President — Paul Kelley, P.O. Box 75, Hudson, IL 61748; phone: 309-726-1443; e-mail:
Vice President — Carroll Williams RR4 Box 135, Fairfield, IL 62837; phone: 618-516-2275; e-mail:
Secretary — Dean Corgiat, 620 Clarksville Rd., Pittsfield, IL. 62363; phone: 217-285-4984; e-mail:
Treasurer — Timothy M. Kelley, 17458 Tice Rd., Petersburg, IL 62675; phone: 217-632-3521; e-mail:
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
ITA, Treasurer
Tim Kelley, 17458 Tice Rd.
Petersburg, IL 62675
Our annual IDNR/ITA meeting was again held on March 8 at the IDNR building. The attendance was somewhat smaller this year than usual on both sides. For those that have been holding your breath for an otter season, take another breath because this will not happen until after election. I guess proper management has become all too political. Cable restraint legislation falls into the same category as the above issue. Even though the eight or nine issues on the agenda didn’t gain much traction. We plan to keep the door open, and come back after the election as we’ve done since 1968.
To inform those of you that might not have been aware of the bill in the House, HB-5799. To start with I was informed of this legislation only minutes after its introduction by Geoff Kishbaugh who is a fellow IFOR board member. In reading the language, all restrictions on body gripping traps were stricken from the language. Good says some, but that isn’t what the action intended to accomplish. The bill was introduced February 10, and I called the bill sponsor the next day to see what his intentions was with HB-5799. Rep. Ed Sullivan related to me of a situation that occurred on Nov. 15, 2008 in his District of a dog being caught and killed on a golf course in a 220. The trapper as I’m told had permission to trap on the course, but would have been better served if he’d thought about when and when not to use.
A local resident, walking on the golf course cart path, admittedly unleashed his dog, and now we have problems. Irv Schirmer, President of FTA Chapter 17 I, Kraig Kaatz, NTA President, Paul Cope, Illinois Farm Bureau, Lee Stewart, Dave Walton, myself and Bob Bluett, IDNR all met with Rep. Sullivan in his office in Springfield.
Progress was made, or so it seemed at the time. Our intended solution became a problem when brought before the IDNR, both in Law Enforcement and Safety Education. The amendment was discussed on March 8 with IDNR at our annual meeting, with strong opposition to the proposed language from IDNR. March 9, House Ag committee hearing at 2 p.m.
From early morning on the 9th till time to convene, I talked to the House Ag committee members , expressing IDNR’s opposition to the amendment. Less than two minutes before 2, the Legislative liaison declared that IDNR would remain neutral. Changed complexion, both with the bill and me, because with the neutral stance the bill would pass through the committee. Rep. Sullivan said he would come back to committee with any future language changes, plus it had to meet our approval.
The bill failed to get past third reading by the set deadline for passage, therefore it returned to Rules. We will need to keep an ever vigilant eye on this legislation. Our Legislative Chairman, Lee Stewart has decided to move to Florida to be near his kids, so if you are not aware of Lee’s efforts, let’s say we have a Grand Canyon size hole to fill. Are there any members out there, retired or otherwise, willing to try? Contact me if you have a feel for legislation and computer skills.
For any of you having a student in college, look into our Richard Daniel Memorial Scholarship which is a $1,000 dollar award for those studying in wildlife management or related sciences. Applications need to be back to me by June 1, 2010 so contact me for an application if you are interested.
Our “Young Trappers Camp” will be held again at Lake Carlyle, Lotus Camp on Sept. 10-11-12. First 25 to call will be accepted for this camp. Trapper Education class, plus many extra’s and best thing of all, IT’S FREE !! Call Paul Kelley at 309-726-1443 or Mike Gragert at 618-637-9061 This year, we are down to five cabins, so if you have a tent , bring it. Camping gear for the weekend is needed.
This year I made the IGOLD march in Springfield. One thing for sure, the crowd was large, somewhere between 6,500 to 8,000 by some figures. I couldn’t count that far so just took someone else’s word for the numbers. But to say a sea of yellow caps and t-shirted people walking from the Prairie Capitol Convention Center to the State Capitol Building is quite impressive. I made the rounds of legislators while down there, and know for sure that all the secretaries and legislators knew we were there. Only problem I could see, was it happened on the same day as the Governor’s budget speech, therefore we wasn’t the biggest show in town, or so I’m told.
Before I forget to make mention of this fact. Seems everyone wants to send e-mails to legislators rather than picking up the phone and calling or better yet, personal contact at their offices. E-mails are most helpful, but if the price of phones calls are too costly, set aside the price of five muskrats for next year’s expenses for legislative effort. Just a thought!
Dean Corgiat judged the best furbearer mount at the 2010 Taxidermist Convention in Springfield this past Saturday. He picked a unique coyote mount, approaching a dirthole set, with the wooden base in the design of a long spring trap, with the coyote standing on the spring. One heck of a job just on the base, let alone the mount. Good job Dean.
I attended the Mid-West leadership meeting in Normal on March 13. Fairly small turn out, but cream rises to the top. One thing I came away with was the problems we are having with comments, pictures and video’s on many of the Internet forums. Kraig indicated the anti’s use of pictures in several cases in other states, to debunk what we are saying in the committees’.
We know first hand here in our state that the cable restraint legislation was attacked with one such picture. The old saying, a picture is worth a thousand words, was never more evident than when several legislators showed us this picture being used by our adversaries.
Be more careful of what you say or show that can and will be used to prove their point.
Our new website can be accessed at
Enough for now, take care and stay in touch. — Paul Kelley