President — Hance Clayton, 4355 W. 49th St., Idaho Falls, ID 83402; phone: 208-524-6304; 208-521-8404; e-mail:
Vice President — Vince Harrison, P.O. Box 412, Ucon, ID 83454; phone: 208-524-0082
Secretary — Michelle Gutierrez, P.O. Box 405, Mountain Home, ID 83647; phone: 208-587-5931; e-mail:
Treasurer — Tammy Jewett, 1770 NE Beaman Rd., Mountain Home, ID 83647; phone: 208-587-6822; e-mail:
NTA Director — Dan Davis, 2741 E 200 N St.,Anthony, ID 83445; phone: 208-458-4303; e-mail:
Election Oversight Committee Chairman — Corry Hatch, 1917 One Mile Rd., Grace, ID 83241,
phone: 208-705-7068
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $25.50
• Family membership with subscription — $30.50
• Life Membership — $500
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
ITA, Secretary
Michelle Gutierrez
P.O. Box 405
Mountain Home, ID 83647
Idaho Trappers, the elections are complete and it looks like I will be your president for a couple more years. The two newly established board member positions were approved and the elected representatives are Johnny Wisenhunt from McCall, Idaho and Sean West from Coeur d Alene, Idaho. Jim Kramer was reelected for another two-year term. Congratulations, we need enthusiastic folks that are willing to step up and help us keep our trapping heritage. I am pleased to get the two folks from Northern Idaho we have needed representation from there for sometime.
Remember, our convention is the 14th, 15th and 16th of August at the State campgrounds in McCall, Idaho. We will be setting up on the 14th and the demonstrations and main events will be Saturday the 15th. We have several trap supply vendors and some jam-up demonstrations scheduled. We will serve breakfast Saturday morning and hickory smoked barbecue in the afternoon. This is for YOU the members and anyone else that you would like to bring. ALL trappers are welcome.
Plan on attending, bring a pot-luck dish or fresh garden vegetables. Also bring items for our fundraising auction. We have many items to raffle off. These items have been donated by merchants that support our organization. The new Idaho Fish and Game furbearer biologist Steve Nadeau and another biologist, Rita Dixon, will be present to give a talk. This is a time to learn, ask questions and voice your opinion. Be courteous and respectful.
This is not a Fish and Game bashing forum. Steve has some good ideas and wants to invigorate the furbearer program. Remember, this next year is the time to make changes to the hunting and trapping regulations. Let me know your thoughts on things that should be changed in our trapping regulations. I plan on trying to get the bait law made clearer. It is at present contradictory and confusing. I still plan on submitting a suggestion for a limited fisher season even though a group of anti’s have requested that the fisher in the west be put on the endangered species list.
I am sad to report that one of our longtime members, Jim McNevin has passed away. May he rest in peace and be remembered always in the Idaho trapping community.
The Idaho trappers education is still looking for instructors. This topic will also be discussed at the convention.
Keep an eye and ear open for the anti-trapping rhetoric and letters written to the opinion pages of the Idaho newspapers, especially the Idaho Statesman. These folks claim to have 200 plus members and they are committed to doing away with trapping in Idaho, one bite at a time.
See you in McCall 14-16 August.
— Hance Clayton