President — Ron Elliot, 7244 W. 500 S., LaPort, IN 46350; phone: 219-785-2972; e-mail: thebirdieman@verizon.net
Vice President — Frank Lamm, PO Box 110, Lebanon, IN 46052; phone: 765-676-5600, 866-907-PEST; e-mail: bugs@pestdetectivellc.com
Secretary — Stu Grell, 2220 E. 1400 N., Attica, IN 47918; phone: 765-572-2207; cell: 765-363-2207; e-mail: sgrell@tds.net
Treasurer — Travis Allen, 6862 Jackson St., Attica, IN 47918; phone: 765-585-3284; e-mail: allenscrittercontrol@yahoo.com
NTA Director — Stu Grell, 2220 E. 1400 N., Attica, IN 47918; phone: 765-572-2207; cell: 765-363-2207; e-mail: sgrell@tds.net
FTA Director — Doyle Flory, 2094 Fir Road, Tippecanoe, IN 46570; phone: 574-498-6354;
e-mail: doyleflory@hotmail.com
Furbearer Biologist — VACANT
Directors of Membership — Randy Sowder, Bill Crum and Jim McIntyre
We will be raffling off two guns this year for fundraising. Tickets will be available starting in February and we will draw the winners at the state convention in September.
Our first FBU/ISTA banquet will be held Feb. 27 in Lafayette and we are getting guns and other prizes lined up. Hope to see a lot of you there.
We had 20 students at our trapper ed class at Raccoon Lake Nov. 7. Thanks go to Bill Lewis, Travis Allen and Tom Setzer for helping out with the instruction. The pot of beaver soup was devoured by the group.
— Stu Grell