President — Hance Clayton, 4355 W. 49th St., Idaho Falls, ID 83402; ph: 208-524-6304; 208-521-8404; e-mail:
Vice President — Patrick Carney, P.O. Box 861, Mountain Home, ID 83647; ph: 208-599-5009
Secretary — Michelle Gutierrez, 3725 NE McCoy Lane, Mountain Home, ID 83647; ph: 208-587-5931; e-mail:
Treasurer — Tammy Jewett, 1770 NE Beaman Rd., Mountain Home, ID 83647; ph: 208-587-6822; e-mail:
NTA Director — Dan Davis, 2741 E 200 N St., Anthony, ID 83445; ph: 208-458-4303; e-mail:
Election Oversight Committee Chairman — Michelle Gutierrez, 3725 NE McCoy Lane, Mountain Home, ID 83647
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to T&PC — $25.50
• Family membership with subscription — $30.50
• Life Membership — $500
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
ITA, Secretary
Michelle Gutierrez
3725 NE McCoy Lane
Mountain Home, ID 83647
We had a great fur sale. The results are posted on website. Prices were good on most furs. The help was great at the fur sale, the ladies really out did themselves checking in the furs and taking care of the computers. We all owe a special thank you to Michelle who put this fur sale together and made it run smoothly.
We had our general membership meeting at the fur sale, where we inducted four new members into the ITA Hall of fame, Walter Okamoto, Steve Jewett, Hance Clayton, Vince Harrison. We discussed existing rules that were implemented last year, which were the campground picnic areas and trail head issues. We also discussed the need for input on proposed new rules on break away’s for snares. We need your input ASAP as we are going to sit down with Fish & Game to go over them. Your voice will be heard here, so make sure we hear it.
We also discussed the need for the general membership to become part of the different committees we need to have for this organization to run (i.e. election committee, fur sale committee, letter/legal committee), please do you part and tell us what you can do. If you are only on one committee, it does not take up a lot of your time. We also decided that the ITA members will sell tickets for a Fur Bearers Unlimited (FBU) gun raffle, the rifle is supplied by FBU. We sell one hundred tickets at $20.00 each. The winning ticket will be drawn at the summer convention in Fairfield July 23, 2011. Please contact myself, Dan Davis, or Michelle for tickets or information. We also decided that we would have an FBU banquet in Boise in August. The FBU banquet is like a Duck’s Unlimited banquet or Rocky Mountain Elk foundation banquet. We have eleven members that are on the committee to help organize it. Dan Davis is the Chairman. More information will be coming.
We are working on the website to provide information on trapper education classes and information on new rules etc.
There will a trapper ed class in Jerome Idaho on May 7 and 8, 2011 at the Jerome Region Fish and Game headquarters, 208-324-4350. The instructor is Steve Roberts 208-316-3414. This class will be for instructors and students. You do not have to be an ITA member to be an instructor or student. We need more trappers to be instructors. Also let anyone that is just starting to trap or has shown as interest in trapping know of these classes.
The convention this summer will be July 22-24, 2011 in Fairfield at the same location as last year. More information will be posted on the website and in our newsletters. We are also looking at possibly have a convention in northern Idaho for 2012. If there is enough interests up there for one. So if you would like to have one up there, please let myself, Michelle or Sean west know. We are also searching for a location, if you think you know of one please let Sean west know. I’ll close for now, as it is time to start boiling traps and putting equipment away.
— Patrick B. Carney
The fur sale season is about to wrap up. With the way the economy has played out, the fur market was rocky. But as it turned out, our fur sales (results are posted on the ITA website) were pretty darn good especially the March fur sale. Not only the prices, but the help that was offered. I would like to thank many people personally – Mr and Mrs. Herrman from Colorado who helped with the raffle table monies, new members to the association Mr. Nelson, Mr. Campbell (both from Washington state), Mr Clemenhagen from Challis who assisted with the checking in of fur both days and manning the kitchen. Mr. and Mrs. Steidl for cooking lunch in the kitchen while Mr. Jewett was bar-b-queing outside. Mrs. Kramer, Mrs Jewett, Mrs. Carney and Mr. Collinge who were magnificent in working the computer program. There were too many to mention who helped on the floor.
Also trappers could not sell their fur in one location in a timely manner as this, if it wasn’t for the buyers who offer the great prices. Just know that everyone was great and very appreciated!!!!!!
Congratulations are in order for the members who received the Idaho Trappers Association Hall of Fame award, Walter Okamoto (Mesa), Steve Jewett (Bruneau), Hance Clayton (Idaho Falls), Vince Harrison (Ucon). Each and everyone of these gentlemen have gone beyond the call of duty as a trapper in the state of Idaho. If you have any questions of the trade, please contact them or someone from the ITA board.
ITA is planning two sales in 2012, January and March in Mountain Home Idaho at the National Guard Armory. Plan to attend each event. A lot of good information comes from these events. Our convention will be held July 23, 2011 in Fairfield Idaho. Vendors are welcomed at the fur sales and convention, just let Michelle know ahead of schedule. Please check out ITA website for more information or contact Michelle 208-587-5931.
The ITA elections are coming up. If you have not voted, please do so. This is important and will help the association run smoothly with more helping out.
Trappers education classes are being offered state wide. Need more information, please contact Dan at 208-458-4303 or Patrick at 208-599-5009.
Anyone interested in joining us at the Western Convention in John Day Oregon this year, please check out the National Trappers Association website for more details. Looking forward to seeing everyone and meeting new friends.
Thank you.
— Michelle Gutierrez
To all,
I just wanted to say thanks for all the help at the fur sale. That was one heck of a big sale. I wish we could have more of those!!! We had the Challis group come in early and help set up and get the hides moving to the tables. I really appreciate all the help everyone gave!! It showed Great teamwork! The Kramer crew with the computer and everything Rusty helping Michelle get things tracked in. Vince was great on the clean up by then I was done! Shawn got some exercise running to buyers and Tammy and Tina getting stuff tracked in.
It was nice to have the Fish and Game there for questions and answers. Anyway I could go on forever about people helping. It was one of the best sales I have been to people pitching in and stuff. I just wanted to say A BIG THANKS people for all the help. It was appreciated!! Hope the next ones can go as smooth as that! Oh don’t forget Bryan was there thanks to cell phones!!!
— Jaye, ITA Member