President — Ron Elliot, 7244 W. 500 S., LaPort, IN 46350; phone: 219-785-2972;
Vice President — Frank Lamm, PO Box 110, Lebanon, IN 46052; phone: 765-676-5600, 866-907-PEST;e-mail:
Secretary — Stu Grell, 2220 E. 1400 N., Attica, IN 47918; phone: 765-572-2207; cell: 765-363-2207; e-mail:
Treasurer — Travis Allen, 6862 Jackson St., Attica, IN 47918; phone: 765-585-3284;
NTA Director — Stu Grell, 2220 E. 1400 N., Attica, IN 47918; phone: 765-572-2207; cell: 765-363-2207; e-mail:
FTA Director — Doyle Flory, 2094 Fir Road, Tippecanoe, IN 46570; phone: 574-498-6354;
Furbearer Biologist — VACANT
Directors of Membership — Bill Crum, Bill Lewis, Mark Wernert
Membership Options:
• Regular or family Membership with Trapper & Predator Caller — $30
• Individual membersip without Trapper & Predator Caller — $15
• Lifetime membership with Trapper & Predator Caller — $350
• Lifetime membership without Trapper & Predator Caller — $200
• Junior membership (16 and under) with Trapper & Predator Caller — $15
• Senior membership (60+) with Trapper & Predator Caller — $150
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
ISTA, Treasurer
Travis Allen
6862 Jackson St.
Attica, IN 47918
Trapping season is over. I hope everyone had a good season. Fur prices were a lot higher than anticipated, muskrats especially and with good clearances. Hope this holds into next season.
The ISTA along with the FTA have a petition to have an otter season. If you have not signed this, please contact me or Tim Rose. We are not going to have one any time soon, so maybe this will put a little pressure on the DNR. We will be at the FTA National Convention in Columbus, IN , June 10-12. Stop by and sign this important petition.
Congratulations to Stu and everybody who helped with the FBU banquet. Stu Grell put a lot of time in this and we made over $6,000. Great job!
This year the office of Secretary, Vice President, NTA Director and Director are up for election. It is time for the membership to step up and run for these officer. We have people holding two positions and would like to have some new ideas. — Ron Elliott
We had a very good fundraising banquet at The Outpost in Lafayette on February 27th. The FBU/ISTA attendance was over 170 people and we had about $22,000 gross revenue. The smoked pork chops and stuffed chicken breasts were really fine and I want to thank every one of the sponsors and each and every one of the attendees for making this a huge success. It took a big effort from our members to make this happen and we now have ample funds for our Trapper Education program for this year.
Next on our agenda is a new trapper ed weekend at Danville led by Tom Setser. June 26-27 – contact him at 317-745-4037. Then next will be the ISTA convention at Peru in September.
Hope to see some of you at the FTA convention in Columbus and the NYA convention in Wiscoinsin. — Stu Grell
Hello everyone, hope you all had a good time on your lines this past season. We have been pretty busy this winter I spent three days at the boat show and we had a lot more people stop by than I expected due to the poor economy.
I think we did pretty well with getting several new members signed up and several renewals We were also able to move some of the inventory that need a new home We also had a good turnout for the FBU banquet Seems like every one enjoyed the evening and all the programs went along good. Hope we can put on another one next year as we now know how to handle some of the events a little better.
I would like to remind everyone that the deadline for applying for the scholarship is fast approaching. You can get all the rules from the web page. Just go to ISTA website and click on scholarships. If you have any questions please call me or e-mail me.
Send all applications to Bill Lewis 7453N. St. 39 Lizton In. 46149 or call 317-994-5753 or e-mail me at — Bill Lewis