In Passing: Harold W. Hoppe


July 5th 1921 to March 21, 2013

Harold entered the military on December 30, 1944 and served two years overseas near Seoul, Korea. When Harold sold the milk cows, he had spare time to trap. I was familiar with Hubbard County Minnesota, and we trapped many hundreds of Beaver, as well as catching our limits of Fisher.Harold’s fur shed was something to see. A 24’ x 50’ shed filled with pelts, was an awesome sight to behold. Harold was an excellent skinner, with his array of knives, many that he had made from band saw blades. Harold was very handy at making about anything he needed.

Very seldom did Harold miss a Trapping Convention to stock up on his favorite lures, and spare trap parts, and visit with other trappers that he learned to know over the years.

Harold was 28 years older than myself and he was a beaver trapper mentor to me. I consider myself very fortunate to have spent the trapping seasons with him, that created all those memories. Harold made seven trips to Alaska between 2002-2008 moose hunting and fishing. He really did enjoy the outdoors. Harold tended a large garden right up to his last year, at his home farm. He stayed very active for a fellow of his age.

Harold is survived by his three daughters, Diane, Doris, and Darlene who kept a watchful eye on Harold until his passing. Harold’s wife Gladys, passed away fourteen years ago.

Harold will surely be missed!

— Submitted by Jerry L. Rapp

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