attended the ICN meeting at the Ottumwa High School on Wednesday, April 29 regarding proposed changes in the wildlife code.
On Saturday, May 16, 2009, the Wapello County Conservation Board held their annual Youth Field Day at the local Izaak Walton League with over 100 kids attending. I was helped with the trapping portion by Ed Clouse, Dennis Long and my granddaughter, Anna Louise McSparen. FBU educational packets were handed out to all those in attendance.
I’d again like to remind you that we have set Saturday, March 20, 2010, as the date for our eighth Annual Furbearers Unlimited Banquet. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend.
Contact me with your concerns or questions regarding the NTA.
— George E. Scalf
Fur Takers of America just completed another successful National Rendezvous at Mena, Arkansas. The crowd, demos, weather and southern hospitality were great. Most dealers reported good interest and sales even with the current low fur prices and weak economy.
The Governing Board met Wednesday. Our agenda included the usual committee and officer reports, financial report and legislative updates.
I am pleased to report we are financially sound. The Governing Board voted the following donations:
USSA — $5,000
Trailblazer — $2,000
USSA — $5,000 (Maine Lawsuit)
We also voted unanimously to purchase 78 one-and-a-half-to-two-minute trapping educational segments on the Outdoor Channel. These will be filmed, edited and produced by Chuck Sykes of Management Advantage. I believe this is a great proactive step by FTA to educate the non-trapping public with sound scientifically proven principals. This exposure has the potential to reach 28,000,000 homes that subscribe to the Outdoor Channel, reaching all segments of society.
Frank Price, representing USSA, provides updates on pending and dead legislation so far this year. Connecticut DEAD; Maryland HB 831 DEAD; Hawaii HB 199 DEAD pending carry over into 2010. Maine pending and looking very favorable.
Gary Jepson and Dave Hastings reported on the BMP’s. The snaring White Paper has been completed. Everyone needs to stay aware how states are or will be using the BMP information. Currently most states are not using this to implement or change trapping regulations. This is good for trappers. Due to lack of funding many devices will never be tested or approved.
Steve Craig provided a written report on several land restrictions, closures or fee increases. This is occurring nationwide due to budget restrictions. As budgets tighten, many decisions are being made by local managers to stay within their budgets. With layoffs and less employees roads, facilities and equipment can no longer be maintained, so lands are closed to public use, fees increased or programs ended.
Tim Rose was reelected Chairman of the Governing Board. He will also be in charge of soliciting prizes for the Sweepstake. We also made several changes in the bylaws. They were mainly to simplify or clarify some sections, remove unneeded wording or update sections to bring them in agreement with current practices.
Dave will report in more detail on several of the above topics in future issues of the Fur Taker Magazine.
— Gene Purdy