Georgia Trappers Association September 2014 Report

President — Russ Carter, 287 David Road, Baxley, GA 31513; (912) 367-4887; cell (912) 256-1721;

Vice President — Mike Gibson, 291 Kersey Road, Elko, GA 30125; (478) 952-2105

Correspondence Secretary — Steve Rainey, 1923 Beattie Road, Albany, Ga 31707; 229-449-9533;

Membership Secretary/Treasurer — Randy Zerwig, 35978 GA Hwy 23 N, Metter, GA 30439; (912) 685-6222; cell (912) 682-7256;

Legislative Director — Lee Riley, 331 Lake Drive, Pine Mtn, GA 31822; (706) 977-8108

NTA Director — Rusty Johnson, Route 1, Chula, GA 31733; (229) 382-2499; cell (229) 445-1388;

Executive Director — Travis LeMay, P.O. Box 1564; McDonough, GA 30253; (678) 395-1708;

General Organizer — Kelvin Mosley, 515 Cleon Moseley Lane, Reidsville, Ga 30453; (912) 237-7696; cell (912) 585-6769;


Membership Options:

• Regular membership including subscription to T&PC — $25

• Lifetime membership with subscription to T&PC — $300


Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:

GTA, Membership Secretary/Treasurer

Holly Zerwig

P.O. Box 613

Metter, GA 30439



Any trapper in southwest Georgia trying to get a jump on preparing for the upcoming season by collecting dry dirt has had a hard time of it this summer. We’ve had only two consecutive weeks without rain. It’s hard to complain about rain after so many years of prolonged drought (no trouble collecting dry dirt then), but it’s made summer activities very different. The Flint River has been exceptionally high, making the pursuit of shoal bass difficult. Not impossible really, you can pursue them all you want, you just won’t catch many.

Wading the local creeks catching a variety of bream on a fly rod is a favorite summer pastime. If you get hot, you just blow like a boar gator and sink below the surface, come back up cool and refreshed and ready to keep fishing! It’s also a great way to keep up with the comings and goings of the local furbearer population. Been seeing lots of otter sign along the banks and some beaver cuttings in unusual places.

Something to think about — While in Vietnam during the mid-sixties a popular saying seen on helmets, flax-jackets, and engraved on Zippo lighters said “For those who have fought for it, freedom has a meaning the sheltered will never know.” The same thing applies to the freedom to trap. Too many young trappers take the privilege for granted because they’ve never had to defend it.

The annual convention is coming up in Barnesville again this year under the direction of Travis Lemay. Make your plans to attend. Unfortunately for me I will be unable to attend since I will be working at the peanut mill again. Try to round up as much merchandise for the auction as you can – the more stuff the better the auction.

Something else to think about – There’s a big difference between being selfish and being selfless. Are your decisions based on what’s good for you, or what’s good for others? Where would we be as a country if those who came before us had thought only of themselves rather than the country as a whole? What about if whole generations only considered themselves and not succeeding generations? Are you selfish or selfless?

Wow, the “fur boom,” if that’s what you could call a couple of years of increasing prices, didn’t last long, did it? Hope some of you were lucky enough to enjoy the profits while they were available. The outlook for the coming season certainly doesn’t look too optimistic. Trappers will keep on trapping; those strictly looking to make money will have to find something else to occupy their time.

One last thing to think about – President John F. Kennedy said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” Put “the GTA” in place of “country” and you have a very applicable current admonition.

Rattling chains to everyone and enjoy the convention! — Steve Rainey


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