President — Gene Pritchett, 107 Seaboard Road, Jesup, GA 31545; phone: 912-586-6905
Vice President — Gary Newman, 1182 Hwy 107, Denton, GA 31532; phone: 912-375-3795
Correspondence Secretary — Steve Rainey, 1923 Beattie Road, Albany, Ga 31707; phone: 229-449-9533
Membership Secretary/Treasurer — Tommy Key, P.O. Box 1005, Pine Mountain, GA 31822; phone: 706-628-4686
Legislative Director — Ted Gustin, 494 Eastside Drive, Thomaston, GA 30286; phone: 706-648-1951
NTA Director — Rusty Johnson, Rt. 1, Chula, GA 31733; phone: 229-382-2499
F.T.A. Director — 92 Rocky Point Road, Covington, GA 30014; phone: 404-402-2207
Executive Director — Chris Johnson, 2448 U.S. Hwy 411 S.E., Fairmount, GA 30139, phone: 706-337-5608
General Organizer — Teresa Keys, 3158 East Fairview Road, McDonough, GA 30252; phone: 770-388-7951
I’ve had a similar conversation with several men about my age; it seems that somewhere along the way when we were boys we all had a favorite “wilderness” area where we could pretend we were the first to explore or catch box turtles, build lean-to huts and generally discover Nature’s ways. Then, one day, we found signs of encroachment in the form of surveyor’s stakes, in a natural boy kind of response we pulled the stakes out, moved them around or knocked them over. Not that it did any good, in those places that were so special to little boys, there are now houses, roads, shopping centers — signs of progress they call it.
Just down the road from where I live now, there used to be a country store, Howell’s Grocery; it was a landmark for that part of the county. Back in the ‘90s, during the trapping season, Plott Hide and Fur Company and another buyer would send trucks to that site and trappers came from all over to sell their furs. The store has been gone for some time now, but the site remained pretty much unchanged including a huge old pine and two spreading live oaks that served as reminders of those good days during a long trapping career.
That was until recently… Then the familiar surveyor’s stakes appeared followed by heavy equipment, and a road widening project was underway. I suppose there are some who think that pushing down a 100-year-old pine tree in order to widen a road is a sure sign of progress. I just call it destruction. I don’t reckon the folks that will get to add 5 to 10 miles per hour to their speed with a wider road will ever miss that old pine tree, but I will.
The History Channel had a Monster Quest segment on the other day and I got to thinking, I sure hope if anybody catches “Big Foot” in a coyote trap, they won’t do like the folks that killed “Hogzilla” and bury him then have to dig him up to verify the catch. Oh, and make sure to take lots of pictures!
Rattling chains and bouncing coyotes.
— Steve Rainey