Georgia Trappers Association March 2009 Report

President — Earl Thompson,5079 High Rock Rd., Pitts, GA 31072;phone: 229-648-6475; e-mail:

Vice President — Gary Newman, 1182 Hwy 107, Denton, GA 31532; phone: 912-375-3795

Correspondence Secretary — C.R. Benson, 139 Waterway Court, Macon, GA 31220; phone: 478-935-2940; e-mail:

Membership Secretary/Treasurer — Tommy Key, P.O. Box 1005, Pine Mountain, GA 31822; phone: 706-628-4686

Legislative Director — Gene Pritchett., 107 Seaboard Rd., Jesup, GA 31545; phone: 912-586-6905

NTA Director — Rusty Johnson, Rt. 1, Chula, GA 31733; phone: 229-382-2499

F.T.A. Director ­— C.R. Benson, 139 Waterway Court, Macon, GA 31220; phone: 478-935-2940; e-mail:

Executive Director — Wade Keys, 3158 East Fairview Rd., McDonough, GA 30252, phone: 770-388-7951

Membership Options:
• Regular membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• Lifetime membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $300

Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
GTA, Membership Secretary/Treasurer
Tommy Key
P.O. Box 1005, Pine Mountain, GA 31822


The preacher said something about “not being rocket science,” and I got to thinking about how folks use that phrase to make something sound simple, like setting traps for example. But if you think about it, maybe we should approach trapping like it really is rocket science. Rocket science, after all, is attention to detail. Would you want to ride in a rocket that some engineer designed without attention to detail? Or that was built by a crew without attention to detail? “What’s this little do-hickey?” “Oh, I don’t know. Just leave it out; no one will know.”

Sometimes folks get all caught up in trying to create a “new” set or make things more complicated than they have to be when really all they should be doing is paying attention to the details. Think about how many critters have been fooled by a simple dirthole set. Now think about how many critters have been educated by a poorly constructed dirthole set. Somebody was in a hurry to get out a bunch of traps, paying more attention to the number of sets than to properly setting each trap. Critter came along, stepped on a poorly bedded trap and now is wise to the dirthole. Attention to detail. And now the trapper starts trying to invent another way to fool the critter he just educated. It really is rocket science! Just pay attention to the details.

Ever notice how it seems like when you fill your waders with water it’s always the coldest day of the year? Reckon why that is? And along the same line you may have also noticed that the water is always just a little bit deeper than your waders!

Over the last three years here in Southwest Georgia we’re about 31 inches short of the normal annual rainfall total. There’s water standing in some places now that haven’t had water in them in years, but we’re already over three inches behind in the first month of the new year. I always wonder where all the beavers go when the swamps and creeks dry up.

With the fur market in such bad shape, now might be a good time to consider using your furs to have a jacket or a vest made. I bet “somebody” would appreciate it!

‘Til next time – good trapping.

— Steve Rainey

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