President — Mike Gragert, 511 S. 5th St., New Douglas, IL 62074; 618-637-9061; gfur@madisontelco.com
Vice President — Carroll Williams, RR4 Box 135, Fairfield, IL 62837; 618-516-2275;
Secretary — Wes Johnson, 26704 N. 3360 East Road, Chenoa, IL 61726; 815-419-5204;
Treasurer — Bill Paulsen, 2443 Penn Blvd., Lake Villa, IL 60046
Membership Director — Cody Champ, 9530 E. Meadows Road, Mt. Vernon, IL 62864
NTA Director — Angela Billings, RR 1 Box 127, Stronghurst, IL 61480; 309-221-1593;
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription — $20
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
ITA, Treasurer
Bill Paulsen, 2443 Penn Blvd.
Lake Villa, IL 60046
The following is a sample of the Illinois Trappers Association Officers and Board of Directors Ballot for 2013:
To vote: Make an “X” in the appropriate box next to candidate(s) for whom you choose to vote. Only an “X” will be counted as valid; any other marks or significations will invalidate this ballot. On the director’s portion of the ballot, be sure to vote for no more than 15 candidates; voting for more than 15 will invalidate the ballot.
Officers (Vote for one only for each officer by making an “X” in the appropriate box):
Vice-President: Carroll Williams Neal Graves
Secretary: Wes Johnson
Treasurer: Bill Paulsen
Board of Directors (Vote for no more than 15 by making an “X” in the appropriate box):
Joe McCall
Cody Champ
Rod Schrage
Kraig Kaatz
Angela Billings
Tim Kelley
Paul Kelley
Chris Kaforski
Joe House
Dean Corgiat
Robert Steinkamp