Illinois Trappers Association January 2010 Report

President — Paul Kelley, P.O. Box 75, Hudson, IL 61748; phone: 309-726-1443; e-mail:

Vice President — Carroll Williams RR4 Box 135, Fairfield, IL 62837; phone: 618-516-2275;

Secretary — Dean Corgiat, 620 Clarksville Rd., Pittsfield, IL. 62363; phone: 217-285-4984;

Treasurer — Timothy M. Kelley, 17458 Tice Rd., Petersburg, IL 62675; phone: 217-632-3521;

Membership Options:

• Individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $20

Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:

ITA, Treasurer
Tim Kelley, 17458 Tice Rd.
Petersburg, IL 62675


Here it is the day after Thanksgiving and we’re still trying to get the corn crop out. It’s been so wet around here that it’s very difficult to combine and get the corn out of the field, but the moisture content has been so high that the elevators’ can only dry so much daily, therefore long waiting lines. We are down to about the last 70-75 acres, so maybe we are able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. My trapping has been on hold until the end of harvest, but I’m looking forward to getting a little done before season’s end.

I did take time out for about a day and half for deer hunting. I was lucky enough to nail a nine-point buck just about 4 p.m. on Friday. Around noon on Saturday, back to the corn harvest. I would imagine that the overall deer harvest for the first season would be down due to all the standing corn yet in the field.

I hope that all of you that are trapping at present save some of your furs for our ITA fur auctions that are scheduled for Jan. 9, 2010, at Odell Community Bldg. in Odell, IL. or Fairfield, IL at the fairgrounds on Jan. 23, 2010. For both locations, the doors will open at 6 a.m. for receiving furs. Only green skinned or dried furs will be accepted, absolutely no whole animals. For more info, call me at 309-726-1443 evenings.

We can always use extra hands for these sales for grading and bundling furs, so if interested volunteer to give us a hand for the benefit of the association.

One of the newest things to come about is the Interstate Center, where the 2003 NTA convention was held and the location for the Deer and Turkey Classic, has been sold to a local implement dealership. On Feb. 26-28 it will be the location of the D/T Classic and we definitely can use some volunteer help at this event. After these dates, it’s anyone’s guess as to where events such as these will be held in the Bloomington/Normal area.

This is a very brief report, but I try to emphasize the most urgent and current events. Keep eyes and ears attuned to any anti-trapping efforts in your local areas, and be sure to call to make us aware.

Stay safe until next month.

— Paul Kelley

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